

Monday, December 31, 2018

Looking forward to 2019....what's to come?

2019 - can you believe that tomorrow it will be 2019?  Sounds kind of sci-fi-ish to me.  However, here we are.  So, what's to come in this new year - at least for kay's reading life - where I share some of my book journeys and also a bit about my life in other realms.  And my answer is - I'm not sure.  Not saying this blog is closing down, but posts will likely be a little more sporadic and my reading is likely to be a bit different.  

I had a number of plans for 2019 and my little blog.  That being said I know that I have a definite tendency to get a little ambitious and and more than a little regimented in my expectations of myself.  I liked what I did last year - the reviews (or book thoughts), the various monthly posts.  I liked the breaks.  I got very tired of certain types of books and also (once again) feeling like I had set myself too many tasks and rules.  

So, my aim for 2019 is basically not to have an aim.  No rules.  No rigid schedule.  No '5 posts per week' (where did I come up with that one?  Ha!).  2019 will be 'free range' reading.  Old books.  New books (maybe less new books).  Series books.  Lots of rereading.  Probably will keep up with the Classics List and the Canadian Challenge, but I reserve the right to take a step back there too.  

I'm not planning on sharing thoughts about every book I read.  I might.  I might not.  I will share my 'top 10 favorites that I read in 2018' in the next week or so.  And I'll share some 'away from the blog' stuff also perhaps next week.  Never fear that I won't be reading.  And I'll be around commenting on your reads and blogs.  Maybe not every day, but often.  Mostly, I'll be having my favorite method of relaxing and dreaming as pictured below.  

Take care and stay safe tonight if you're celebrating a bunch.  We'll be tucked in at home and I can guarantee that we won't even be awake as 2018 turns to 2019.  Thanks for listening!


  1. Happy New Year, Kay - hope it's a good one! Haha - yes, all these elaborate plans we make at New Year for our blogs can begin to feel like chains by February. Enjoy your reading and blog when the fancy takes you!

  2. Blog freedom! I think that's an excellent plan. Do what you like on your blog. If you feel like posting...post. If you don't....

    Happy New Year!

  3. Free-range reading, yes! I'm with you, (call myself a freestyle reader) though I do have myself more structured for the coming year, though rules are made to be broken, lol. I'll give it my best shot anyway and read what I want, when I want. Will I have tons of followers this way? Nope, but that's okay. I'm going to have fun reading about everyone's latest books and chiming in too.

    Have the best in the New Year (the whole year, not the day).

  4. I think your approach to 2019 is a wonderful idea!! No pressure and just enjoying what you are reading is really the most important thing in my opinion!! You are one of my go to bloggers for book recommendations so I’m glad you will still be around :) Have a wonderful and happy new year!!

  5. Your plans for 2019 sounds just about perfect to me... read and blog about what you want, when you want! I wish you all the best for the New Year, Kay.

  6. I think your book/blogging thoughts for 2019 seem stress-less (how it should be). Hope 2019 is a great year for you.

  7. I like the idea of 'free-range' reading. Reading is suppose to be fun and enjoyable, isn't it? :) Happy New Year, Kay!

  8. I think that whatever works for you is the right thing to do. I'm a lot more casual with blogging than I used to be, 2 or 3 books in a post is often what works for me and no way could I do 5 posts a week. Lucky you abandoned that! Look forward to seeing you around as and when you feel like it and in the meantime Happy New Year to you and yours.

  9. "Free-range reading" -- I love it! I'm glad you've found a formula that works well for you. I would miss you too much if your blog went away, so I'm glad you'll be keeping it up, even if only sporadically.

    Happy New Year, Kay!

  10. Free range reading is the best! I hope you have a very enjoyable, stress-free 2019. Happy New Year! :)

  11. Happy New Year, Kay! I like your approach for 2019. Blogging is fun, but it's just a hobby, and it's hard when it starts feeling too regimented.

  12. My favorite plan is no plan...which doesn't always work well with plan-o-holic Denis. Ah well. Happy New Year!

  13. Having no rules or expectations for reading / blogging is good, especially as we can't always control what happens anyway. I have some goals for next year but am trying to be realistic and not expect too much of myself as long as I am working full time (for almost all of 2019).

    I started out "reviewing" every book (and it was easy then) but in the last year and a half had to give up on that. I would like to be able to write more shorter posts, but writing less is hard for me. So we shall see.

    Happy 2019 and I will enjoy hearing from you, whatever and whenever you post.

  14. I like a year that's a bit more free from schedules! I am actually not doing any reading challenges in 2019 and that's going to seem a bit weird at first but I think I need a bit of a re-set. Hope you have a wonderful year Kay and hope we get to meet in 2019!

  15. I'm up and awake, so I'll say all the best in your life and on your blog this year! If you write, I will read.

  16. Many thanks to everyone for the kind words! Hope you all had a good New Year's Eve and are now looking forward to a wonderful 2019! Let's get some reading done!

  17. I love your plans for 2019. Post whenever, read whatever! Go for it. Happy New Year, Kay.

  18. Yay for free range! It's the healthier way to go :)

  19. Sounds like a "go with the flow" kind of year. That's pretty much how I blog anymore. Here's to a great year of reading!


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!