

Friday, January 3, 2020

My 2020 'One Word', a first book choice, and podcasts?

In the last few years I've chosen 'One Word' to be my focus for the year.  I've used JOY and JUST BREATHE (OK, two words), and PERSEVERANCE.  This year I decided to take a quiz to get suggestions.  Ti at Book Chatter mentioned that she had done this and so I tried it as well.  After answering a few questions through DaySpring (a faith-based card company), the word I got was


At first I wasn't too impressed, but the more I have thought about this word, I think it might be just about perfect.  The definition of BLOOM used as a noun is: (1) the flowering state or a period of flowering and (2) a state or time of beauty, freshness or vigor.  When used as a verb, the definition is extended to (1) to produce or yield flowers and (2) to mature into achievement of one's potential.  I think there could be a lot of possibilities for growth here and so I'm keeping this word.  My word for 2020 is BLOOM and we shall see where it takes me.


I've been going back and forth and to and fro deciding on my 'First Book' of 2020.  I haven't exactly been in a reading slump, but I have not been reading quite as much.  I've watched a lot of British crime shows and reread our mystery group's January selection (Dark Matter by Blake Crouch).  I've also listened to some podcasts (see my question at the end of this post, please).  However, I've narrowed it down to two books.

by Abbi Waxman

by Julia Keller

Have you read either of these books?  If so, what did you think?  The Keller book is the latest in her Bell Elkins mystery series, which I love.  Abbi Waxman's book begins with a couple of quotes, one of which is: 

Happiness is having your own library card.--Sally Brown, Peanuts

Now who wouldn't love a book that begins with that quote, right?  You can tell me which you think I should try first...

Oh, and are you a podcast listener?  I listen to several book-related podcasts like Ann Bogel's What Should I Read Next?  If you have a podcast you really love, let me know in a comment.  I'm pretty familiar with all the book podcasts and I don't like true crime.  Otherwise, I'm open to suggestions.  I love audiobooks, but sometimes a podcast is just the right length.  Share your thoughts if you'd like.


Thanks for coming by and reading what I have to share whenever I get motivated to share things.  I appreciate all of you so much!    


  1. The Bookish Life of Nina Hill is still on my wishlist.
    I hope you enjoy whichever you choose.

  2. I liked (but didn't love) Bookish Life. Probably just me, though.

    1. Glad to hear your thoughts on it, Deb. As I said, I think it caught the eye of many of us.

  3. I'm still unsure of my one word. Maybe I should take the quiz.

    1. It had about 7 questions. As I say, DaySpring is a faith-based card company. The link to the quiz is here: https://www.dayspring.com/yourwordquiz#/home

    2. Thanks. I passed when I saw it was faith based (because it's not my faith, such as I have one)

    3. Yes, I understand. I wanted people to know that it is a faith-based company. Bet you'll figure out your word. It was a big deal at our Weight Watcher meeting yesterday. And I filled out my little card and wrote 'Bloom' - ha!

  4. I like your word of the year. Some years a word comes to me and other years I don't have a word. If I knew where you did your survey I might would do it to see what it thought I should use.
    I haven't read either book you have chosen. I have thought about reading the first one. I have never heard of the second one.
    The only pod cast I listen to is _A Way to Garden_. I am a gardener and Margaret Roach has a wide variety of subjects, experts and other information on her pod casts.
    I love reading book blogs. I have found many good books to read through reading blogs like yours. I came upon your blog through Nan. Cheers and good reading in the new year.

    1. Lisa, how nice that you stopped by from Nan's blog. She and I have been internet friends for 20 years. Always happy to meet someone who reads her blogs. Thanks also for the podcast recommendation. I'm not much of a gardener, but you never know what I might learn.

      Oh, the link to the quiz is here: https://www.dayspring.com/yourwordquiz#/home

  5. The Bookish Life of Nina Hill was a cute read and perfect for book lovers - I'd suggest that one!

    I love the word "bloom" - it just feels so happy and hopeful.

    1. Good to know that you liked the Nina Hill book, Angela. Yes, I agree that 'bloom' seems hopeful.

  6. Haven't read The Bookish Life of Nina Hill, but I did like The Cold Way Home!

    1. I know I'll like that one, Jenclair. I've loved that series.

  7. I'm intrigued with The Bookish Life of Nina Hill after seeing this on a few bloggers' posts. And I love the word "bloom". It certainly has many positive meanings/definitions. :)

    1. It does have a very positive vibe doesn't it? I'm liking it better all the time. We'll see which one of us reads the Nina Hill book first, Melody. Ha!

  8. Those both sound good Kay. (My mantra for the year - read the books you have before jumping to others. lol) I think bloom is an excellent word. Who knows where that may take you? I have talked about the books we have read to a coworker that hardly read books, and now she has a library card (like Sally), always has a book on hold, and is reading a couple of books a month.

    1. Gayle, I'm excited that you've talked your coworker into books! And a library card. Good job! Yes, we'll see how 'bloom' works for me. Love your mantra - not sure how much success you'll have, but you never know. Ha!

  9. Bloom is a wonderful word! I haven't selected one and am curious about the quiz... think I'll google it! I haven't read either of your books. Not familiar with the mystery series [surprise, surprise ;-)] but my SIL enjoyed Bookish Life, so now I'm tempted. As for podcasts, I listed to a few bookish ones and a couple of current events/politics... though lately I'm happier just sticking to books. Hope you get some good suggestions!

    1. I was just curious if others listened to podcasts, other than true crime. That seems to be very popular, but not what I want to hear about. I've shared the link above about the quiz.

    2. It pointed me to the word "bloom", too! :)

    3. Well, 'great minds', right? Ha!

  10. I hope 2020 is your best year ever!

    1. Thanks, Kathy! Hope so for both of us. Can you believe that it's 2020?

  11. I think BLOOM is a lovely word for the year. (Maybe because one of my goals this year is to work on the small amount of yard we have front and back.) I have never seriously thought of having a word for a year but maybe this is a good year for me to do that. To focus.

    My first book of the year is WOLF HALL by Hilary Mantel, although I am not sure it counts since I started it two days before the end of the year. It is nearly 600 pages and is a challenging book for me to read and I am enjoying it a lot.

    1. Tracy, I definitely won't be using 'bloom' for gardening. I have no talent at all in that area. Ha! I've heard of several who liked WOLF HALL, but I've not really been tempted by it. Might be the time period. Hope it's a good one for you though.

  12. Remember the Mary Engelbreit - "bloom where you are planted" ? I've always loved that. And they say that brides are "blooming". Love that, too. A perfect choice, methinks. My first book was Mrs Caldicot and the Cabbage Wars.

    1. I do remember that 'bloom where you are planted' phrase. When I looked at the definition, it seemed much more positive and hopeful.

  13. I've read both THE COLD WAY HOME and NINA HILL. I would start with the former, personally, although it's a heavier read and NINA is a lighter read. I liked THE COLD WAY HOME better, though.

    I'm glad you asked about podcasts. I got wireless earbuds for Christmas to help motivate me to walk more. I signed up for Audible and got a couple free audiobooks to try (I think I've listened to exactly one audiobook as an adult). I also downloaded the Google podcast app, so I'm looking for some good ones. What are your favorite book podcasts? I haven't heard of any of them!

    1. I knew you had read THE COLD WAY HOME and also knew you'd like it. As I said to others, I think that Nina Hill attracted a bunch of us. I bet you'll enjoy your new earbuds for walking. I love to listen and walk. Hope you'll come to enjoy audiobooks. As to book podcasts, my top one is the one by Ann Bogel - What Should I Read Next? Usually if you scroll down, there will be other suggestions to try. I also listen to some by Book Riot. I also like one by a husband/wife team called He Read She Read and another called From the Front Porch. I've found that I like some and don't like others. Think you'll have to try a few and see what you think.

  14. I think this book has caught the eye of many of us, Vicki.

  15. I have the Bookish Life of Nina Hill on Audible and am looking forward to it. I look forward to seeing what you think. I like your thoughts on Bloom. I'm not sure what my word will be for this years but I'm thinking about just focusing on joy. That's kind of gotten lost in the past couple of years for me. I'm starting this year with an Agatha Christie this year and it's a favorite but one I remember almost nothing about.

    1. Katherine, I think that 'joy' is a great word. We could all use a little more joy and I think it's there if we watch for it. Agatha Christie books seems a great way to start reading in 2020.

  16. Goodness, why is it so hard to pick a book to start the year in, right? I drove myself crazy trying to decide. I was lucky I was looking for a specific kind of book.

    I actually like your oneword. It's not something I would think to pick (if I were trying to choose a word without help) but there are just so many ways to apply it. Most of all, I like how positive and uplifting it sounds. Go for it!

    1. Athira, I agree that the positive aspects are now beginning to occur to me. I'm liking it more and more.

  17. Love the word Bloom and I think it's going to be a great one!
    I hope you really enjoy The Bookish Life... I read it last year (still need to do a review) but really liked it.

    1. I'm looking forward to it, though you can see that I ended up picking up another book first. Can't believe it took me so long to settle on one, but that's the way it is sometimes.

  18. I like the word Bloom. It sounds perfect for you and where you are in your life right now. I look forward to seeing where it takes you this year as well.

    I really enjoyed The Bookish Life of Nina Hill and could relate to Nina more than I care to admit. Haha. I haven't read the other book, but they both sound good. Which one did you end up going with?

    I hope you have a great week, Kay.

    1. Glad to know that the Nina Hill book was a good one for you, Wendy. Well, I actually ended up not starting either of the ones above. As you can see from my sidebar, I picked The Unhoneymooners and am liking it. It's making me laugh. ;-)

  19. When we moved to Cleveland 20 (!) years ago the first few years were rough. I wasn't working, I was out of school and I didn't have kids. I found a part-time job and a newcomers group with the motto 'bloom where you're planted' and it's stuck. From my years in the group I have dish towels, soap dishes, rocks, etc. with the phrase and it's such a great reminder when I see it around the house. It's a great word for you :)

    1. That's a great motto for a newcomers group - very positive and cheerful. Thanks for the good thoughts and looking forward to having a 'bloomin' 2020.

  20. I really liked The Bookish Life of Nina Hill (audio). Hope you have a good week Kay!

    1. Glad you liked that one, Diane. And good to know the audio works well. Hope your week is a good one too!

  21. Bloom is nice. I would probably have some blooming flowers around my place if I didn't live in an apartment. Happy New year.

  22. I think "bloom" is a perfect choice for your 2020 word!

    I would probably choose The Bookish Life of Nina Hill. I love books about books/reading.

    Thanks to you, I am now addicted to What Should I Read Next. :) I've been listening to it all day and was happy to discover that I can go online and find a list of the books mentioned in each podcast. I was scrambling around, making notes of titles on little scraps of paper. :) Of course, my TBR list just exploded, but I do enjoy the podcast. I just finished the one with her husband, which was wonderful. Let me get caught up and then I'll ask you for another recommendation.

    1. I will be reading about Nina Hill, but since my word was 'Bloom', I took a look at my Kindle and picked out a book that had flowers on the cover. Ha! How's that for a way to pick a book?

      Yes, glad you are liking What Should I Read Next. She also has the Modern Mrs. Darcy blog. I've read it now and then, but don't on a regular basis. And you can find the book in the show notes. I will give you one recommendation that might suit you - He Read She Read. A married couple who talk about books and who sometimes read a book together. That might suit you since you and Rod read a lot of the same books.

    2. I'll give He Read She Read a try. I enjoyed listening to Anne's and Will discuss books, so this one sounds right up my alley, too. Thanks, Kay! Now to find time to listen to my audio books. :)

    3. Kay and Les - Not to butt in or anything ;-)... I listened to a couple of episodes of He Read She Read after reading about it above and liked it very much! From the Front Porch is another favorite, but I think it will change slightly when it returns as Chris is leaving. As much as I like the bookish podcasts, they do cut into my audiobook time!

    4. I'll have to give From the Front Porch a try, too. I just found one that sounds interesting, but haven't listened to it yet. It's called Midlife Mixtape. I was also giving Spilled Milk a try, but I don't like the way they talk over each other.

    5. JoAnn, you're not butting in at all! I just remembered that From the Front Porch was changing up a bit. We'll see how that one goes. I have liked it in the past. And I agree that listening to these does cut into audiobook time. I also listen to music some to get me to increase the speed of my walking. Somehow I don't walk as fast when I'm involved in the story, but I will when I hear one of my favorites from the '70's (my teen years - ha!). Les, I've found that I'm fairly picky about the podcasts I listen to. Some voices work for me and some don't - like narrators for audiobooks. Good luck!

  23. I am glad to hear that BLOOM has grown on you because when you mentioned it to me it just seemed so perfect.

    My first book, A Good Neighborhood lit a fire under my butt and I am reading back to back since finishing it.

    1. I'm glad for the BLOOM word now. And I want to read A Good Neighborhood at some point after it comes out.

  24. I forgot to mention a podcast. I have been loving That Sounds Fun with Annie Downs. It is faith based but not overly so. She talks to really interesting people, some musicians, some reality TV show personalities, people who have overcome hardship. It's a great podcast. I listen to it on my way to work every morning.

    1. Thanks so much for the podcast recommendation, Ti. I'll check it out for sure.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!