

Friday, March 27, 2015

A Day in the Life Blogger Event - Kay's Day

Trish at Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity (which you should definitely read if you already don't) proposed a blogger event a couple of weeks ago.  She calls it "a day in the life" and it's just a fun way to share what our lives are like outside the blog.  She has done "a day" in her life twice, once while she was at home with her kiddos and once after she returned to work.  Both were fun to look at and read.  I told her that my life would likely be boring compared to hers or other young mommies.  She responded that I led a productive life and it's wouldn't be as dull as I thought.  She promised.  OK....well, jury is out on that question.  But, here we go...

Hello, I'm Kay and I'm a blogger of a certain age - let's say between 55 and 60.  I am the mother of one lovely daughter and have one handsome son-in-law.  I have a wonderful husband that I've known since he was 12 and I was 13 and we've been married 34 years.  I no longer work outside my home, but he still does.  We live in the country (i.e. at least 15 minutes from any store) in Central Texas.  And this was my day last week, Wednesday, March 18th.  With pictures.  And commentary.

5:00 AM - First thing every morning.  A must.  The best part of waking up and not Folgers in this cup.  Hubby off to gym and work - long commute.

5:30 AM - My computer desk.  Yes, I use a desktop.  And I'm back and forth here as my day progresses.  Email.  Blog reading.  The usual.

6:15 AM - Throw a load in the washer.  I like to get my laundry done early and don't actually mind doing it.

8:00 AM - Check outside to see if walking in the neighborhood is a possibility this morning.  It's raining, which we need, but think I'll wait and see if it stops.  Have skipped yoga class because of rain, which makes traffic horrid.  Don't feel like treadmill or rowing machine.

9:00 AM - Stacy has a quiz today on her blog, Stacy's Books.  Love those.  What do I know about Irish actors and their ages?  Turns out not much.  Sigh.

9:30 AM - Hurray!  The rain has ended and I can go outside for a walk.  Love that blue sky.

9:45 AM - Have my tennis shoes on and ready to go.  Love the purple and these are the most comfortable - truly.

10:55 AM - Have left the house to run a few errands.  Pick up prescriptions.  Take some clothes to the cleaners.  And stop by the library that is closest to me that I use for actual book borrowing, as opposed to e-book borrowing.  A trip to pay my annual fee for use of this library because I don't live in their city limits.  I don't mind - always support the libraries.  I borrow e-books from my former workplace, the Austin Public Library, where it doesn't matter that I live outside the city.  This is a little sculpture outside the library I visited entitled "Storytime".

11:45 AM - Making a stop at the grocery store to pick up a few things.  This is one of my reusable bags, with a Texas Longhorns symbol on it (Hook 'em Horns!).  We're all about the reusable bags in our area.  In Austin, they don't allow plastic grocery bags or plastic bags at all.  Strict, but better for the environment.

1:45 PM - Sitting down with my current book on my Kindle.  Will read for a little while before I have to tackle one of my least favorite household chores.

2:30 PM - There it is.  My vacuum cleaner.  I hate vacuuming.  Really.  And I have a good one, but I hate it.  You know, for the first several or many years of my married life, I never had to vacuum.  My hubby did it.  I didn't even know how to change the bag.  Just something about it irks me, plus it's hard to hear my audio book with all that roaring.  

5:15 PM - Hubby is on his way home and I'm starting to prepare taco salad for dinner.  This would be the guacamole part.  I make very simple guac.  Just avocados, lemon juice, a little garlic, a little seasoned salt, maybe some diced tomatoes.  That's it.  Yum!  The taco salad will have ground turkey instead of ground beef.  I can't tell the difference with the seasonings. 

8:00 PM - We're watching a little TV, prerecorded on our DVR (how did I ever manage without that before - no commercials) and I have my iPad and whatever game I'd like to be messing with while watching.  Obviously, tonight it's Candy Crush.  Because we get up so early (remember 5AM), we're usually heading toward bed around 9:30-10-ish.  

And that's my day.  It was a usual day.  I checked my Audible stats and they told me I listened to 3 hours and 9 minutes of my current audio book today.  And that's usual too.  Taking my phone around with me and listening while I do whatever or while I'm driving is so normal now.  Some days I volunteer and some I have family obligations, but today was typical.

Sometimes I miss the busier times when I worked full time or raising our daughter, but mostly, I like where we are now.  It's a good life.  And, Trish, you're right - not boring to me!


  1. Love taco salad. Hate vacuuming. Thanks for sharing a bit of your life. Love to hear how others spend their days (because I'm just a little bit nosey!). Emma

    1. Emma, I'm having fun reading what other do too. Count me in the nosy group! LOL

  2. Not at all boring, love seeing how people at all different stages of life spend their day. It's so good that your area doesn't allow plastic bags, we are overflowing with them and reusable bags are so much cooler! That sculpture is gorgeous :-) thanks for sharing your day!

    1. Yes, that plastic bag thing took some getting used to, but now, I'm all about the reusable.

  3. I hate vacuuming too -- and it's also because I can't listen to my book!

    1. Guess I could turn it up, but I have to shut the machine off at times and then, it would scare me! LOL

  4. More than vacuuming, I hate actually washing the floor. Probably because it involves both vacuum and washing. And because as you put it, living somewhat in the country here too, there are always the pawprints to clean up. Pretty much 15 minutes from every store here too. Lots of chickens and cows between here and there. Thanks for sharing your day!

    1. Isn't that the truth? We have woods floors in a lot of the house and they are always needing "dusting" and mopping. I hate mopping too. LOL

  5. Vacuuming is the worst. I love that you get so much audiobook time. :)

    1. I am glad too. One of the most fun parts and makes my car time go much faster.

  6. Thanks for sharing, Kay!
    Compared to vacuuming, I dislike mopping the floor more. Since I don't listen to audio books, vacuuming isn't much of a hassle to me though my daughters do complain about the sound. Folding clothes is the next chore I dislike, ha.

    1. I need to come fold your clothes. I don't mind that either, but I agree on the mopping. Not a favorite at all.

  7. Love your pictures and your sneakers are super fun! Thanks for sharing :)

  8. Love those purple tennis shoes -- those would energize any walk!

    1. They are quite colorful, aren't they? I love them.

  9. LOL, I love your joke on Folgers, I don't like that brand either :D. I don't mind vacuuming that much, but I do dislike mopping, specially in winter, it doesn't last a day!

    1. Everyone may not get that, but I can still hear that jingle in my head. And, yes, I understand about mopping. Hate that too. LOL

  10. I'm with all the others, Hate mopping! BUT we just got rid of the carpet in my kitchen and I will always feel grateful for mopping that room!

    1. Oh, yes, carpet in kitchens and bathrooms. Bad, bad, bad. I bet you are liking the new and I do like having the non-carpeted floors in a bunch of my house.

  11. Dang, you keep yourself busy! Love, love your shoes. My hubby came home with some cross trainers for me he found for a great buy - they were all black. Told him to talk them back; gotta have color to be inspired to move! Vacuuming...the floors just get dirty again as soon as you're done and, unless, you move everything out, it's never really done. And if you do, it takes all day!

    1. Black - all black. No, wouldn't be for me. Yes, floors are somewhat depressing. Must be why I don't like doing them. LOL

  12. Central TX! Did I mention my husband moved up from Temple last year when we got married??? LOVE those shoes. I really need some new walking ones, and I want something bright and fun!

    1. I don't think I knew your hubby came from Temple. It's just a little bit away. We are north of Austin in the Georgetown area. I got the shoes at a running store - not that I run exactly or at all, but they are so comfy.

  13. Not boring at all! I actually like vacuuming but I hate the sound of other people vacuuming! I love the statue outside the library. I watch only DVR'd TV as well. My husband sometimes wants to watch live TV and I don't get the appeal at all!

    1. I hate the commercials. Just can't stand them anymore and find myself trying to fast forward through them when we watch "real time". LOL

  14. I love my Roomba--when you have cats, vacuuming can be every day. Sorry you missed your yoga class, but Austin traffic is bad enough without rain.

    1. Yes, I can see how that would be with the cats. We used to have a cat, but she didn't seem to shed too much on the floor. Just on my dining room chairs. And yes, our traffic is awful. I don't go into Austin a lot anymore but I sure pick my times.

  15. Sounds like a good mix of work and fun. Taco salad, yum.

    1. I love taco salad and make it a lot in the spring/summer. Fall and winter, it's taco soup. LOL

  16. I hate vacuuming too, so luckily for me my husband does it. (And luckily for him, I don't mind cleaning bathrooms!) I enjoyed reading about your day, Kay.

    1. Thanks, Florinda. I don't mind bathrooms so much either. Now that I'm home, I hate to ask my hubby to do the vacuuming, but he still does sometimes when we're getting ready for company. And he mops so much better than I do. LOL

  17. Ugh vacuuming…

    But ooh, guacamole!

    It was fun reading about your day!

    1. Yes, I love guacamole. I could eat it every day. LOL

  18. Not boring at all, Kay - I really enjoyed reading about your day! And I'm with you on the vacuuming. It's the one chore I do the least of, because I hate having to turn my audiobook on extra loud just so I can listen. Sometimes I think maybe I should try out the roomba. The cats would probably be thrilled with that!

    1. I know. I should think about that too. No cat though. Had one, but no more.

  19. Your day isn't boring--just regular. I love those tennis shoes.

    1. They are my favorite shoes right now. So comfy.

  20. I am so glad you shared a day of your life with us, Kay! I love your pictures too. :-) It doesn't sound that much different than mine does when I have a day off and no kiddo around. I had hoped for a day like that today, but both my husband and daughter are sick--and so I'm playing nurse. I don't mind doing laundry either, and completely agree with you about vacuuming. The only thing I hate more is mopping or, worse, scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees. And yet I'm the only one in the house who wishes we could get rid of this darn carpet--at least downstairs. Go figure.

    1. Well, we have wood floors in most of our house, which is nice, but require lots of dust mopping and then regular mopping. Still - not vacuuming. LOL

  21. It's not boring! It sounds like a nice and rounded day...though the only thing I do NOT approve of is your bag. Didn't they have a maroon one that you could have used? :P #Whoop

    I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE vacuuming. And I think ti's largely because of the audiobook. And wow--3 hours is awesome. I should check what my daily listen is. Sometimes I can listen while cooking dinner, but usually just on my short commute.

    And those purple shoes are awesome. And I love that you included how long you've known your husband. Quite a while!! :)

    1. Ummm...no maroon bags to be found here. Not. A. Single. One. LOL

    2. I figured as much. ;) And I love your idea about documenting the wildlife. Actually...if I remember correctly you had a post with some nasty bugs once? I'm still suffering nightmares!

    3. I did have a bug post. I might show those again. And now there are wee little pigs (otherwise known as feral hogs) - they growl you know - really.

  22. I envy you the weather for walking outside (snowflakes here today) and the taco salad, which sounds great.

    1. Yes, thought our spring has come later this year. And I don't have allergies in the spring, so the outside walking is lovely.

  23. I love seeing how you spend your typical day! What I dislike about vacuuming and all housework actually is that it has to be done again and again - it's never a one off job!

    The statue outside the library is lovely - so welcoming!

    1. I know. It's like that with housework isn't it? I try to put it off as long as I can. LOL

  24. Sounds like a great day to me.

  25. I'm envious of your day! Mine seems so hectic and out of control. I'm always trying to catch my breath. That said, I wouldn't change it for the world!

    1. Of course you wouldn't. I'm just at a different time of life. Mine wasn't always like this. :-)

  26. I love your purple shoes! But... as an Oklahoma grad, I'm not sure I can get behind those longhorn grocery bags, lol. This sounds like a lovely day, actually, well, beside vacuuming. I hate that chore, too, and usually try to talk the husband into doing it.

    1. No, no red or maroon or reddish-maroon bags in this house and no color from North of the Red River - LOL! Can't imagine why you and Trish don't like burnt orange?? ;-)

  27. I loved reading about your day! It seems like it would be wonderful to live away from the city - not too far, but just far enough to not be stressed by the noise and the pace. And I'm jealous of your desk - it looks so neat! :D

    1. Well, the desk thing is kind of a personal obsession. I had a extra tidy desk at all my jobs. LOL

  28. I loved your Day! You get up so early, you must get a lot accomplished!

    1. Yes, some days. Of course, I go to bed pretty early too.

  29. I love how much audio time you get! And you're right about the shoes, they are awesome!

    1. I love the audio time too. Not that much all days, but many.

  30. Not boring at all! Although I can't believe you get up at 5am BY CHOICE! Our whole county banned plastic a few years ago. And you have to buy the paper ones. I have a giant bag full of reusable bags that live in the trunk of my car. And I hear you on the vacuum. It's evil.

    1. I know, I'm a morning person. Always have been. I was the teenage girl who always had tricks played on her because she fell asleep first at the slumber party. ;-P

  31. Love how you included photos throughout the day! I've gotten to the point that I can't start my morning without coffee either.

  32. We're around the same age - Carl and I will celebrate our 36th anniversary in May! I wanted to take pictures of my day too but didn't run across anything I thought was interesting at the time. Looking back, I should have taken a shot of the brewery, the restaurant, etc. I need a do-over!

    1. Oh, your day was just fine. Pictures or not. And, yes, I think we are pretty much the same age. Grown kiddo, right?

  33. Taco salad sounds delish! The hubby and I have a nacho recipe that we keep for nights when he has late meetings and we use turkey too! It assuages a bit of the guilt from the cheese and sour cream! :)

    I love your sneakers. Maybe I will get purple ones the next time I am shopping for some...

    1. Oh, turkey on the nachos. That's an idea. Don't really make nachos much anymore, but still. I do use it in meatballs and meatloaf. Thanks about the sneakers. I love them.

  34. Mmm, taco salad. We eat some version of Mexican food about once a week. It's my favorite. Austin bans plastic bags? That's so interesting! I imagine the transition was challenging.

    1. Yes, Austin bans the plastic bags. It has worked sort of - I guess. We don't actually live in Austin anymore and our county doesn't ban the bags, just Austin city limits. But, I try to do what I can. And, yes, we eat Mexican food at least once a week (or more). LOL

  35. Great post! I really believe everyone's life is interesting if you look closely enough. And now I want to come over and have some of that taco salad. ;-)

    1. Come along and have some. I make taco salad in the spring and summer and taco soup in the fall and winter. We like Mexican food here. LOL

  36. Vacuuming is the one chore I like- something about watching the canister fill up!

    1. Maybe I'd like it better if I could see the canister. I have one of those other models. No, I still don't think I'd like it. LOL

  37. It's been so fun seeing everyone's days! So glad the weather cleared up so you could enjoy a walk! :)

    1. Oh me too! We've had a lot of rain, which is good, but not for outdoor walking.

  38. Vacuuming is way to loud. I am so glad I do not have to do it. The purple shoes rock. Glad the rain stopped so you could take them out. Loved reading about your day!

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, I love my purple shoes.

  39. That sounds like a great day :) It's funny how so many people mentioned they did a load of laundry as part of their day. And your guacamole sounds so tasty! I'm going to have to try making that some time.

    1. I guess that the laundry thing is universal. :-)

  40. That doesn't sound like a boring day at all, you got a lot accomplished! When I stay home somehow NOTHING gets done. Ever. I'd be a bad full-time housewife or SAHM. I guess I'm too unmotivated. And I don't like vacuuming either. It's just so boring to me. But laundry is something I really don't like. Maybe if I stayed on top of it and didn't let myself get 10 loads behind it wouldn't be so bad, ha!! Anyway, thanks so much for sharing your day! Even if you think it's boring or whatever I am loving getting glimpses of other peoples personal lives :)

    1. I think when you are at home all the time, you kind of have to get in a routine or it is easy for the whole day to pass and you wonder, what did I do? Now, I'm not talking about when there are little ones at home. That's a whole different story. LOL

  41. Thanks for letting us take a peek at your life, I don't mind vacuuming but really hate putting the laundry away - that for me is the worst job ever! Love that you're reading Jane Casey, she is a favourite of mine.

    1. Cleo, I am so enjoying THE STRANGER YOU KNOW. Hoping to finish it today or tomorrow. Then we can talk. LOL

  42. It sounds like a wonderful day - love what you had for dinner... mmmmmmm avocado!

    1. Sheila, I could eat avocado every day. Really. LOL

  43. Your day sounds just about perfect to me. I dislike vacuuming as well. It is a chore I have gladly given to the kids.

    I believe taco salad with guacamole will be on the menu next week!

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. There you go, glad I could help with your meal planning. LOL

  44. Thank you for sharing this, Kay! Any day when you can get in a walk outdoors is a good day, especially as it'll be super hot soon and we can't be outside right? :)

    1. I know. I've complained about spring being slow to come, but I know that soon we'll be 90 and above and above and above. :-)

  45. I really liked reading about your day, love the pics too. I'd much rather wash than vacuum but I loathe with a passion ... ironing! Not even a good audiobook gets me through ironing. I also love Stacy's blog and her quizzes :)
    Thanks for sharing!

    1. You know, I just really don't iron anymore. I have an iron, but can't think when I last used it. Maybe it's because I hate ironing too. LOL

  46. Yes, I've experimented with various ones. The one I showed is also insulated, so it's good for summer here. We get very hot and even with A/C in the car, certain things can get too warm just driving home.

  47. Definitely not boring! I would be lucky if I had half as productive a day as that. Also, I hate vacuuming too. We have a bagless one but still, I don't know how to clean it. The husband does it. But someday, I better figure it out.

  48. Wonderful photo essay, Kay!! I loved getting a peek into your daily life.

    As far as vacuuming goes, I really don't mind it now that I have a Dyson. I listen to an audiobook while I work and the time flies. I'm always amazed how much dirt & dog hair I vacuum up each week. Yuck!

    We still get plastic bags at one of our grocery stores, which we then reuse for cleaning up after Annie on her walks... We use re-usable bags for Trader Joe's.

    Love guac, too. I could eat it every single day and I do eat avocado almost every day, as it is!

    What brand are your shoes? I just bought some new ones for walking (Asics) and they are very colorful, too.

    100 comments, girl friend! You're a rock star! :)

    1. I had fun with this. I was very hesitant to try it as I thought that my daily life was pretty tame these days. And I'm not complaining about that, but still. My shoes are Newton brand and I bought them at a running store, but I'm sure they are sold elsewhere. I just wanted athletic shoes that were very supportive and comfortable. This is my second pair and it's about time for me to get another actually. And yes, the comments on this post were pretty awesome in quantity, but a lot of people took part and I think most of us tried to get around to them all and comment. Plus half of them are mine responding. ;-)

  49. VCR tapes Kay, fast forwarding through commercials :) Your day is filled with many tasks i can totally see how the day can get away from you.
    Your country setting sounds lovely to me, and I hope I can be a country girl in a few years like you! thanks for sharing and stopping by.

    1. We like it and thanks to you for stopping by as well.

  50. I'm way late (there's really no other way with me!) but I loved seeing your day, and not just because it I was in it ;) I need those purple shoes because it's Gage's favorite color, but I could do without the 5 am wakeup call. Why get up at 5 if you have the option of getting up at 9? Just something to think about :)

    1. Ha! Well, OK, may I say that I've always been a early bird - even in my teens. I can remember being one of the only people I knew who actually went to breakfast at the campus cafeteria. So, 5 isn't quite such a hardship for me. :-)


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!