

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Another walking picture as August comes to an end...


Hello book friends and how are you?  I am well and am sharing another 'walking' picture that I've entitled 'Kerrville Ducks'.  Ha!  I think I've had ducks on my mind as I've been reading Louise Penny's new book, The Madness of Crowds.  If you haven't read those, there is a duck named Rosa that is a frequent character - a duck that is 'fowl'-mouthed - LOL!  Anyway, I'm going to have opinions about this book, but won't share any of those at this time.  I need to finish it first and see what I think - hmmm....

Otherwise, we have been back and forth a bit - still waiting on so many things that I don't even want to talk about.  I just cannot focus on our 'to-do' list and shall not.  All will eventually get accomplished and I've decided to challenge myself to see how many books I can complete before the end of 2021.  I read 130 books in 2020 and this year, 2021, I've only completed 42 as of almost the end of August.  That is probably the smallest number of books I've read in 8 months for over 20 years - maybe longer.  I know that part of my issues with focus and anxiety have been because my reading life has been 'off'.  I'm going to work on it and try to let the rest of my worries go.

One more thing I'll share is that I'm also trying to see what new pursuits might be available in my area.  I was just looking at the local newspaper and seeing that the Master Naturalist program will be taking applications for classes to begin in 2022.  I also saw a notice for an afternoon seminar that the local genealogy society will be presenting in a few weeks - an intro to genealogy research.  And I heard about the local historical society and their meetings when I went to my 2nd 'Talking Texas' Book Group meeting on Thursday.  By the way, I enjoyed that book group meeting again - there were 8 attendees - and we discussed Turn South at the Second Bridge by Leon Hale.  This book was originally written in the 1960's and contains 'classic stories of rural Texas'.  I liked it for the most part and enjoyed talking about it with others.  

So, have you tried genealogy or 'Master Naturalist' classes or joined a historical society?  I'm curious.  Hoping to be back soon with some 'book talk'.  Take care!


  1. I'm intrigued by your reaction to The Madness of Crowds - I haven't read this one yet but generally have loved all the books - it sounds like you have mixed feelings!

    1. I do have mixed feelings and now that I've finished it, I'm considering how to talk about it here. Soon...

  2. Sorry to hear that you have various worries at the moment, Kay. I hope they resolve themselves, anxiety is not nice. Take care.

    1. Thanks, Cath. No anxiety is not nice, but I'm working on it.

  3. Kay, sorry everything has not fallen into place as you hoped. I think many of us have less patience the older we get when something throws our day, weeks or even months off-course. I hope you can find some good distractions.

    1. Thanks, Diane. I'm working on it and hope to turn my attentions to other things - mostly anyway.

  4. Good to see another post from you, Kay. (I've got an email to you in my draft folder...)

    I'm excited about the new Louise Penny book and hope to read it once my mom is finished with her copy.

    I'm not surprised your reading has dropped off this year. You've had a lot going on! It sounds like you're finding new things to do in your area. I'm curious about the Master Naturalist program. Keep us posted.

    1. Les, I would love to know what Andi thinks about the new book and you too. Hmmm...very curious. I'm definitely on the lookout for new things in our area. Things to try and also a way to meet more people.

  5. It's funny what you say about the to-do list. I go through phases where I can't look at my list and yet, things still do get done as they should, when they should. So what is my to-do list helping me with. LOL. Well, it does help to see what needs to be done (and will get done regardless) from what I'd like to do and see if I have time for those. Oh well.

    I haven't read much in past 2-3 months - I've let life take over but now I'm trying to see how to bring it back, so let's see. Glad to read your updates - The Master Naturalist program sounds interesting! I can't say I've explored it before.

    1. Yes, I think I've gotten too used to looking at the to-do list and kind of obsessing over when, when, when? All the things are out of my control and I really need to quit fussing about them. Things will get done when they get done. Yes, I'm trying to find new things to check out. We'll see if the Master Naturalist might be a good match for me. I'm a little skeptical as I'm not at all a plant person. We shall see.

  6. I haven't done much in the area of genealogy because my dad did so much in his retirement (he died three years ago). He and mom had a home in AZ for half the year and there was a very active genealogy group at a library in his area. He learned a lot about resources and how to get reliable results in searches.
    I'm so far behind in the Louise Penny series that I don't even read about the newer ones. I hope you end up liking it!

    1. Mary, good to know about your Dad's genealogy research. I've been curious about it for a long time. We'll see. As to the Louise Penny book, just take your time with the series. You'll eventually catch up or maybe just move on to books that work better for you. :-)

  7. I totally understand about being distracted and not being able to read. I so miss my yoga classes! I can't wait to hear more about what you discover from the classes!

    1. I'm trying to figure out what life will look like here in Kerrville and so that's the reason for my exploring new pursuits, etc. Not sure all these will work for me, but it's fun exploring. And, yes, yoga. One day I'm going to join a class here.

  8. It's hard trying to get anything done in the way of home remodeling and furniture these days... the will be tasks a mile long waiting for me in FL, but I, too, am trying not to worry about it too much. It will all get done eventually, I suppose.

    I'm interested in the Master Naturalist classes. Pretty sure Deb at Readerbuzz has done it. Keep us posted!

    1. JoAnn, yes, you are right! It's Deb who has the Master Naturalist hobby or pursuit. I couldn't think who it was. We'll see if it's something that might work for me. I am not at all a plant person. I need to go look up here blog posts about her journey there. And I like your attitude about the things waiting for you in FL. I need to adopt it - ha!

  9. What is a Master Naturalist? The Talking Texas Book Group sounds good.

    I have never been interested in genealogy but my husband is, in a way. He likes mysteries centered around genealogy.

    Very sorry to hear that you are having problems with focus and anxiety. I have had indigestion and sleep problems for several months and that affects my focus and that affects how much I get done, which leads to stress. Like a vicious circle. But I am still reading, and I hope more reading can help you.

    1. Tracy, the Master Naturalist program is one that includes classes about nature, geology, and other topics. Apparently, one attends the classes and then commits to 40 hours of volunteer work at programs relating to the designation each year. I'm still finding out more, but am investigating whether it might be something I would like.

      Thanks for the good thoughts about the focus and anxiety. I'm working on it. I hope that you too can find some relief from your issues as well. Surely reading will help, right? Ha!

  10. Kay, my husband and I are Texas Master Naturalists. It's a pursuit that we love, and I'd encourage you to join! We have learned so much about nature and we have been able to join so many citizen science projects and to help teach others what we have learned.

    1. Deb, I knew that someone in the blogging world was a Master Naturalist and should have guessed it was you. I'm thinking about it. Not really my area at all, but I'm looking at ways to explore my new community here.

  11. Stress and anxiety make it difficult to sit with one thing for any length of time, at least that's what happens to me. Everything will get done in it's time. Enjoy the beautiful new scenery :)


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!