

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

July is coming...and things that make you go 'hmmm'...

Hello book friends!  Hope all is well with you guys and you're managing with our very odd (and certainly frustrating at times) year.  Who would have thought that 2020 would be so strange in so many ways?  So, the picture above is from my backyard this morning at about 6:45.  I've shared photos of deer and smaller creatures here now and then.  I've mentioned that we've been 'visited' by feral hogs from time to time.  This 'visitation' is new.  I looked out the back windows as I walked from one part of the house to another and there they were....cows....8 of them.  Just hanging out.  Eating the grass, resting, pooping, and the 3 calves were partaking of their 'mom's' milk now and then.  We do live in a more rural setting outside of the Austin area, but it's a regular neighborhood.  There are ranches with cows near us and obviously there's a fence down somewhere.  These 'friends' have wandered around for a while and then disappeared into the 'woods' at the end of our street.  The local authorities showed up as well as some wildlife people and so, hopefully, the cows will make it home today sometime.  Ha!

Not much new to report here.  We've been sticking mostly close to home.  My husband is likely going to be working from home for many months to come.  I did have a second haircut yesterday and it worked much the same as the previous one.  We had our daughter and son-in-law over for some fajitas and queso last weekend and it was very nice to see them face-to-face.  We hadn't since early March.  It was a 'socially distanced' meal, but they stayed for a couple of hours afterwards chatting.  She's still very busy at work as babies will come on their own timeline.  Otherwise, we've walked, golfed, done virtual meetings, picked up 'curbside' dinner, and talked about what things might change permanently and what things might go back to 'normal' - whatever that is.  I am, of course, reading and going to book group meetings online.  Looks like those will continue through this whole year and maybe into next year.  Guess we'll adjust, right? 

Our mystery group will be discussing 'award nominated or winning mysteries' for July and then go on to David Baldacci's LONG ROAD TO MERCY for August.  The afternoon book group will be talking about Rebecca Makkai's THE GREAT BELIEVERS for July and August is 'to be determined'.  Have you read read either of those?  We'll see how I like them.  Otherwise, I've been considering doing some 'nostalgic' reading, otherwise known as reading favorite books again.  It's comfortable for me.  Take care everyone, hope your July 4th is good, and I'll be back around in a couple of weeks to update again.     


  1. That's pretty amazing. You have cows and we have bobcats. A mama and her two babies who are actually not so young anymore. The crows were attacking the babies and caused such a ruckus that I ventured outside and immediately saw the babies in a tree with their mom nowhere to be found but she came for them later. They seem to use my yard as a meeting spot. My dog was looking out an open, screened window and the mom took a swipe at my pup although didn't realize there was a screen!! My dog was terrified.

    2020 is a very strange year and depressing the hell out of me and I rarely get depressed. My son headed back to the Central Coast for a new job and I am just feeling down.

  2. That pic made me laugh and think of that line from the movie Twister: "We've got cows!" :D

  3. Glad you're doing well, Kay, it was nice to read your update! I went on an early morning walk today and only saw a lot of squirrels!

  4. Wow, cows in your backyard! That's a new one.

    I personally think it's going to be quite some time before we go back to normal and then only if they find a vaccine. They seemed hopeful on the news tonight but we shall see. I too would never have believed 2020 would end up like this. On the plus side we're hoping my husband will be home tomorrow. *Fingers crossed*

  5. What a sight to see outside your window in the morning! Hopefully all the cows made it home safely. I am glad you were able to share a meal and chat with your daughter and her husband. I am glad your book club is still going strong despite the change in format. I hope you enjoy the rest of your week and month!

  6. I'll bet that was quite a shock to see those cows settling in on your property! They look quite content. :) We had the same thing happen when we lived in Nebraska. Of course, we were on an acreage, across the road from a vet who owned a lot of cattle. One day, while I was out on the John Deere tractor, mowing our grass, I turned the corner and there were about 8 cows just wandering around on the grass! I wasn't sure if they were going to charge me or what, so I zipped into the the garage as quickly as I could, got inside and called the neighbor. They eventually came over and rounded up the cattle. Never happened again, but it was pretty startling at the time. Now, we just get raccoons, birds, squirrels, chipmunks and the occasional vole. :) Stay safe and be well. xoxo

  7. Love the pastoral pic! So peaceful and so much better than those feral hogs. Still sticking close to home here, too. Stay safe and well, Kay.

  8. Wow -- that is quite a wonderful surprise to see cows basking in your backyard. I love that you find several different/random visitors in your yard often. :)

    I'm envious you already had two haircuts. Mine's gone up in a knot for now. We'll see if I can make a new hairstyle out of it.

  9. We get a fair amount of visiting critters as well, but we've never had cows! Wow. I guess that's just the way it goes in 2020 - ANYTHING can happen. Right now, we have a peaceful little menagerie out back - quail, wild bunnies, and squirrels all share our backyard. They're fun to watch, especially the quail families.

    Glad you're doing well, Kay!

  10. Glad to hear you're both well! Cows were common near our former home in NY... now we're dealing with bobcats and coyotes. The virus is exploding in FL now. We are back to grocery shopping infrequently and picking up prescriptions. And even doing that, we'll have to quarantine when we head back to NY next month.

    The Great Believers was a favorite a few years ago. The audio version is excellent, too... you might want to consider a read/listen combo. My only complaint was that it took too long for the past and present stories to come together.

  11. I cracked up when I saw those cows in your back yard. Our state has been doing very well with a super slow roll out, in fact restaurants are just beginning to reopen at 50% capacity (no in any hurry to visit indoors thought). I fear a surge once bars reopen though. I have the audio version of The Great Believers but, haven't listened yet. I'm listening to an Agatha Christie now.

    Glad you are doing well.

  12. That is a great story about the cows. Things are about the same here too. Other than grocery shopping, the only new thing I have added is trips to the plant nursery. Three of them and I am thrilled to be doing stuff in the yard. I am very slow but that's fine.

    My hair stylist called again and said she was working now, but having given it some thought, at my age I don't feel like risking it. I would be more uptight just going out and doing it, and it would not be worth that. But maybe in a couple of months.

    We are looking forward to July 4th weekend with an extra day off for my husband. He won't take his vacation days so any extra time off is good.

  13. The cows there look very settled ... and comfortable. Quite a picture. I too want to read The Great Believers ... I haven't read it yet ... but it did get a lot of recognition when it came out. Much to read these days. Enjoy your days!

  14. What a cool thing to see in your backyard! They're so casual about it and don't seem to have a care in the world. An adventure those calves can tell their own calves someday ;)

  15. Oh wow - now that is something you normally don't see in your backyard! Hope the cows found their way home. That's great that your husband is still able to work from home. My husband and I are probably working for home at least through the summer. 2020 is definitely something else isn't it. Glad at least you've been able to adjust and still do some fun stuff. Stay safe as Austin numbers are really scary!

  16. How surprising to find cows in your yard. Glad someone came to round them up. I found several Readers Digest Condensed in my shelves and I really want to read some of those stories. I think in August. Some Mark Higgins Clark, Cat Who books, and even a Robin Cook. "See" you in a couple of weeks.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!