

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Quicksand by Malin Persson Giolito

Quicksand by Malin Persson Giolito

First Paragraph:

Lying next to the left-hand row of desks is Dennis; as usual he's wearing a graphic T, ill-fitting jeans, and untied tennis shoes.  Dennis is from Uganda.  He says he's seventeen, but he looks like a fat twenty-five-year-old.  He's a student in the trade school, and he lives in Sollentuna in a home for people like him.  Samir has ended up next to him, on his side.  Samir and I are in the same class because Samir managed to be accepted to our school's special program in international economics and social sciences.


Named the Best Swedish Crime Novel of the Year by the Swedish Crime Writers Academy

A mass shooting has taken place at a prep school in Stockholm’s wealthiest suburb. Eighteen-year-old Maja Norberg is charged for her involvement in the massacre that left her boyfriend and her best friend dead. She has spent nine months in jail awaiting trial. Now the time has come for her to enter the courtroom. How did Maja—popular, privileged, and a top student—become a cold-blooded killer in the eyes of the public? What did Maja do? Or is it what she failed to do that brought her here?

My Thoughts:

I listened to QUICKSAND on audio and Saskia Marleveid did a good job as the narrator. Translated form Swedish, this book won the Best Swedish Crime Novel of the Year.  I liked the last third more than the first part. Maja Norberg is on trial, accused of facilitating and inciting her boyfriend in a mass shooting. She is also accused of murdering her best friend and the boyfriend (who killed the other people) in the same school shooting. The story revolves between the courtroom and the past leading up to the shooting itself. The details of Maja's life and her friends were a little overlong, in my opinion. However, there were relevant emotional traumas to explain and also the reader is uncertain for quite some time regarding Maja's innocence or guilt. A tough subject, but a book that I ultimately liked more than I thought I would. I'll watch for other books by this author.


  1. I've had my eye on this one for a while, for some reason after avoiding them for years I'm quite keen on courtroom dramas at the moment.

    1. There may not have been as much courtroom stuff as I wished, but there was a lot of backstory to tell.

  2. I saw this one at the library but didn't pick it up. Glad you enjoyed this one so this will be onto my wishlist.

  3. I have this on hold at the library...it sounds fascinating to me!

    1. Sarah, I'll be curious to hear what you think when you try it.

  4. This is a new-to-me author and title. I appreciate your thoughts about it and will look for it at the library.

    1. New to me as well, Catherine. It was well done I think.

  5. I do like the sound of this one....I am always intrigued by crime drama, and the Swedish aspect especially appeals to me. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

  6. Yes, I guess it is a little long. I don't notice as much when I'm listening to it. LOL

  7. I hadn't heard of this one but I'm intrigued. The subject does sound like a tough one though and chicken that I am I may wait until the next book and try that!

    1. Yes, it is a tough subject, but there's not a lot of detail about the actual shooting itself. Kind of hard to explain. Lots more about kids that are rather 'out of control'.

  8. I find the idea of school shootings terrifying. Also fascinating. I've read a few really riveting school shooting books. COLUMBINE by Dave Cullen is a mind-blowing account of that shooting. I also started reading LOCKDOWN by Laurie R. King while I was at the gym. I'm only a couple chapters in, but it's already engrossing. I'll have to give this one a go.

    1. I didn't know that Laurie King's new book was about a school shooting. Will have to watch for that one. I have not read COLUMBINE. My daughter had a friend in college that was there that day because that was her high school. Scary.

  9. It is a tough subject given the number of school shootings in the last few decades. I think I'd do better reading than listening to a book this long.


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