

Thursday, July 30, 2020

New shoes and new reading...

Good morning book friends!  Hope you are all well and safe and wearing your masks.  I didn't really have a new picture to show this morning that included nature or cute creatures, so I decided to show my new walking shoes.  What do you think?  Ha!  I had walked until my previous pair was not as supportive as it could be and so I ordered new ones.  You may ask 'do they glow in the dark?' - it's possible!  I haven't tested that as yet, but they are certainly bright.  What I'm happy about is that they are comfortable and support my 'old' feet as I walk and walk and walk.  It's been quite warm, but I seem to be adjusting to early morning temps and humidity.  I sweat, yes, but I've decided that isn't a bad thing.

My reading has been going along well.  I've been listening to books that I've read before mostly, but that's been working in case I get distracted or have to take a picture of a fun creature.  Right now, I'm listening to Peter May's The Blackhouse, which I have loved in the past and am completely enjoying again.

I finished reading David Baldacci's second Atlee Pine book, A Minute To Midnight, and enjoyed it a lot.  Atlee and her assistant, Carol, go to her hometown to do further research on what exactly happened to Mercy, Atlee's twin sister.  When both girls were six, Mercy was taken, and no one knows the end of that story as yet.  While in Georgia, Atlee and Carol end up assisting the FBI and local law enforcement with identification and apprehension of a potential serial killer in the area.  The third book in the series,  Daylight, is scheduled to be published in November.  I'll be watching for it.

My next book was Michael Connelly's most recent Ballard/Bosch pairing, The Night Fire.  My husband and I had listened to about half of that book on our recent trip and will finish it on audio when we travel next.  However, who knows when that will be?  I couldn't wait, so I read the rest of it in print form.  I've only been reading Connelly's books since he created Renee Ballard (this is #3 of those), but I've watched all the Bosch seasons on TV, so I feel like I'm OK with knowing at least something about him.  The Night Fire begins with Bosch attending a funeral of one of his mentors at the LAPD, John Jack Thompson.  He finds that Thompson had taken a murder book home with him when he retired and the widow says that Thompson wanted Harry to have it.  Bosch asks Ballard to help him figure out some things and the two work together to solve not only this cold case, but a couple of other cases that might relate. 

The last book I finished this week was Katherine Center's new one, What You Wish For.  I read another book by this author last year, How To Walk Away.  I liked it quite a bit and decided to try this new one.  Center's books are full of 'heart' I think I would say.  They are funny and poignant and deal with some tough situations, but will make you laugh out loud at times too.  They have romance, but they also have sorrow and show a lot about how one might deal with adversity.  In this book, the theme is to 'choose joy, even in difficult times'.  I love that.  And it doesn't hurt that it's set on Galveston Island of Texas, includes a bit of history about Galveston, and features a school librarian as the main protagonist.  I thought this book was very good.  And I want to go back and read this author's backlist.

I'm glad that my reading has moved in a more positive direction.  Not necessarily with the themes being 'happy all the time', but just immersive and keeping my interest.  This morning I started Kate White's new book, Have You Seen Me?.  I'll talk about that one next week, hopefully.  Take care and I'll see you soon!            


  1. Comfortable shoes are the best...even if they glow in the dark. ;D And What You Wish For is a book I really want to read, so I'm glad to hear you liked it.

    1. I'd never make without good athletic shoes. That's where I spend my shoe money. Ha! I think you'd like What You Wish For.

  2. Kay, I just reviewed the Center book as well; glad you liked it! I agree comfortable shoes and sneakers are a big deal as we age. I got rid of a lot of shoes that were no longer supportive with my knee situation and, bought new slip on sneakers and lace ones as well. Enjoy your new sneakers - cute.

    1. Diane, I spend my shoe money on my athletic shoes since that's what I wear almost all the time. Yes, I can imagine that your knee wants you to have good shoes. I'm also glad you liked the Center book.

  3. I love those shoes! I wear that type of shoe all the time, because my feet are so bad, but I have such a hard time with correct fit that I cannot be picky about colors. But my preference is bright colors like those.

    I haven't decided whether to read the Ballard / Bosch books. I have also watched the Bosch series but only read the first two books in the Bosch series. I have the first Ballard book (not read), but I don't want to read these more recent ones and have it spoil the older books. Although that may be moot by now. Such difficult decisions.

    1. I have to have good athletic shoes and that's where I spend my shoe money. I've enjoyed the Ballard/Bosch books, but the series is so long prior to them, I'll likely not go back and read it. Who knows though?

  4. Love your shoes! I don't mind if they glow in the dark! And I love sandals, too!

    I've only read one book by Katherine Center and enjoyed it. And I agree with you that her books are full of 'heart'. Love the eye-catching bookcover, too!

    1. Yes, Center's book covers are very pretty. I used to wear sandals more, but now I wear athletic shoes most of the time. Glad I don't have to wear heels any more. LOL

  5. What fun, bright shoes! I have a black pair and a colorful pair to alternate depending on my mood. Glad you're enjoying the books and early morning walks!

    1. JoAnn, I'd go nuts without my walks. Truly. And I have a gray pair of athletic shoes too, but they have been a little 'dull' actually. LOL

  6. I love Katherine Center's books. You should go read her backlist....I think I've read everything she's written. Of course some I've enjoyed more than others, but they all are good.
    And I love your bright shoes! I don't own anything uncomfortable- like heels- anymore. I must be getting older! Also, have you heard of the brand Hoka? I have a pair and my girls and husband run in them. The physical therapist that works with the XC team really gives them his endorsement. I feel like I'm walking on a marshmallow in mine....so soft and pillowy

    1. Tina, thanks for encouraging me to read her backlist. I will try to do that over the next few months. And also thanks for the suggestion for the Hoka brand. I had not heard of that one at all, but I'll check it out.

    2. Tina, I'm looking at the Hoka shoes and would love to know which model you wear for walking? There are quite a few to choose from!

  7. Shoes that are comfortable and bright can make walking seem like an adventure rather than a chore! Good for you on your morning walks; walking can be exercise for the body and the mind!

    1. Exercise for my mind even more than for my body I think. I'd probably be nuts without my walking.

  8. Good for you on the walking and yes, they are bright but that's a good thing! We want you to be seen so you can be safe.

    1. Yes, though where I walk in our neighborhood, not too much traffic, but how could anyone miss my bright feet? LOL

  9. I love the shoes. I just ordered some "garden shoes" for running around the yard instead of my old flip flops. They don't protect against those pesky ants. I want to read the 2nd book too. Time!

    1. Gayle, I think you'd like the 2nd Atlee Pine book. No rush though. LOL

  10. Wow pretty bright shoes! But I hope you like them for walking. I too am a big Bosch fan ... love the TV series ... waiting for the next season! Enjoy your books.

    1. Yes, I wear athletic shoes almost all the time, but I like them to be good and supportive for walking as well. That's where I spend my shoe budget. LOL

  11. Those shoes are awesome! Glad to hear you've been reading some good books that have kept your interest. It's been so hard to read during these crazy times. I've not read Baldacci before although I know my husband has read some of his books and enjoyed them. This series sounds interesting. Also looking forward to the Katherine Center book!

    1. I have struggled with my reading and focus, but I'm happy to say that it seems to be changing. Glad I'm over that particular hump. I think you'd like the Center book, Iliana.

  12. Love your new walking shoes! My daughter is impressed by the color. :-) Your recent reads all sound good. I've only read one Balducci book, which I really enjoyed. What You Wish For is one I've been wanting to read. I am so glad you enjoyed it! I hope you have a great week and month of August.

    1. Wendy, I think you'd like the Center book. It was a good one for sure. And thank Miss Mouse for liking my shoes. :-)

  13. I have really enjoyed Baldacci and Connelly, but I haven't read anything by them in years. I have been busy devouring everything a I can find by Don Winslow this summer. Wow, can he write thrillers! If the drug cartels don’t quite appeal to you, you may like to try The Death and Life of Bobby Z. It was so good!

    1. One lady in our mystery group really, really loves Don Winslow's books. She keeps encouraging me to read them. One day. Good to know you like them too, Meredith!

  14. Vicki, I think you'd like this Center book too if you loved How To Walk Away. Yes, good walking shoes are necessary at a certain time of life. LOL

  15. Love your shoes! What brand do you wear? I usually get Asics, but I'm thinking about trying something different next time I order a pair. We just started watching Bosch and are enjoying it so far. Have you seen Wanted? It's an Australian police drama, which is very good. I'm glad you enjoyed the new book by Center. I really enjoyed Things You Save in a Fire and look forward to reading more by her.

    1. My shoes are 'Newton' brand. I've worn those for a while. Initially started when I got them at a running store that has since closed in our area. Take a look at Tina's comment above about Hoka brand. I might see if I can try a pair of those in the future. We've not seen Wanted, but are caught up on Bosch. I think you might like Center's new book.

  16. Love the new shoes! It's been so much cooler here, especially in the mornings. We've been doing a lot of walking & mask wearing. I'm glad you've found some engaging books. It's hard to stay focused these days.

    1. Thanks about the shoes. I really like them. Walking is a joy to me and really helps my mental state. Yes, the reading has been better of late. Earlier in this unusual event, it was hard to focus indeed. We just need to let the stories take us far, far away...

  17. Good to hear that you're enjoying Connelly's Renee Ballard mysteries!

    1. I do like them and her. Will be curious how long he continues with the Bosch/Ballard pairing.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!