

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year! Can you believe it's 2023?


Wishing all my book friends a very Happy New Year!  My hope is that your days will be full of joy and peace and contentment and love.  And books - can't forget the books!  Let's have some great reading this year, OK?  I intend to try.  Oh, and my 'word' for 2023 is JOY!  That was my word for 2016 and I've decided to try to focus on that one again.  Here's a bit about what I wrote that year regarding my JOY quest...


The definition of JOY according to Merriam-Webster is this:

1.  the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune
2.  a state of happiness or felicity
3.  a source or cause of delight

Well, no offense to Merriam-Webster, but I don't think happiness or a constant state of that is required to experience JOY.  I also think that JOY can be something that comes in short bursts or even pin pricks.  And I think that sometimes, it must be searched for, sought out, almost tripped over.  That is how it has been for me, especially in those times where it was hard to find - those darker days.

I want to share two quotes that come from books written by Louise Penny, a favorite author of mine.  The first illustrates how I feel that JOY comes to us.  It's from her book, How The Light Gets In, and is a quote that was originally written by Leonard Cohen.  He graciously gave Louise permission to use it.

There is a crack in everything.  That's how the light gets in.

I think of JOY as that light.  And all of us have 'cracks' in our lives, our personalities, our ways of doing things.  In order to appreciate JOY best, we need those cracks - those life experiences that may not be the most pleasant - that indeed may be filled with grief and sorrow.

The second phrase comes from The Long Way Home and it is repeated over and over in that book:


Surprised by joy...

My goal for 2023 - to search for JOY every single day.  No matter what life brings me.  And to consciously attempt to share this elusive thing with others.  Every single day.  So that they might recognize that we can all be 'surprised by joy'.  


  1. Happy New Year, Kay! Wishing you so much joy in 2023!

  2. An excellent choice, Kay. Wishing you a new year filled with joy!

  3. What a wonderful word choice for 2023! Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks, Katherine! Happy New Year to you as well!

  4. Happy New Year Kay. May joy surround you when you least expect it and it's presence be felt

    1. Nise', that is such a kind sentiment. I do appreciate it.

  5. Great word choice, Kay. Happy New Year!
    Mary @Bookfan

    1. Thanks, Mary! We'll try to have a good year, right?

  6. This was eloquent. Beautifully expressed. That quote is one of the first I ever saw in my blogging life. I had not heard the song.

    1. Thanks, Nan. I do love both those quotes.

  7. What a wonderful post, Kay. I think I will join you in trying to find joy every day. And I know it will won't be in huge events but in the little things. I think in these uncertain and dangerous times we have to find it for ourselves and also try to spread it around a bit. Happy New Year to you, I hope you and yours stay healthy and that you find lots of good books to read.

    1. Cath, I appreciate your words. And, yes, let's read some good books this year!

  8. Wow. Beautiful post, Kay. A noble pursuit for 2023.

    1. Thanks, Deb! Seems a pursuit worth my attention.

  9. Happy New Year, Kay! I think joy is a great choice and I hope this year will be filled with lots of joy for us all! :)

  10. Yeah finding joy of something every single day would be nice. There's always something that lightens our load & we can find pleasant. A good word for 2023!

    1. Thanks! I think that sometimes we just have to look hard for that little bit of joy. But it will be there.

  11. Happy New Year, Kay! So happy to see some posts from you and glad to hear you'll be blogging more. I'm trying to get back to a regular blogging scheduled again too! And, excellent word for the year. I think it's so important to look for those happy moments even when we feel far from them. Wishing you lots of great reads and many joyful days!

    1. Thanks, Iliana! I'm glad to be getting back to some blogging too. I just have to make the time and also know that I'm not on a strict schedule. I tend to overthink things. LOL

  12. Happy new year, Kay! I love your word choice. I totally agree that joy comes in moments, not just all the time. As a relatively new parent, there are lots of hard times we had to get through this past year, but those every day small moments of joy make it so worth it. It's something I need to remember this year!

    1. Angela, you are at a wonderful and also stressful time of life with a little one. Joy will be there though, for sure. Hope 2023 is wonderful for you and your family.

  13. I hope you have a Happy New Year, Kay! I like your definition of joy, and have to say I agree. Wishing you a wonderful year.

    1. Thanks, Wendy! I think most of us have had some struggles or trials in the last couple of years. It's good to remember that there are also positive things around, even if we have to look for them at times.

  14. I love your word for 2023, and that you shared those quotes from Louise Penny's books. Happy New Year, my friend!

    1. And right back at you, Les! Yes, I seem to remember those quotes from her books most of all.

  15. Happy New Year, Kay, and it is amazing to be in 2023.

    I am in the mood to look for joy in small things too. I hope I can stay in that mood. Thanks for writing those lovely thoughts to inspire me.

  16. Tracy, thanks for your kind words. Yes, I understand about trying to stay in the mood - sometimes we just have to remember to look for the bits, small bits of joy. I suspect they are always there if we will only recognize them. :-)

  17. I love that "joy" is your word of the year and I love your definition of it. I've often contemplated the similarities and differences between the ideas of happiness, fun, and joy. For me, joy is longer lasting than the other two and exists even when life doesn't feel happy or fun.

    Happy New Year!

    1. I think you and I agree completely on 'joy', Susan!

  18. My first, long comment didn't post. I'm having such a problem with this. Testing to see if this goes through. If it does it will bring me great JOY :)

    1. Stacy, I just saw this one to be moderated. OK'd it so it may be that I need to 'moderate' for some reason. I have no idea why so many are having issues with commenting. Haven't heard from a lot that have issues here, but who knows? LOL


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!