

Sunday, October 10, 2021

A gorgeous sunrise on my morning walk and more R.I.P. reading...


I'll start this update post by sharing a picture of a sunrise I enjoyed last Wednesday morning.  My walks are starting later because the days are getting shorter, but that means I'm getting to enjoy being out there when these wonderful sunrise colors are right in front of me.  I find that quite, quite pleasant - cool mornings, pretty skies, good audiobooks, enjoyable walks.  It's all good.  Hope life is good in your part of the world.

We took a quick overnight to Austin this week and had a nice birthday dinner with our daughter and son-in-law.  My husband had a couple of appointments the next day and then we headed back to Kerrville.  It's nice to be able to do that and the drive is only a couple of hours.  Otherwise, my reading is still going well as is my volunteering.  We have a new roof on our house and will soon have the trim and fascia painted and then the new gutters will be installed.  Progress!

As to reading, I'll list a bit about 4 books I completed since I last shared here.  All fit in with the R.I.P. theme, but then we all know that almost all of what I read falls in the mystery/crime novel world.

The Sun Down Motel is by Simone St. James and I liked it a lot.  Set in upstate New York and told partly in 1982 and partly in 2017, this is a 'deliciously creepy' (according to Riley Sager) story with many Gothic themes.  It tells of the disappearance of Viv Delaney in 1982 and the very odd happenings at The Sun Down Motel where Viv worked as a night clerk.  Carly Kirk is Viv's niece and she's heard about her mother's sister all her life.  Carly goes to Fell, New York to try to figure out what happened to her Aunt Viv.  I found the book and it's ghostly aspects quite absorbing and I am looking forward to discussing it with a new book group later this week.  This is a book group that I haven't tried yet so we shall see how it works and what the other members think of it.  A good October selection I think.

My next book was Dark Roads by Chevy Stevens.  I liked it a lot too.  I think I've only read one other book by this author, but I do remember seeing her at a mystery conference a few years ago and getting to meet her.  Dark Roads is set in British Columbia and the author grew up on Vancouver Island and still lives on the island.  The story tells of the Cold Creek Highway and the girls that have gone missing there over many, many years.  It's also based in part on actual events and Stevens shares some thoughts on that at the end of the book.  Hailey McBride grew up in Cold Creek and her father taught her how to survive in the woods.  He is killed in an accident and Hailey must live with her aunt and uncle and then Hailey goes missing as does another local woman, Amber.  A year later, Amber's sister comes to find out what happened and things really start heating up.  Lots of twists and turns and secrets here.  Pretty scary stuff, so maybe not a story for those who prefer more gentle tales.  FYI.

The Fiancee' by Kate White was my next selection.  I've read several books by Kate White who used to be the editor of Cosmopolitan magazine.  I liked this one well enough, but not as much as the previous two books.  This was about a family that gets together annually for a week at the parents' house - 4 brothers and their wives.  Well, 3 wives and 1 wife-to-be.  We see things from Summer's perspective.  She's married to Gabe.  When Nick introduces the family to his new 'flame' Hannah, Summer is sure she's met her before, but Hannah says not.  Later there's a death and then maybe another.  Secrets, lies, all the usual.  As I said, I liked it but it didn't break 'new ground' with me.  On to the next.

Lastly, I finished My Sister's Bones yesterday.  This one was written by Nuala Ellwood in 2017 and it was her debut novel.  I 'discovered' it on my Kindle and dove in.  Do you ever have books that you've forgotten you even owned?  I do.  Ha!  Nuala Ellwood is from a family of journalists and her main protagonist here is also a journalist.  Kate is a well-known war reporter and she's spent a lot of time in Syria.  She's witnessed many awful things and then told the stories of the people involved to her readers.  After her mother dies, Kate comes home.  She's not well herself and suffers from PTSD which causes her to have bad dreams and possible hallucinations.  Kate has a sister named Sally, but Sally too is unwell.  They had a tough childhood.  Sally's husband Paul tries to help out, but when Kate becomes convinced that bad things are happening next door it's hard to tell if there is really a problem or if it's all in Kate's mind.  It took me a while to get wholly involved in this story, but I hit a point where I couldn't put it down.  I'll be looking for more books by this author.

That's all I have for this post.  I've started Twenty-One Days by Anne Perry.  It's the first book in her Daniel Pitt series and is the November selection for my former mystery group.  I think this one will suit me very well - not quite as grim.  Take care and I'll be around again soon to let you know what I've been reading.  Happy Fall!!          


  1. What a beautiful sunrise!

    And an interesting set of books. Dark Roads is the one that appeals, probably because I read a couple of non-fiction books this summer about people disappearing in your NPs and forests.

    1. Thanks, Cath! If you're interested in the disappearing angle you might try Dark Roads. As I said though, a bit grim in the topics that are explored.

  2. Pretty sunrise Kay. Looks like you are starting to settle into routines, which is good. I've read Sundown Motel and loved it. Author has a new one releasing in a few months as well. have a great week.

    1. Diane, thanks for the reminder that Simone St. James will have a new book coming out. I really liked her Broken Girls book. Another author that I need to explore the backlist.

  3. That is a beautiful sunrise. I a three tier photograph display in my bathroom of the sunrise that I like to gaze at through the mirror when I am getting ready in the mornings. It's very welcoming. I face the west in the mornings while I am working so often miss the sunrise itself. I am glad you were able to get to Austin to visit your daughter and son-in-law. I am looking forward to reading The Sun Down Motel. I really like Simone St. James writing. I hope you have a great week, Kay. Take care!

    1. Wendy, thanks for the kind words. Your photo display sounds lovely. Yes, we had a good time with our kids. We're trying to get with them more often when we come to Austin, but work schedules for her are difficult at times. You have a good week too!

  4. I can't wait to hear how your new book group discussion goes. And I'm happy you are settling into your new home. It's a beautiful part of the world.

    1. Deb, I'm excited about trying another book group here in Kerrville. And I was happy that they were reading a book that was already on my TBR. Yes, this is a beautiful part of the world. The Kerrville Chalk Festival will be going on this next weekend and I am so looking forward to stopping by and taking some more pictures to show all of you.

  5. Beautiful clouds! I can definitely tell that the days are getting shorter.

    1. Thanks, Angela! Yes, shorter days. Means my walk starts later and later. LOL

  6. Gorgeous sunrise pic. I can't decide if I'm ready for shorter days or not. Have a good week, Kay!

    1. Thanks, Mary! Well, I'd actually like for the days to stay the same length or not get shorter I guess. My walk time has to be adjusted because I'm not inclined to walk in the dark. LOL

  7. Thanks, Vicki! Good to know that you've read some of Chevy Stevens books as well. I need to go through her backlist and see what my library might have.

  8. Lovely sunrise. We have had a lot of overcast here, which is unusual for September and October in Santa Barbara. In the last few days we have had more sun, but no sun at all in my northeast facing back area, so I have to adjust to the gardening needs.

    Our home related nightmare here (that is an exaggeration, of course) is that our driveway for the condominium group is being change to pavers, and it is taking forever. They are starting the 4th week of construction today. We can't use the driveway at all and it is a long trek to the street, which is difficult for unloading groceries etc. But the real problem was that my husband had cataract surgery and transportation to and from surgery and doctor visits has be problematic. Lots of stress but not the worst thing that could happen, I know.

    I was interested to hear that Anne Perry had a new series with Daniel Pitt. I haven't followed the Thomas Pitt series, just read the first few in that series. And that one started in 1979. Amazing. How can she still be writing?

    1. Tracy, what an annoying thing with waiting for your driveway to be updated. Sigh. Everything seems to take forever these days doesn't it? Hope your husband recovers well from his eye surgery.

      Yes, it seems amazing that Anne Perry is still writing. I think she's finished with the Thomas Pitt series. I read each book in that series for a long time, but it was one that fell by the wayside as other books and series were published. I did finish the first book in the Daniel Pitt series and enjoyed it a lot. There are 3 more of those out so far. It reminded me a bit of the Murdoch Mysteries. Time period is 1910.

  9. I've read My Sister's Bones, but the rest sound great. For the record, I have a ludicrous amount of books on my Kindle I've forgotten about! Glad I'm not the only one!

    1. I'm happy to know I'm not the only one who 'forgets' all the books she picks up. Ha!

  10. I really liked The Sun Down Motel! Such a great read.

    1. Lark, I did like it a lot. Very spooky and yet also a great puzzle book. Look forward to talking about it in a couple of days with others.

  11. I think I can count on one hand the number of sunrises I've seen in my life - unless you count the ones I've seen after staying up all night! I've always been more of a night person then a morning person and it doesn't seem to be getting better! I love the pictures you've shared and do hope to start getting more walks in my future. The Sun Down Motel is on my TBR. It's a bit different from my usual but looks interesting. I'd also like to read Kate White though I think I'll get the 2 earlier books you mentioned enjoying more.

    1. Katherine, I laughed at your 'no sunrises' comment. You're the night owl and I'm the lark. Always been an early riser, even in my teens and in college. I kept telling my friends at school to get up and go to breakfast - that it was the best meal they served. LOL

  12. That's a beautiful pic of the sunrise, Kay! And I'm glad you enjoyed The Sun Down Motel. It's one of my favourite Simone's books and I really hope she'll have a new book out soon! The other books you read sounds interesting too, so I may have to check them out.

    1. Melody, I do think that Simone St. James has a new book coming out in a few months. Someone mentioned it, Diane maybe? Can't wait!

  13. Oh, that sunrise is gorgeous! I'm walking earlier in the morning now, too, but mostly because it's still so warm. Thankfully, the humidity has dropped a little, but our lowest overnight temp so far has been 73. Sigh.

    The books sounds good. I've had my eye on The Sun Down Motel for a while... gotta love that Upstate NY setting!

    Sounds like you're making progress on the house, at last. Hope it continues at this pace now. Have a good week, Kay.

    1. Thanks, JoAnn! I'm delighted to know that going a couple of hours west and away from the Gulf gives us a little cooler temps. I had forgotten. It's been a long time since I lived in more western parts of Texas. Makes the morning walk lovely.

  14. What a beautiful sunrise, Kay! I have become a night owl, so I rarely see the sun rise. I got my share of them when I was working, though! :)

    I'm glad things are progressing with the house. A new roof isn't terribly exciting, but it's an important update to a house, especially one in Texas!

    I've only read one or two books by Chevy Stevens, but I'd forgotten that she lives on Vancouver Island (a place near and dear to my heart), so maybe I should give her another try.

    Yes, I often forget what I own on my TBR shelves. My daughter is just now getting into reading for pleasure (YAY!!!) and laughed when I told her I had a couple of hundred books that I haven't yet read. She's in that early stage of becoming a reader where she only buys one book at a time. Ha!

    1. Les, I'm delighted that your 'girl' is enjoying reading! And I totally understand. I know we've talked about that before long ago when they were both much younger. Mine, sadly, is still not much of a book lover. She doesn't dislike them, but rarely uses books as her 'happy' place. Think she enjoys baking cupcakes and playing with the dogs more. LOL

  15. Oh Kay there's so many books I forget I have especially when it comes to books on my Kindle as I don't "see" them like I see my bookshelves. The book by Nuala Ellwood really sounds interesting. After finally reading Simone St. James for this R.I.P. reading season, I can't wait to read more.

    1. Iliana, I'm planning on reading more of Simone St. James' work too. And Nuala Ellwood.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!