

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Weekend Cooking - I went on a cookbook spree!

This is my first time participating in Weekend Cooking, which is hosted by Beth Fish Reads each weekend.  I have read Weekend Cooking posts by others for years and think I finally have a few things to say.  Not sure how often I'll participate, but this week I went on cookbook buying spree.  And I'm excited!

You know, sometimes you just look at your cookbooks or your recipe box or in your refrigerator and you think, I am so bored with my usual little "go-to" meals.  Eventually spring will no doubt come and I'd like to have a few new things to try.  Kind of a spring cleaning for my cooking.  For years, when I worked full time and after we were empty nesters, it was easy for us to eat very few dinner meals at home.  We were in a big city and restaurants and take out were everywhere.  After we moved to the country about 3 years ago and I no longer worked, I had to do a major overhaul to my dinner thinking.  It had been a long time since I had cooked on a regular basis, I almost forgot how.  So I dusted off my cookbooks, acquired a few more, and took to meal planning again.

My friend Les, who blogs at Prairie Horizons, has been sharing some recipes in the last few weeks from The Skinnytaste Cookbook.  They have looked very tasty and also healthy.  Which is a good thing right?  I've been flipping through this one since it came and I've hit upon a few that look easy and flavorful - like Chicken Pasta Caprese.  We love Caprese Salad.  Why not add some chicken and pasta?  Or how about Teriyaki-Glazed Grilled Pork Chops with Pineapple Salsa?  I'm terrible with cooking pork chops and this could be a winner.

I saw Sheet Pan Suppers last week on Beth Fish Reads and decided that I would order that one as well.  The title continues with "120 Recipes For Simple, Surprising, Hands-off Meals Straight From The Oven".  Sign me up!  How about BBQ Chicken Nachos?  Or Breakfast Berry Cobbler?  Yum!  I'm definitely going to try Balsamic Shrimp and Summer Vegetables.

And then because I needed to spend a few more dollars to make shipping free, I was drawn to the only Ree Drummond cookbook that I don't already own - The Pioneer Woman Cooks - Food From My Frontier.  Because, honestly, who doesn't need more Pioneer Woman recipes?  Well, maybe we don't "need" them but, wow, the flavors (don't look at the calorie count).  So, I know I'll be making some Chicken Tortilla Soup and maybe some Corn Casserole With Peppers.  Oh, and there is Tres Leches Cake and Blackberry Chip Ice Cream.  Sigh.

I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with some of these lovely, lovely recipes.  I'll be back in a while with more cooking ruminations.  See y'all!    


  1. They look good, Kay! I could do with The Skinnytaste Cookbook - maybe help to get my weight down. And anything that would help with cooking pork chops would be great. My mum used to get really juicy chops but these days they aren't as good.

    1. I know exactly what you mean, Margaret. My husband says that I look for chops that are too lean and so they cook up dry. I think I also have a tendency to cook them too long so they are well done. I struggle with them.

  2. Can't wait to see what you'll be cooking! Have fun!! :)

  3. I made the sweet potato bake from Sheet Pan Suppers last night -- sooooo good and easy. And I love the balance between the Skinny Taste and the Pioneer Woman!

    1. Oh, sweet potato bake sounds good. And if I'm going to do that one, I probably ought to pretty soon. I don't do much baking in the spring/summer. Yes, it was a contrast between the skinny and the "not so skinny". LOL

  4. I made a recipe from Skinnytaste last night (my first try at that cookbook)! The Mongolian beef and broccoli and it was good and fairly easy! The curry chicken salad in there also looks yummy. I think I'll be trying that next.

    1. Good to know, Sarah. I'll go mark that one. And I love curry chicken salad. That would be good for spring/summer.

  5. I have a B&N gift card that is burning a hole in my pocket. My plan is to buy cookbooks! I got Sheet Pan Suppers from Netgalley and loved it, but want a hard copy. Also bought Skinny Taste for my daughter for Christmas and need one for myself. Can't wait to see what you'll cook up :)

    1. I'll see what I can do, JoAnn. When I told my husband about them, he said, "So, do you think you'll actually make anything from them or just look at them?". LOL

    2. Ha! That sounds like something my husband would say, but then he does know me very well. I've been known to buy cookbooks and then just gaze at the pretty pictures. Skinnytaste is actually one I've cooked from quite a bit. As a matter of fact, I'm making something from it tomorrow night.

      I love The Pioneer Woman Cookbook and would love to get her most recent book, but I need to concentrate on the ones I already own. I do love Betsy's Penne Pasta with Shrimp, which is in the first cookbook, as well as the Migas. Mmmm.

      Thanks for the shout-out, Kay!

    3. I've seen that Penne Pasta recipe and have not ever made it. I have made her Chicken Spaghetti many times and tweaked it a bit.

    4. I made the Chicken Spaghetti once. It was way too salty for my taste and I haven't gone back to try it again. I think, at the time, I decided I like my Chicken Tetrazzini recipe better. The Marlboro Man Sandwiches are incredibly delicious, although they're loaded (and I mean loaded!!) with butter. Might be one of those once-a-year recipes. ;)

    5. i have changed up the spaghetti recipe a bit. Trying to think why it would be so salty - the cheese? I don't use spaghetti because the husband doesn't like the long strands. Use penne or something like that. I've managed to half the recipe. Not sure what else. I should do a Wekkend Cooking post on the Ree recipes I use and how I've changed them up. BTW, I did not change the chocolate sheet cake recipe. Oh my goodness, that one is so good. As it should be - 1 pound of butter. LOL

    6. Might be the 2 cans of cream of mushroom soup, along with the teaspoon of Lawry’s Seasoned Salt… I've always thought Lawry's tastes so much saltier than regular salt.

      That sheet cake sound decadent. My husband would love it! :)

  6. I've got Skinnytaste for the library and am looking forward to testing it out. I love Ree Drummond's recipes. Her mashed potatoes are my go to. They're not particularly healthy but they're so good and perfect for Thanksgiving because they can be prepared in advance. The Sheet Pan cookbook has me seriously intrigued. I love cookbooks and it sounds like you went on a great spree!

    1. Yes, my daughter makes Ree's mashed potatoes. Preparing in advance is certainly a plus at Thanksgiving. It was fun and as I'm trying (a little at a time) to do a change-up in our eating, these will be inspiring. Really, the sheet pan one is the most inspiring - and easy. LOL

  7. Ooooh, fabulous haul!! I've heard SO many good things about the SkinnyTaste recipe and am definitely intrigued by the Pan Sheet meals that Beth Fish posted about last week. Be sure to share the great dishes you make!

    1. We'll see, Trish. All of this making and taking pictures thing is new to me. Well, not new for being aware that others do it, but I haven't done it. ;-)

  8. I love the sound of these cookbooks. I'm not really familiar with the Pioneer Woman or Skinnytaste books, but that Sheet Pan one is very, very tempting, indeed!

    1. Thanks Laurie! Really, I think the "easy" part of the sheet pan cooking is the part I'm looking forward to.

  9. Always exciting to get new cookbooks! I've had good results with all the PW recipes I've tried (though as you say, they're not necessarily for the calorie conscious). I'm thinking of also getting the Sheet Pan Suppers Cookbook after last week's review. Not familiar with Skinnytaste -- will have to look into that one. Have fun cooking!

  10. Thanks for stopping by, Vicki!

  11. just wanted to say, that I so appreciate your blog, for the reading suggestions you give. thank you, thank you, thank you.


    1. You are so welcome. I'm glad that they work for you. And thanks for stopping by!

  12. Kay, you asked about the color/size of your print and the font... after changing them...

    yes, your blog is very easy to read!!! very!!!! thank you.


    1. Good. Glad to know it. Thanks for letting me know.

  13. and what a gorgeous Banner photograph! bright. gorgeous.


    1. Thank you. I took this photo in Arizona when we were on a vacation a couple of years ago. The cactus were blooming everywhere there.

  14. I've gone electronic with my recipes now - and I order up all my cookbooks from the library. Saves a lot of shelf space! Cheers from Carole's Chatter

    1. That makes sense, Carole. Thanks for stopping by!

  15. The Sheet Pan cookbook looks so good! We can't buy another cookbook, though - we only have one bookcase for our cookbooks and it's overflowing. So we have pledged not to purchase another cookbook until we weed out our collection. Pork chops are SO difficult to cook - they always end up so dry, or if they aren't, I'm petrified they aren't cooked enough.

    1. My thoughts exactly, Belle. And I can't seem to get over that thinking. Here's hoping some recipes will help.

  16. Skinny Taste...I will have to look that one up! I already have the Pioneer Woman book but I'm giving that one to my son's girlfriend. They're both 20....they can use the extra calories!! LOL!!

    1. Yep, that Ree, she does like a calorie or two. So tasty though. ;-)

  17. I really enjoyed your post, and that Chicken Pasta Caprese is something I must try.

    1. Doesnt' it look good? I'll be sure to try it soon. Thanks for coming by, Diane!

  18. We love eating different foods but don't often make them. Need to expand our culinary experiments!

    1. Me too! I think I'm a little intimidated.

  19. I love getting cookbooks too! The Skinnytaste cookbook sounds great! I will have to check out the recipes and try something from it. I can't wait to hear what you choose to make from these books.

    1. I'll hope to share a few things in upcoming weeks.

  20. Go you! I love cookbooks too, can't wait to see what you make and hopefully you'll share a few recipes? I've been dying to get the Sheet Pan Suppers cookbook after seeing it on a couple of Weekend Cooking posts. I've found the adjustment to empty-nester a challenge as far as cooking goes but I'm getting back into it.

    1. I have another cookbook that I bought and then have ignored. LOL

      It's a cooking for two cookbook. Maybe I will pull it out and see what I can do with it.

    2. great idea ... woohoo you really did go on a spree lol

    3. and don't forget to share, empty-nesters cooking support network LOL

  21. I admit I leave all the cooking to my husband :) I love to watch cooking shows and I like the idea of trying new recipes but I'm a disaster in the kitchen! haha

    1. My husband does the grilling, but that's mostly it. My son-in-law is a great cook.

  22. I love the Pioneer Women recipes. :) Skinny Taste has some good ones too. Have found them when I am looking for something different to make and just "google" i.e. pork chops and rice. I am tired of cooking too but like to eat good tasting food. Such a dilemma.

    1. It is at that, Gayle. Really, I'd like to have a cook. Why can't I have that? LOL


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!