

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Another update from the land of pollen and dust and not much reading...ha!

Hey everyone!  Just thought I would do a quick update here - not that I have too much to talk about at all.

I did want to start out by saying that I will have an author guest post this Friday.  This is a local author that I've seen at a couple of events and she very graciously agreed to share a bit about her writing process.  Her name is Joanne Easley and I invite you all back to 'hear' about her books and 'Writing Twentieth Century Fiction'.

Our floor replacement/renovation is about 60-65% finished.  It will hopefully be completed in the next week or so.  The guys started and did about half the house, but as we are still living here, the other part had to wait until our master bath was finished (which it is except for the mirror).  We had been sleeping/living in the guest room/guest bath area.  Now we are in the other side and, of course, the floor guys had to go do another job in between.  Such is life and job schedules these days.  Also, between the seriously awful cedar pollen (normal in Texas at this time) and the renovation dust, etc., my sinuses are very unhappy.  This too shall pass, but it's been no fun trying to decide if we are having allergies or actually sick with something.  Lots going around.  

My reading has again suffered, but I will hopefully be finished soon with the book that I have kind of stalled on.  I'm progressing, but so, so slowly.  It's Lisa Unger's newest, Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six.  This is an author that I have loved so much.  Her books set in The Hollows of  upstate New York are all so, so good.  Lately, she's been writing standalone books and I haven't read all of them.  This one just hasn't been what I expected.  I'm going to finish, but this is likely all I'll say about my reading experience with it.  Maybe you've read it and loved it.  I know that not every single of my favorite authors will write books that are perfect for me.  Anyway, I'm casting about to find what I might pick up next.  Give me a suggestion or two if you like.  Otherwise, I'll be back soon.

Take care of yourselves and have a good week!     


  1. It's a little disappointing to pick up a beloved author and have it be different in some way. Maybe it will pick up.

    New floors sound wonderful. I can't wait until you can enjoy them.

    1. Thanks, Ti! Yes, the part of the house that has the floors completed is exactly what I wanted. Very happy about it. As to the book, well, I finished it and thought - OK, on to the next. Ha!

  2. Kay, sorry to hear that the pollen where you live is causing sinus problems. I am sure that is painful and bothersome. I have minor problems with allergies year round because Santa Barbara has pollen of some kind all year. And my husband has now developed them too.

    Sorry about the reading problems too, but I am sure that will improve.

    Glad to get news from you on the blog.

    1. Tracy, I've had winter allergies my whole life. The cedar pollen in Texas does not like me and I was always dealing with it when I was a kid. It doesn't really seem to matter where in Texas that I live - though some areas are worse than others. And the dust from not much rain and renovations has not helped at all. Thanks for commenting and I'm through with the Unger book and on to the next. Hope it goes better. :-)

  3. Sorry about the pollen/sinus issues. I think I've given up on 3 books already this year. It's disappointing when a favorite author's book isn't as good as others but I think we've all had that experience. Hope your next book is excellent, Kay. Good luck with the flooring job completion.
    Mary @Bookfan

    1. Mary, I do agree that it is disappointing when you've looked forward to an upcoming book but it doesn't exactly as you thought. I'm moving on to the next and am hopeful for a better experience. Thanks for coming by!

  4. Oh, the joys of remodeling! Sounds like some good progress is being made at least.

    I'm with you on the Unger book. It's the only one I've read by her and I found it to be just an average read, although the DNA aspect does bring up some interesting food for thought.

    1. Susan, I know you are quite aware of what we are going through. There is good progress and we are so close to getting it all done. Yay!

      Interesting about your experience with this Unger book. As I said, I do like other books by her - the first book set in The Hollows is called FRAGILE. Maybe I should just go back and reread those. Ha!

  5. Thanks for the recommendation. Tha5 author had slipped my mind!

    1. I really like those 'Hollows' books, Gayle.

  6. That's tough living there through all the renovations. I commiserate. We are having the basement finished and the guys have been here for what feels like months. When will it end?

    1. It begins to feel like 'never leaving, never leaving' doesn't it? LOL

  7. I'm so sorry you have to deal with pollen AND construction dust at the same time, Kay. Ugh. Maybe you should have come to Oregon while the work was being done. :) Have you read the latest Louise Penny mystery? I'm about halfway in and cannot put it down! I have things to do today, but I plan to spend tomorrow doing nothing but finishing the book. It's darker than her usual books in the series, but it's so compelling!

    1. Happily, the floors are finished and just lack painting of the trim. And a very few other small jobs - maybe we'll be done in a few weeks - like 2 or 3 - Ha! No, I have not read the latest Penny book. I've had it for a bit, but since my reading has been 'off', I'm saving it for when life is more normal. Maybe after my house is finished? ;-)

  8. Oh, how I sympathize with you on the renovations and pollen/dust. It is a trial to live through it! Nothing much is happening on our lower level, but we did get a framed/plywood garage wall... maybe they'll be back one day to finish it, lol! The dust from the silt left by the storm is everywhere, plus occasional "red tide" has us coughing way too much.

    Glad you're reading some. It's slow going for me, too, but surprisingly I've landed with some longer, more literary novels. Good luck as your work continues!

    1. Thanks, JoAnn! And to make things just 'perfect', Central Texas has been experiencing an ice storm this week. Our area is not as bad as other areas, but everything comes to a standstill and the Austin area has lost lots and lots of trees and tree limbs. Good luck with all your repairs and renovations. I know that patience is definitely required.

  9. I've heard of Lisa Unger but haven't read any of her books. I'm sorry this one is turning out to be a bit of a disappointment!

    1. I think that happens to most of us now and then with authors that we particularly enjoy. And that's OK. Won't stop me reading more of her books though.

  10. It's so disappointing when a book from a favorite author doesn't live up to expectations. I do not envy you all the construction dust combined with the cedar pollen. I think I'd be all Benadryl. The times we've had to do even minor renovations my eyes have been a mess.

    1. Yes, it's kind of been a 'perfect storm' for the nasal passages and eyes. And now we are in the midst of an 'ice' event. Sheesh! Work was progressing, but the workers can't get here for a couple of days. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better. We shall see.

  11. What is up with the allergies this year! I had to take some zyrtec this weekend and that pretty much meant I did nothing. Oh well! Glad to hear the renovations are coming along and I bet you are counting the days for when your house will be truly yours and no more need for renovations! Bummer that this Lisa Unger book isn't one of her best. I've enjoyed several of her books. Hopefully next book will be much better!

    1. Yes, Lisa Unger has been a favorite of mine, but that's how it goes sometimes. Sorry you've had to take allergy meds too. Mine are usually worst in winter and somehow not in spring. Another reason to wish for spring! LOL


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!