

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Weekly update - 9/17/15 - A new crown, a Penny book, and no jury duty...

Hello everyone!  First of all, I'm thinking that for the next while, this is mostly how I'll write a post.  A little of this and a little of that.  I'll try not to make them too long.  I'm not feeling the whole 'book review' thing right now, so I'm going to do tiny reviews and also talk about what I'm listening to and anything else that might be pertinent to my life.  This seems much more relaxing.  Just a little chat.

Life in General...

Life is good.  My ear is totally healed and not bothering me anymore.  I've lost a bit more weight and am happy with that.  I had my permanent crown put on my tooth this afternoon and the bite feels good - yay!  I have an endocrinologist appointment on Friday morning to get a second opinion about my potential meds and also to talk about carbs and understand what might be best for me in my food intake and also exercise.  If I must take meds, I will, but I want to see if I might be able to avoid it with a little knowledge and hard work.

I was scheduled for jury duty tomorrow, but it has been cancelled.  Am I disappointed?  Yes, I am.  OK, here's a little secret.  I have always wanted to be on a jury.  My husband has been on several and a foreman once.  I've been eligible for 40 years and have had exactly 2 jury summons.  Both were cancelled.  I know many of you probably don't feel that way, but I'd love to see the process once in my life before I can become exempt because of old age.  Ha!  Have you ever been on a jury?

Life in Reading...

I guess I'll start with the book I'm listening to.  I finished The Girl Who Played With Fire and have moved on to The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest.  Both Stieg Larsson books.  Totally enjoying my reread of the trilogy and look forward to the new book, The Girl In The Spider's Web.  Before I listen to the latest Lisbeth book, I'm going to try The Yard by Alex Grecian on audio.  It's for my mystery group meeting in early October.  We're focused on historical mysteries set in the 1800's for this one.  The Yard is the first in a series about the beginnings of Scotland Yard, after Jack the Ripper.

And I'd also like to read at least one other book before the meeting, probably in print.  I'm thinking of Deanna Raybourn's newest, A Curious Beginning, the start of new series for her.  I've enjoyed Raybourn's other series with Lady Julia Grey and her secret agent husband.

I'm participating in the RIPX challenge for September and October, but not all my books will be part of that.  I recently finished reading The Admissions by Meg Mitchell Moore.  It's the story of a family, a very busy family.  There are three daughters, a husband, a wife and lots going on.  Secrets abound.  The husband has a big one.  The oldest daughter has one as well, as does the wife.  Admission to Harvard is important to the daughter, but I think the title could apply to other admissions that eventually occur as things hidden cannot stay hidden forever.  I loved another book by this author, The Arrivals, a few years ago.  I liked this one quite a bit, but maybe not as much as The Arrivals.  The pace this family was forced to maintain was fairly daunting and anxiety inducing.  I felt exhausted just reading about it!

Next I read Margaret Maron's 20th Deborah Knott mystery, Long Upon The Land.  Oh, I loved this book.  This is a favorite series of mine and it has been for years and years.  Sadly (for all this author's fans) this will be the last Judge Deborah Knott book.  Maron says that Deborah might appear in a short story again, but no more full length tales.  I was delighted with this 20th series book because we were treated to the story of how Kezzie Knott and Sue Stephenson met, fell in love, and married, way back in the 1940's.  Kezzie Knott, a bootlegger, widower, and father of 8 (yes, 8) little boys marries Susan Stephenson, daughter of a prominent local attorney, a woman with a great desire to make a difference and give something back.  She becomes the mother of those boys and has 3 more of her own, plus a daughter.  Did I say I loved this book?  So, basically now, I want to begin with first book, Bootlegger's Daughter, and read them all again.  And I may just do that.

Right now, I'm reading Linda Castillo's latest Kate Burkholder mystery, After The Storm.  Enjoying it very much.  I always love a visit to Painter's Mill.  This one includes a horrific tornado.  Plus some Boy Scouts helping with the tornado cleanup find some bones - human bones.

Life in Reading - What's Next...

Upcoming reading - well, today I received (finally) my signed copy of Louise Penny's latest book, The Nature Of The Beast.  I ordered it from the Poisoned Pen Bookstore and it took a while to come.  Penny did not do an event at the Poisoned Pen this year, so signed copies were a little slow to be stocked.  I'm all ready to go with it and think it will be next on the stack.  After that, well - something creepy or horror-like.  I'm planning on joining in to the 'Salem's Lot Read a Long that some bloggers are scheduling for October.  It's been years and years since I last visited the dark woods of Maine that Mr. King has made so familiar to many of us.  Want to join in?

I'll be back next week with another update.  And I plan to have a post on the 28th that features Banned Books Week.  Stay tuned!


  1. Your chat was very enjoyable, Kay. I'm a firm believer in blogging in a manner that works for the individual and not being pressured into reviewing books when you're not in the mood or don't have time. I hope you get all your meds worked out and feel happier about the whole thing. I haven't been called for jury service, no idea why, just never happened. Great books you've been reading!

    1. Thanks for the good words, Cath! I appreciate it very much.

  2. Glad you are feeling better! I've only served on a jury once, but it was a Federal case and very interesting. The sense of responsibility was tremendous.

    I loved the first book in the Lady Julia Gray series, but the others I read didn't have the same spark for me, and I was disappointed in A Curious Beginning as I was hoping to like it more than I did.

    1. I'm hoping I like A Curious Beginning. We'll see how it goes. Federal case for jury duty - wow. I can understand what you say about the sense of responsibility.

  3. I've never served on a jury but my husband has more than once. My mom has always wanted to serve on one and was excited to get a summons recently - they dismissed her when they found out she's 88.

    1. Too bad, Kathy! I bet she would have made a fine juror. I'm hoping that since this one was cancelled (apparently all the trials were cancelled for some reason), I'll get another.

  4. You pack so much information, into one post! Hooray-you!!!! And thank you.

    1. Hope it wasn't too long. When I got through with it, I did wonder. LOL

  5. I just got a new crown this morning :) Glad its done and now I can eat a steak again, lol. Sorry your jury duty was canceled. I've been called 3 times in 35 years and served on two juries. Interesting process, for sure. The Admissions has been on my radar for the same reason as you - I really enjoyed The Arrivals. I've only read the first Louise Penny book so it'll be a while before I get to The Nature of the Beast. I hope you enjoy it!

    1. Good luck with your crown, Mary. My gums are really sore in one place today, but I think that's where they were scraping off some of the cement for the temporary. I suspect in a few days all will be well. I'll be curious to see what you think about The Admissions. I liked it well enough, but I do think I liked the previous one better.

  6. I've only been on a jury once, and was all geared up to play the Henry Fonda role in Twelve Angry Men, when the accused changed his plea to guilty at the last minute. I was sooo disappointed! Never been called again - boohoo! I enjoyed The Yard and have been hearing good things about the later books in the series - must catch up! Glad to hear things are stabilising a bit healthwise. :)

    1. Good to know that you had a nice experience with The Yard. Yes, I've heard that the action ramps up in later books in the series - as in, Jack comes back maybe. And thanks for the good wishes!

  7. I was recently on jury duty, calling in every night for 5 nights... but did not have to go in. That was good for me because work is more intense now than it has ever been. But...I would loved to be picked for a jury, but every time I get to the jury box for questioning they dismiss me. Disappointing.

    Interesting you talking about Margaret Maron. I have read two of the Deborah Knott series and two of the Sigrid Harald series. I want to read more of both. I think I was initially put off the Knott series because it is set in the South and I grew up in the South and have difficulty with books set there. But I think I should try again.

    1. I'm kind of wondering if I might be dismissed too. When I filled out the questions they had online, I had to disclose that my father was a career police officer. My husband said one side would hate that and one would love it. Ha! Oh, I think Maron does a good job with the South. She brings up lots of issues that need to be talked about. I can also relate that while this series is at an end, she's now writing another Sigrid Harald book.

  8. I was called to jury duty 2x in my life, and had to cancel due to being a mother of underage children, one disabled. I now wish I had been on one, as my hubby was-- he was sequestered in a hotel for 4 days. I want to see how a real courtroom works! My son has been to court before to observe, as a law student. For a lover of mysteries/procedurals, it would be a learning experience.

    I also love Linda Castillo's series and read them all-- this one was fun! I put A Curious Beginning on my wishlist this morning after reading a glowing review from another blogger. I want to read the Margaret Maron series, but am daunted by the sheer number of them and have always put the first one aside when I had opportunity to read it. Do you think someone can read the first one or two, then skip further into the series and still understand what's happening? I hope I can skip some or it will be a challenge to read this. Possibly will join in the King read-a-long. When I lived in Maine, Mr. King was "king" there and I used to read his books and see him discussed on local tv etc. at that time in my life, but none recently, as his gory horror got to be too much for me.

    Take care of yourself, Kay, as you get over various medical ailments, and doctors' visits. I would like to see you do these chatty posts at least once a week than have you stop blogging altogether. I enjoyed this format today.

    1. Thanks for all the kind words, Rita. I appreciate it. I'm liking this Kate Burkholder book a lot. It has pigs! LOL

      OK, as to the Margaret Maron books, they do build upon the characters as most mystery series do. That being said, you could probably skip around. Things to happen and changes occur. In the beginning Deborah is not married and at the end she is. I do know that 20 books is a lot though. I think Maron does Southern mysteries very well. She brings up lots of questions and talk about things. Also, these books take you all over the state of North Carolina and in one even to NYCity. One book showcases the pottery industry and one the furniture industry and one is set in the mountains during the fall folliage time. Plus there is the gigantic Knott family. I just love them.

  9. By the way, who is doing the 'Salem's Lot Read a Long, thanks!

    1. Oh, Trish from Love, Laughter and Insanity and Melissa from Avid Reader's Musings. Here's the link where Trish talked about it:


  10. I got called for jury duty. Then we went down to go into the courtroom to see if we would be actually picked. But before we got to go in, they postponed and I got to go home. I was actually relieved. Some of the other people I met while waiting had to go on a kidnapping case and they came back to the room traumatized. My husband has been on one murder case for over a week. He enjoyed it. But I know I wouldn't!

    Linda in VA

    1. Yes, my husband says I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I think. He's probably right, but I do think I would find it very interesting.

  11. Yay to the weight loss and healed ear! That's wonderful news, Kay. And about your crown fitting too. :-)

    I have been on a jury before--a murder trial, no less. It was such an interesting and eye opening experience. As a mystery lover, you can imagine, I'm sure. I enjoy jury duty and am always a bit sad when I don't have to go in. Even if it's just to go in and sit for the day waiting to see if they'll need me, I'd be happy because it means a day of "forced" reading. How better to spend one's time waiting? I wouldn't be sad if I landed on a jury either though. I'm one of the lucky ones who still gets my full paycheck when on jury duty, so it really isn't a hardship for me. I know for many though it can be. I'm also in a job where my coworkers are willing to help out as needed. So I don't have to worry too much about work piling up while I'm not in the office.

    I've heard such great things about The Yard. I have a copy I received as a gift awhile ago, but I haven't yet read it. I have a copy of A Curious Beginning to read as well. I'm looking forward to it.

    I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!

    1. Interesting, Wendy. And, yes, the 'free' reading time. I suspect I would be listening to everything I could. And since I don't work outside the home anymore, anytime is perfect. Mostly.

      I'm hoping the the 1800's books work out well. We shall see.

  12. I got called for jury duty once when the kids were very young and got out of it. Haven't been called again, but would kind of like to be. I'm curious about the process.

    The Arrivals has been on my wish list ever since reading your review... your enthusiasm has stuck with me. I'm interested in The Admissions, too.

    I like this post - very chatty and informative - and am with you on not feeling the whole book review thing. This format is a perfect alternative!

    Glad you're feeling better. Hope you have a great week :)

    1. Thanks, JoAnn! I did like writing this update. It was like a little letter to everyone. Don't know that this is what I'll do all the time, but it is certainly convenient and it also seems to prompt people to chat a bit back. LOL

  13. I'm glad I'm not the only one who wants jury duty! I was called once but the notice was sent to an old address and I was also a stay at home mom with small children and by the time I got the notice it was too late to do anything about it so it was cancelled. My husband had it when we were dating and found it interesting though the trial he was on was civil. I knew someone who was on a capital murder case and apparently that was a bit disturbing but interesting at the same time. Pretty much I want all your books - especially the Louise Penny. I'm starting to dig my way out from under my massive review stack so I'm hoping to be able to get to the first book in the series soon. Love how you did this! It was very fun to read.

    1. Thanks, Katherine! Appreciate the support. My husband was on two criminal cases and he doesn't think I would like it as well as I imagine. Moot point right now though.

  14. Glad you everything is looking up. I think you have a good system for your blogging. (does that make sense) That is how I write mine also. I am not able to read as much as I would like so don't have as much to share. But seems like I have some followers and it is fun. So I keep on trying. :)

    1. You do have followers and I think you do a good job sharing your reading and TV watching. I enjoy it!

  15. I'm so glad you're feeling better and that your ear is healed, Kay!

    I enjoy reading your posts so whatever format works great to me! Most of all, I like how your warm and friendly personality show through your words and it makes me feel as if we've met in person despite we are so many miles apart! :)

    1. Oh, you are so sweet, Melody! I feel the same way about you. Yes, we might be far, far away from each other, but we can talk just the same. And share our book experiences. :-)

  16. Yay for feeling better! And you can blog however you want to! :)

    I love jury duty! I've only been on one and thought it was fascinating. I was the last picked juror on another jury (I was tickled pink), but we were all dismissed when an alarm went off in the adjoining courtroom. We essentially witnessed the defendant being whisked away like a criminal, so they had to let us go because we could then view him as guilty. Disappointed me!!!

    I'm on the last CD of The Nature of the Beast. I'm enjoying it.

    1. Oh good, Joy! Glad to hear you are liking The Nature Of The Beast. I can't wait. Sorry about your jury experience. What a shame. LOL

  17. I love this chatty update of yours! Sure, reviews are great, but I actually like this kind of post better. I don't know if I could ever do a reread of the Larssen books in audio - well, definitely not the first one, anyway. But I'm looking forward to the new release. And I really need to get the latest Penny! I need some Gamache in my life right about now. :) As for jury duty, I won't ever be able to experience it, as I'm a former lawyer and once a lawyer, never on the jury or so the saying goes. But it would be so interesting!

    1. A little Gamache is a good thing, right? Yes, I can see how jury duty might not be in your future. Ah well, we can read about it, can't we?

  18. So glad to hear that things are improving for you on the health front, Kay. Keep up the good work.

    Lots of great looking and sounding books in your post--I picked up a copy of The Admissions today at the library, so your comments about the book were quite timely for me. Happy reading!

    1. Catherine, I'll be interested in hearing what you think about The Admissions. I liked it quite a bit, but what a stressful life those people had. LOL

  19. I quite like this style of post! I love reading people's wrap-up style posts as they are more personal and you really feel like you are connecting with the person behind the post!
    I have been eyeing The Yard in the bookstore for a long time now, I'm eager to hear your thoughts on it.
    I have seen A Curious Beginning Around lately and it has caught my eye, I will have to add it to my TBR.
    Have a great week!
    Thanks for stopping by the The Local Muse

    1. Thanks, Mallory! The Yard is coming up soon. Just about finished with The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest.

  20. I'm glad your tooth is feeling better. I had an onlay replaced with a crown five months ago and it's still SUPER sensitive to cold. The dentist says to be patient and it will go away. I'm hoping he knows what he's talking about ...

    I just started A CURIOUS BEGINNING. I've never read anything by the author, but my friend highly recommended her. I'm also reading a murder mystery called A GILDED GRAVE by Shelly Freydont, which I'm really enjoying. You'll also be glad to know that I got my mother-in-law hooked on the Ruth Galloway series. She's loving it as much as I am. This is why you can't stop blogging, Kay! We need you to keep giving us all awesome book recommendations :)

    1. First of all, I'm not going to stop blogging. Just stop posting quite so often. And I think this is working fine. So sorry about your tooth, Susan. I do understand about sensitive teeth. Have you used Sensodyne toothpaste? I use it all the time. Yay for sharing our Ruth with your mother-in-law. I'm reading The Ghost Fields right now and loving it. And I'll be watching for your take on A Curious Beginning.

  21. I have A Curious Beginning, too. I hope I can get to it in a timely manner (i.e. before Spring!) I'm happy you have Louise Penny's newest. I've only read one of hers, but I loved it. I'm surprised I haven't read more. Inspector Gamache is most endearing. Wait, he is the character she writes about, right? ;)

    1. Yes, it is Gamache. I love him and love Penny's way of writing. Her books are mysteries and more.

  22. p.s. I did not mean to skip over your health issues! You know you have a compassionate heart Chez Bellezza, rooting for teeth and whatever else might be awry! xoxoxo

    1. Thanks so much! And it's fine to not talk about my health stuff. I'm kind of tired of it myself. LOL

  23. It's been so hard for me to do reviews lately. I'm trying to get my blog mojo back. Congrats on the weight loss and getting on track with healthy stuff. I walked tons on vacation and was ready to come home and continue my "exercise" routine and of course I ended up catching a cold. Ugh. Feeling better now and hopefully hitting the gym tomorrow. Hope you have a great week ahead!

    1. Thanks and hope your cold has gone by the wayside.

  24. I've always wanted to be on jury duty. I hope I get to do it sometime too just to know the process from the inside.

    Glad that you are feeling so much better - yay! You are also reading some good books - always a win. I would love to read a Stephen King but may do a pass for now. Hopefully, next year, things will settle down enough for me to be able to do it.

    1. Yes, your life is a little hectic right now and likely a King book wouldn't suit this year anyway.

  25. I feel the same way you do about jury duty, except my husband has never been called. I have been called once and made it to the jury selection round. Unfortunately, my number was too high, so they had their twelve before they ever got to me. I do want to experience the process just once. It is so easy to sit at home and make judgments about jury decisions, but I suspect that if we were to experience jury duty once, we would not be quick to judge.

    1. Exactly. I just want to have this experience if I can. My husband tells me that it's much less fun than one might think. He has been on two criminal cases, one with child abuse. It all made him quite angry.

  26. I really like this kind of chatty update and I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better. I can't believe I've never even had a summons, in almost 30 years of being eligibile. I'm thinking of starting Deanna Raybourne's new series, I love the cover. Have a wonderful week and happy reading :)

    1. Thanks so much! Appreciate your kind comments.

  27. You've always had a 'permanent crown' - queen Kay! I am eager to be the old age so I can't have jury duty. It has been an underlying fear of my life. Tom has done it once, and just got a notice for another one maybe in the future- and it's an hour and half away. Stresses me out. I hope it doesn't happen.

    1. I can see how it would stress you out - especially if you have to travel so far. And thanks for the new title. LOL

  28. I blog for fun, and that means for me that I make the rules. Looks like you feel the same way.

    And I got called for jury duty yesterday. Funny. I was thrilled to discover that I knew the detective, and was thus disqualified!

    1. Well, I don't think everyone wants to try jury duty. Glad you were able to get out of it.

  29. I've never been called for jury duty and it's on my bucket list! Hope you are getting all the health answers you need right now. I've found that all traditional doctors recommend drugs. It's a challenge to find a trusted doctor who can think outside that box. We're seeing an integrative doctor next week but I'm also considering chiro. The search never ends. Good luck!

    1. I agree that meds are the go-to way of doing things these days.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!