

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Salem's Lot Read-a-Long - A Stephen King classic!

I was delighted to participate in the Salem's Lot Readalong that was hosted by the lovely ladies, Melissa, Trish and Care.  Totally delighted.  Thanks to all of them for thinking of it, suggesting it to all of us, and giving me a little push to read this long-loved book by Stephen King.  Also thanks to Melissa for my little extra that she sent.  You can see it in the picture below.

Salem's Lot is the perfect October read.  Truly.  Well, maybe if you don't like vampires, it may not be.  But for me.  Yes, yes, yes.  And as much as I love Edward Cullen (and I do), King's vampires definitely do not sparkle in the sunlight.  Ha!

This was actually the first Stephen King book that I read - way, way, way back when I was a junior in college.  I remember that I was waiting for my car to be serviced at Sears.  I walked over to a nearby grocery store to buy a soft drink and took a look at the paperbacks that were on one of those turning displays.  This was the cover that I saw:

A little creepy, right?  Or maybe more than a little.  I bought the book and started to read.  The first book I ever read that included vampires.  I had not read Dracula at that point and I think my impressions of the Count were tinged with laughter.  Bella Lugosi and company.  This was the time of Young Frankenstein and I thought that 'I want to drink your blood' sounded comical.  Hmmm...not so much to Mr. King.  I honestly remember being pleasantly scared and then not so pleasantly as I continued reading.

I went to college in Abilene, Texas - land of wind and dust storms.  My roommate was gone that weekend and as I read further and further into the story, the wind rose and the screens on the windows rattled.  I think I was at the part where it was apparent that the person had to invite the vampire in.  I heard scratching at the window.  I about jumped out of my bed.  Still a vivid memory.

By the time I finished Salem's Lot, I was a fan of Stephen King.  I went on to read many of his books and The Stand is one of my favorite books ever.  I loved how he took the ordinary - a pet, a car, a flu, a teenage girl that feels left out, a hotel closed for the winter, or even clowns or spiders - and made the situation extraordinary.  He dared to confess that he still thought there might be something under the bed or in the closet or outside the window.  I was happy to know that I wasn't the only one that didn't dangle my arm over the side of the bed or my foot.  I wasn't the only one who always, always looked in the backseat before I got in the car (still do).

I listened to Salem's Lot on audio, read by Ron McLarty.  He did a good job.  The tension was still there.  Maybe not quite so much as when I was 20.  I've learned a lot about horror stories since 1977.

I did notice some fun cultural details that brought back memories.  Everyone smoked so much.  Wow.  That's how it was.  And they smoked everywhere.  Drive-ins.  Used to love the drive-in (and not for that!).  Even little things like 'putting down the phone receiver'.  And who remembers Wolfman Jack?  He might have been the most famous disc jockey of that era.  I could get his show late at night on a radio that I had in my room at home.  Loved his voice.  I've never been to Maine, but I feel that Stephen King made all of us think that the woods were certainly 'dark and deep' there.

I know this hasn't been a review of any sort, just a mishmash of my thoughts.  However, it has whetted my appetite to do some re-reading of my favorite King books.  It's about time for me to visit The Stand again and did you know that Mr. King won an Edgar Award for a book recently, Mr. Mercedes?  Who would have thought it?  Thanks again, Melissa, Trish and Care!  A perfect October read.    


  1. This is too funny---I was just writing up my #SalemAlong post and glanced at yours---I was using the exact same pictures. It was fun wasn't it? The Stand is my favorite too!

    1. That is funny! I had a great time with this readalong. I know they have done others in the past, but I haven't been able to join in. Glad I could this time.

  2. I'm just finishing this over the next 2 days; it's been about 30+ years and I totally forgot all of it.

    Is that header from your yard Kay --lovely. I so miss no longer seeing dear in my back yard since we move to a condo 6 years ago.

    1. I love this post! Gives me all the feels! I read Salem's Lot in junior college but apparently remembered none of it because this time around, it felt entirely new to me. I am only at 60%. I got sidetracked by busyness and sickness but I am back into it. Or will be for sure by this weekend.

    2. Diane, 30+ for me too, as you could see in the post. Can't believe it's been that long. LOL

      No, that's not my yard, although we do have deer around a lot. I took this shot on our recent trip to New Mexico. Those bucks were just laying out in the side yard. I think they are so used to people that my pictures didn't worry them a bit. :-)

    3. Ti, will be glad to hear about your experience with Salem's Lot too. I sure did have fun with it. I remembered some, but not all. LOL

  3. I'm a big Stephan King fan, he scares me with how simple things can get us and he understands that clowns are EVIL.

    1. Ha! His clowns are certainly evil. There's just something wrong about the smiling clown face - they can't frown and that's creepy. LOL

  4. I have never read Salem's Lot, but I need to!

    Wolfman Jack, oh, yes. I've been thinking of Don Williams lately, so this one is for you, Kay: Good Ole Boys Me. Uncle Remus, Wolfman Jack, Hank, and Tennessee!

    1. Thanks for the song, Jenclair! Enjoyed it. Haven't thought about Don Williams for a long time.

  5. Most of Stephen King's books are just too scary for me. Glad you enjoyed re-reading it.

    1. Carol, I know that King's book are not for everyone. I did enjoy it, but they are certainly scary. :-)

  6. You're so right. King manages to make the ordinary really come alive in his books. I had so much fun reading this one! The Stand was the first King-along I participated in and I was completely new to his books. I loved it! That was a few years ago and I went on to read so many of his classics. It was so much fun to co-host this one and get scared as a group!

    1. And I didn't even have to put it in the freezer. LOL

    2. Haha. Me neither, but I thought about it!

  7. I should have joined in the readalong. I've only seen the movie version of Salem's Lot, which I did like. One day though I hope to get to this one!

    1. I don't think I've seen the movie. I probably wouldn't like it as well. I usually don't.

  8. Yeah his stuff scares me..I don't read it. lol I did read Duma Key a few years ago and it wasn't too bad. I liked it. If you haven't read it, check it out.

    1. I had forgotten about Duma Key. Have not read it. Actually, I haven't read a King book for years. I kind of left off with the Tommyknockers, I think.

  9. I do think this is one of his scariest books he's written, which is one of the reasons why it is one of my favorites of his. The horror is so subtle. The scene where Danny Glick is floating outside the window? Now that is horrifying.

    1. Oh, yes! I think that's the scene I was talking about when I heard the scratching at my dorm window. LOL

  10. I read a lot of Stephen King in high school and college, but I'm not sure I ever read this one. I did have a similar experience to you while reading one of his books (not sure which one) -- I was the first of six girls to move into our college apartment, so I was alone and keeping myself entertained with a nice, scary read. When I heard a key turn in the apartment door, I just about had a heart attack. Luckily, it was just one of my roommates moving in!

    1. That's so funny, Susan. It sounds very similar to my vampire scratching at the window. LOL

  11. Wonderful! And that original cover doesn't quite seem to work for me. Oh well. I really had no idea that this was his second novel. I really do enjoy his work and I'm a recent fan. I never thought I was a horror/scary fan but he really does hit on the universal truths.

    1. I think Carrie was the first book, but I didn't read that one for several years. Yes, that first cover was pretty eye-catching. That drip of blood on the black cover caught my eye. LOL

  12. Understandable, Vicki. We can't participate in all of them.

  13. Carrie was the first book I read; and that film adaptation (not the remake) was simply amazing! I still have some memories about the blood scene of Carrie. I think The Shining and IT were equally good, too! Both the books and the films as well. It's IT that makes me wary of clowns, even now. I haven't read Salem's Lot, though. In fact I haven't read King's recent releases. Perhaps some day.

    1. No, I stopped reading King's books around the time of Delores Claiborne. You should try Salem's Lot one day, Melody. When you are in the mood. ;-)

  14. I'm so glad you enjoyed re-reading this one - like you there are certain books where I remember exactly where I was and what I felt when reading them - It was great to hear some of those points made in this review. I love the 'old-fashioned' details too which gave you an extra blast of nostalgia!

    1. It was fun running across things that I hadn't thought about in years. This was written and set in my 'growing up' time and I think the details helped make me remember the first experience very well.

  15. I loved your take and mishmash of thoughts. Esp the rattling windows. I am not kidding when I say I've been checking them regularly since reading Salem's Lot!

    Everyone raves about The Stand. If you reread, lmk and maybe I will brave it too. I need reading buddies for King.

    Also, I'm curious what you thought of Career of Evil? I didn't like it as much as the first 2 books. It was a bit too gory for me. Also, a real look at the seedy side of private detectives job, ugh. Still, I'll likely read the next one bc I like Robin and Cormoran so much.

    Sarah from Wordhits

    1. Very good. I might think about a reread of The Stand next year. Likely won't get to it this year. It's a long one. LOL

      I liked Career of Evil actually, but I have a pretty high tolerance for the grim, gory crime novel. And yes, I'll be looking for the next one. I really like Strike and I like Robin too. I don't like Matthew (Robin's significant other).

  16. I need to read more King. Or maybe I just need to read more in general, for fun? Loved your memories of the first time you read this one :)


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