

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Let's talk about cupcakes and Jenn McKinlay's Cupcake Bakery Mysteries...

We've talked about coffee already.  Let's talk about cupcakes - I mean, who doesn't love cupcakes?  Just the right size.  Not too big, not too little.  Perfect!!  And have you noticed the boom in cupcake shops and flavors in the last few years?  How about a mystery series set in a cupcake shop?  Sound good?  Well, pull up a chair and let's talk murder and flavors.

First of all, I'll share that my daughter is a cupcake baker extraordinaire.  Seriously.  Not just Mom talk.  She's a labor and delivery nurse by profession, but she's a baker with a flair.  She's had a little bakery business in the past, but her hospital work has gotten too busy for much more than cupcakes for friends and family now.  I'll be sprinkling a few of her cupcakes here and there in this post.

Jenn McKinlay is an amazingly prolific author.  She has written 5 different mystery series.  She's a librarian.  She's got a husband and kids.  And she lives in Phoenix, Arizona and is a frequent guest at where?  You guessed it, The Poisoned Pen.  The only mystery series I've read of hers so far is her cupcake bakery series.  It's set in Old Town Scottsdale and stars two friends, Angie DeLaura and Melanie Cooper.  These ladies own Fairy Tale Cupcakes, partially because of help from another friend, Tate Harper.

In the first book, Sprinkle With Murder, Tate's fiance is murdered.  She was sort of a bridezilla and was actually found dead with one of Angie and Melanie's sample cupcakes.  Hijinks ensue and both the cupcake ladies are suspected of the crime.  Angie has several brothers and so family plays a part.  Angie, Melanie and Tate have been friends since they were kids.  Everyone has an opinion.  Oh, and there is also a 'crazy as a loon' woman who is their competition.  Always fun to see her.

There are now 7 books in this series that includes titles like Buttercream Bump Off and Red Velvet Revenge and Going, Going Ganache.  Can't you just taste the flavors?  So, if you're thinking that a little sweetness would go along well with your murder, you might try one of these books.  They are fun!

Just in case you were wondering about the cupcake flavors in the pictures.  The first one with the fondant flower and purple vanilla buttercream icing is a plain chocolate cake.  Daughter was very proud of the look of the icing and fondant.  The next ones down are Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes.  Then we have Butter Pecan Praline Cupcakes.  And the one just above is a Peppermint Hot Cocoa Cupcake.  Yummy, huh?  Do you like cupcakes?  What are your favorite flavors?

I'll be including this post as part of this week's Weekend Cooking, hosted by Beth Fish Reads.


  1. I love cozy mysteries, and those with a foodie theme are the best! I haven't read this series, but I'm adding it to my list.

    Your daughter's cupcakes are amazing! Wow. And now, of course, I have a craving. Grrrr.

    1. Yes, I understand the craving. I helped her out some when she had her business, mostly by washing dishes. You just wanted to lick the spoon all the time. LOL

  2. I'll take a strawberry cheesecake cupcake please 🍰 I have not read any books in this series but if it's a mystery I would probably enjoy them.

    1. You probably would, Tina. They are nice cozies - with recipes as well.

  3. One of each for me, please! ;-)
    And cozy mysteries of the foodie variety are a lot of fun, too.

    1. One of each - yep, wish I could do that, JoAnn. :-)

  4. Yum! It has been ages since I had a cupcake, and these look so tempting. Perfect addition to the cozy mysteries.

    1. Cupcakes are the best - just the right amount. :-)

  5. Oh cupcakes are the ultimate dessert! You don't have to worry if the slice is too thin or too thick, just grab it and go. And these are so beautiful I would almost hate to bite into them...almost :) Now I am having a sweets craving and I've been trying hard to curb my sweet tooth, Kay! Bring back the coffee post, I'm sipping my second cup now.

    Thanks for sharing this. If your daughter ever gets back in the business she should figure out mail-order deliveries-- I'd take some!

    1. I get it Rita - bring back the coffee. And thanks for the thought of mail-order cupcakes. Wish she could do that. LOL

  6. I love cupcakes! I picked up some from a cupcake store for Eleanor's birthday yesterday and ended up getting a few extras just for me because I couldn't decide on what flavor I wanted. Your daughter has mad cupcake skills! I can make yummy cupcakes but they're a long way away from pretty. Have you tried any of the recipes in the McKinley books? I love this series but have never tried the recipes.

    1. No, I haven't tried any of the recipes. I always read the recipes in these books and never actually cook them. Thanks for the kind words about the daughter. She does have a knack.

  7. What a fun post! Your daughter's cupcakes look wonderful, and I'm excited to hear about a cupcake mystery series :). Great titles to those books, too.

    1. They are great titles aren't they? Whoever came up with them had a good time. And believe me, those cupcakes tasted as good as they look. :-)

  8. Oh boy, now I need to check out those mysteries, and the delicious cupcakes to go with! Hardly know where to start.

    1. It's a nice pairing isn't it? A little murder. A little sweetness. LOL

  9. Food lends itself well to cozies - murder and comfort. Goes together. :-)

  10. I need to try a cozy. Cheers from Carole's chatter

  11. Thank you for joining the discussion/comments, on this post of mine!!! I love to do "What do you think? posts. And I think bloggers like to be asked for their opinion. :-) Thank-you-much, for giving me yours.

    Living this no-this-and-no-that life style, I can't pay too much attention to sweets. ,-) But your daughter's "enjoyment", is fabulous looking!!! :-)

    And the books sound like fun, too!

    As always, thank you for the reading suggestions!!!! You are certainly a super-reading-suggestion, for me!!!!!


    1. Tessa, you are so sweet. I'm happy that some of my reading suggestions have worked for you.

  12. I have had the pleasure of having a couple of those cupcakes. Delicious and as pretty as they are in the pictures. Sounds like a good series. I bet I could get it on Book Bub.

    1. You have actually had some of her cupcakes haven't you? Sorry I can't bring them any more. :-(

  13. I like cozies and love cupcakes - your daughter's look so yummy! I'm a fan of most cupcake flavors topped off with buttercream icing. Now I'm craving a cupcake...

    1. Yes, buttercream is very good. Plus she makes an awesome cream cheese icing. Yum!

  14. My daughters will drool if they see this post! I love cupcakes too; not only they're yummy and they look so pretty too!

    I rarely read cozy mysteries but this series sounds like one I should start with!

    1. This is a cute series, if you think you might try it. As another incentive, it has recipes. Just saying. LOL

  15. I'm not crazy about cupcakes usually, because they're missing that middle layer of frosting that you get in a layer cake, and it throws off the ideal proportion of cake to frosting, but I had a Boston Cream Pie cupcake from a bakery the other day, and I realized that I just need to stick to filled cupcakes from now on!

    1. Filled cupcakes are great. And, my daughter had a few of those too. Can't recall exactly right now, but I'm thinking those Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes might have had a little infusion of cream cheese icing in the middle. She had a Tiramisu Cupcake that she injected espresso into - just a little. :-)

  16. I read Sprinkle With Murder awhile ago - loved it, but then never got a chance to read more in the series. I will, though. Although now I'm hungry for cupcakes. LOL

    1. Yes, they do look good right now. Good to hear that you're a fan of this series also.

  17. What I would do for a good delicious melt-in-the-mouth cupcake right now! I have seen many cozy mysteries like the ones you mention which have food or cakes or cupcakes on their cover. And I've always wondered what cupcakes had to do with the story. Their synopses always sounded amazing, so I have to read one of them.

    1. Yes, a lot of cozies do add in the food or the crafting. I don't read too many of them anymore, but make an exception here. LOL

  18. You've introduced me to a new author. I love cozy mysteries and it's been too long since I read one. Your daughter's cupcakes look wonderful and I like all the variety of flavors. Good work Mom. (Take some of the credit.)

    1. Thanks Margot! Hope you try these. And, well, I'll take a little of the credit, not much though. LOL

  19. What lovely cupcakes your daughter makes!

  20. I'm pretty good with making full size cakes but I'm less successful with cupcakes for some reason. Your daughters are wonderful :)

    1. I think they take a special knack. I'm not a very adept baker at all. Not sure where she got it. LOL

  21. I love a great cupcake, but after trying the first book, didn't go back for seconds :)

    1. Well, a lot of the cozies out there are rather an acquired taste. I will admit that I've lost my taste for many of them. It may come back at some point though.


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