

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Happy September!

Hello bookish friends!  May I be the first to wish you Happy September and Happy Labor Day Weekend (if you are in the US).  Also, happy fall?  Well, temps are still in the 90's for us and will be for quite a while.  However, at least we seem to be done with the 'over 100's' time period...maybe. 

We have had a very busy summer.  Travels to New Mexico and lots of golf stuff for my husband.  We spent a nice few days in early August in Kerrville, which is about 2 hours from our home.  A golf tournament was involved for him and I did some early morning walking.  It was still warm, but not as warm as it became later in the day.  Kerrville is definitely in the Texas Hill Country and is a very nice town.  They have a wonderful library, which I finally got to visit, and I also spent some quality (as in buying a few books) time in a couple of local bookstores.  It was lovely.  I met the director of the library and spent a few minutes chatting with her about library stuff - whether they had a mystery book group and if they were always in need of volunteers (answer was YES!).  My husband and I have considered and continue to think about possibly moving to Kerrville after he retires, but that's several years in the future.  It was nice to take a look at the library.  I suspect that library volunteering will be in my life always, wherever I live.

After Kerrville, we moved on to Ruidoso, New Mexico, one of our favorite places.  We spent a couple of weeks there and, yes, a golf tournament was involved.  Plus books.  Always books, right?  There are a number of antique-type stores in that area and each of them includes books.  Always fun to see what might be lurking in the corners.  I picked up several and may do a 'show and tell' in a later post.

I'll be back in a bit to do my fall post for RIP 14 - Readers Imbibing Peril 14.  So, the answer to Robin's query on my previous post about whether I would be joining in is YES!  Thanks for reminding me, Robin

I'm going to leave you with some wild horse pictures that we took in New Mexico.  There are wild horses in that mountain area and signs abound regarding them.  Sometimes you see them.  Sometimes you don't.  This year, they were frequent residents.  Big horses, small horses, foals - just wandering a mountain neighborhood, between the houses, munching on the vegetation.  In  past years we've seen a bear, very large elk, not as large deer, raccoons, rabbits, and skunks.  This seems to be the year of the horse.  Enjoy!


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely summer! It's still warm here, too.

    1. Hope you guys don't get part of that hurricane, Kathy!

  2. A busy summer for sure and I loved your pictures from NM, My son had a small bear in his apple tree today.

    1. So, what you're saying is that bears like apples too? Good to know - ha!

  3. What a lovely summer break you’ve had. The wild wild horses are amazing! The photos were fun to see. Thanks for the mention. I’m so looking forward to reading all the reviews for R.I.P.

    1. Yes, we enjoyed seeing the horses. As I said, sometimes they are around and sometimes not. People love taking pictures of them though. Yes, I'm excited to hear what everyone will read for RIP.

  4. It sounds like you had a wonderful time in New Mexico, Kay. I am glad you are enjoying your summer. I love the horse photos. Thank you for sharing! The darkness is settling in earlier so fall is definitely on its way. My daughter has been in school for three weeks already.

    Have a wonderful September and enjoy RIP!

    1. I think that school started in our area around the 15th of August. Maybe close to the time for your Mouse. Yes, the darkness - my husband doesn't love the early twilights. Less time for golf after work. Ha!

  5. I've not been to Kerrville yet and really want to go check it out. So glad to hear you and your husband had such a nice time away. I was just watching the news and they said hotter than normal September in store for us. Yikes. I'm so ready for Fall. Can't wait to hear what books you'll be reading for R.I.P.!

    1. I just read that about the hotter than normal temps for this month too. Sigh. Well, I guess that's better than experiencing another big storm on the coast. Hoping the one in the Atlantic will just turn and head back out to sea. So sorry for those people in the Bahamas.

  6. I'm glad to hear you'd a wonderful time in New Mexico, Kay. The trip sounds lovely and so many things to see and explore.

    Hope you've fun with the R.I.P. Challenge! Can't wait to see what titles you'll be reading!

    1. I'm planning on having a good time with R.I.P. It's perfect for my type of reading.

  7. Sounds like a great way to spend the summer! The horse photos are great--that would be such an interesting treat. :)

    1. It's different for sure. Horses in a fenced field are one thing. Just meandering through a neighborhood - quite another.

  8. Chickens? Hmmm....I think I like the horses better. Ha!

  9. It's still hot here in the land of eternal summer! Ugh. I can't wait for temps to cool down.

    Sounds like Kerrville is a lovely place! How fun that the horses just roam. We have a herd here that hang out by the river up the highway from our house. Sometimes they're there, sometimes they aren't -- I feel lucky when I see them :)

    1. Really - horses in your area? I never would have thought that. Seems to hot and dry. :-)

  10. Sounds like you had an awesome break! Love the horse pics. :)

    1. Thanks, Lark. It was fun indeed and I was glad we got to see more of the horses this year. Oftentimes they are absent.

  11. Sounds like you had a relaxing summer! Happy to hear from you :-)

  12. We have some places around town where I can drive by and see horses so I am loving the wild horses roaming the streets. Sounds like you've had a pretty good summer. It's very hot here today although our summer overall has been so very mild. This week 103 but next week dropping to 85. I really hope this is the worse of it. Last year we hit 120 for three days in a row and I thought the world was ending.

    1. Ti, I can see how temps of 120 would feel like doomsday. I spoke too soon here. We are not through with the 100's. Maybe in a couple of weeks.

  13. Kerrville would be a great retirement town. You know, we should try to get together in October when the Texas Book Festival is in Austin. Let me know if you would like to do that and if you would be able to do that.

    Ruidoso is another beautiful town. It also would be a nice spot for retirement.

    1. Deb, I think we're going to be out of town during the book festival time, but I'll let you know if things change. Thanks for thinking of it!

  14. What a great summer filled with travels and books!

  15. The horses!!! I'm surprised to see them in neighborhoods. Are they protected? Do they do any damage? Do they round them up and sell some, as they do in Chincoteague?

    1. My understanding is that they are protected or at least a judge said that they are not to be bothered and don't fall under some state agency. I don't know as much about NM laws as TX. Apparently, some people or one person maybe decided in the last couple of years that the horses were bothersome and penned a bunch of them up to remove them. There was an outcry and somehow a judge got involved. They are supposed to be free to roam now. As to damage, I don't know - probably some. However, other wild creatures in the area cause damage too - like the bears. All the trash in that area must be placed in large metal receptacles, not in trash cans like we have here. Residents are responsible for putting their own trash into those receptacles. It's because of the bears.

  16. I'm pretty sure we drove through/past Kerrville on our way to Junction (South Llano River State Park) last year.

    1. Yes, I imagine you did drive through or past Kerrville.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!