

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

2022 is starting off well in my reading department....happily!

Hello book friends!  As I mentioned a couple of times, I'm going to try to stop by here at least once a week and share a bit about my reading, my book groups, my volunteering, my walking, and whatever else I can think up to talk about.


I've finished three books so far in 2022 and I'm happy about my reading pace.  I enjoyed all of them.

The Night She Disappeared by Lisa Jewell  

Last Girl Ghosted by Lisa Unger

The Sorority Murder by Allison Brennan

I think I might have read a book by Lisa Jewell before, but I can't quite remember.  Lisa Unger is a great favorite of mine and I've loved her books set in upstate New York in a town called The Hollows.  That location plays a bit of a part in Last Girl Ghosted, but it's not one that is exclusively set there.  I've known of Allison Brennan for many years, but have not read any of her books.  I liked this and will probably check out more of her books.  I do think I saw Allison at a book conference a number of years ago. 

Historical Fiction Book Group:

I've mentioned that my new library here in Kerrville is starting two new book groups this year and so that will mean every Thursday will have a meeting there for a total of four groups.  The first week of the month is the Historical Fiction Group.  There were 8 of us at the first meeting, including the librarian and she spent a bit of time talking about what the group would be like.  She encouraged all of us to suggest books and then told us what we'd read for our February meeting.  The choice was The Alice Network by Kate Quinn.  I read that one about three years ago and discussed it with the mystery group I was part of in Austin.  A good choice and a couple of the others had read it as well and were enthusiastic about it.  Kate Quinn's newest book, The Rose Code, was also mentioned as a good one.  I checked out The Alice Network and plan to at least skim it again to refresh my memory.  We'll know the Mar-Jun books at the next meeting.  I think I can handle 4 groups.  Ha!

Regular Life:

I went to Austin early last week for my annual dermatologist appointment and was happy to see that she didn't find too many little spots to 'freeze' with her liquid nitrogen.  Yay!  I always want to keep up with those exams as I've had some little skin cancers in the past that had to be taken off.  Best to be proactive with those screenings.  Let's see - I also got a haircut on Thursday and helped out at the 'Friends of the Library' bookstore on Wednesday.  We had trees trimmed in our yard and it's looking so much better.  Maybe some grass can actually grow in the back yard.  It was so full of shade that not much sunlight reached the ground.  Still waiting on the inside renovations, but the outside is shaping up nicely.  

I think that's about all I have to share this week.  No pictures from my walks.  It's been quite cool and my hands are wearing gloves and stuffed in my pockets.  Spring will arrive in a few weeks though and I look forward to wildflowers.  Take care everyone and see you next week!!  


  1. It's great to hear that your literary 2022 has started out so well. So has mine. I just finished reading two A+ books back-to-back. That certainly doesn't happen very often!

  2. Sounds like a good reading start for you. I haven't read Unger in a while but have read many of her Hollows books. Kate Quinn is another author I'd like to try in 2022. Glad your skin check went well. I go annually as well, but I always tanned easily so my issue is more -those annoying skin tags that get zapped periodically--aging is fun isn't it?? LOL

    1. Aging - well, I'm not exactly a fan but what can you do, right? Yes, those skin tags. Ick.

  3. What a lovely update, Kay! Your book groups sound like a fun addition to the week.

    1. Angela, I will say that having a book group to visit each week is pleasant thing to look forward to for sure.

  4. You have a very busy book schedule!
    I am happy that you are more contented in your life. It must be so nice to be settled in.

    1. Nan, I do feel more contented. This is a nice place to live and though there aren't as many stores, restaurants, etc., we're finding it peaceful. As to settled in, well, in some aspects. Still anticipating the inside-house renovations, but we'll get through them and then hopefully be completely content. LOL

  5. I'm glad your reading year is off to such a strong start! I finally finished my first book of the year, but it was just under 600 pages. (The Lincoln Highway)

    My only experience with Kate Quinn was The Rose Code and I highly recommend it. My sister said I'd love The Alice Network, too.

    Good luck with 4 book groups! I had two for a while and found it to be too many prescribed reads per month. Guess I just don't like being told what to read - ha!

    My skin is very fair and I'm on the 6 month plan with the dermatologist after having a small skin cancer removed last year. Also need a haircut, but I was the only one in the salon with a mask last time. Guess I'll wait until omicron subsides a bit.

    1. Yes, I hear you about 'assigned' reading. That's why I'm giving myself permission to read the book or not read the book as I choose. I know that wouldn't be what everyone would do, but I gain from the discussions whether I've completed the 'assignment' or not - plus getting to know people. As to skin stuff - yes, I'm very fair too. My dermatologist will insist on calling my freckles 'skin damage' - ha! Happily, I'm on an annual visit now. Used to be more often when there were more things to freeze or cut off or biopsy. I'm hoping I'll just remain in 'freeze' mode for the rest of my days. LOL

  6. I'm eager to try some of Kate Quinn's historical novels, particularly The Rose Code.

    It sounds like you've been pretty busy. I need to schedule appointments for both me and my husband with a dermatologist. It's been a long time since we've gone.

    1. I think you'd like The Alice Network and I've certainly heard really good things about The Rose Code. I'll get to it at some point. Another book by the author is The Huntress. I have a copy of that one too. Yes, hubby and I are both on the 'schedule' for the dermatologist. He has to go more often than me now because he's had more things to remove in the last couple of years. I started with my 'removals' many years ago and have progressed to the annual visit. Fair skin for me and golf for him - sun damage - even with sunscreen. Sigh.

  7. You're off to a good start, Kay. And I'm glad you're settling into your new area so well. I've read one book by Lisa Jewel too. I had to look up the title, it was Then She Was Gone, and it was a real pageturner and full of twists and turns.

    1. Cath, good to know about another book by Lisa Jewell. I might even have that one on my Kindle. I'll look. And, yes, I'm becoming very content with my much-smaller-town life.

  8. I've started reading very well this year as well. Its the thing that is keeping me grounded!

    1. Mystica, glad to hear that your 2022 reading is going well too. Hope that continues for all of us. Happy New Year!

  9. Oooh, a historical fiction discussion group sounds really fun! I would totally join that. I've yet to read a book by Quinn, but I want to. I've heard only good things about them.

    Happy New Year, my friend!

    1. Susan, I think you would like this historical fiction book group. It's not as much my wheelhouse, but I'm game to try whatever - as long as a few of them include historical mysteries. LOL

  10. I am glad you reading year has gotten off to a good start, Kay. I keep forgetting to call and see about setting up an appointment for a spot on my back that I need to get checked out. I am glad your library is still able to have sales. I don't think ours has been open for those since the start of the pandemic. I have a ton of books to donate too and was hoping they would at least be open soon to take some of those off my hands. I was able to give some away to my in-laws when they came for Christmas at least. I hope you have a great week! Enjoy your reading!

    1. OK, Wendy, I'll remind you to get your spot looked at. Or try to anyway. After my not-as-fun visits to the dermatologist in past years I'm more eager to get these little things 'frozen' instead of 'removed' some other way. Yes, our book sales are able to go on. However, the hours have been cut down. The bookstore used to be open one Saturday a month and other than a special sale right before Christmas, those have not been reinstated yet. We're just 2 hours on Wednesday afternoon and not nearly as many people are available at that time to visit us. Hopefully, in time the Saturday sales can be held again.

  11. Glad your year is starting off so well! And so many good books, too. Fingers crossed the goodness continues. :)

  12. Great job and so glad your reading year is starting off well! I've really enjoyed the books I've read by Lisa Jewel and her books do very well as audio. I finally read The Alice Network in 2021 and absolutely loved it. I'm really looking forward to reading more by Quinn.

    1. Yes, I'm hearing lots of good things about Kate Quinn's books that were published after The Alice Network. She seems really excellent in her research.

  13. It is going to be interesting to hear about your different book groups. You have such a busy life now.

    1. Well, I hope it will be interesting, Tracy. Ha! I will say that it will give me something to share here weekly. And, yes, my life is getting busy again and I'm happy about that.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!