

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Arlene Sachitano's Loose Threads Mystery Series

Several years ago, my husband and I took a trip to the Oregon coast - Lincoln City to be exact.  I love stopping in and visiting small local bookshops when we travel, and I found a great one in Lincoln City - Bob's Beach Books, right on the main street.  Here's a picture:

While looking for books written by local authors, I found a mystery series by an Oregonian, Arlene Sachitano.  It's the Loose Threads Mystery series and tells the tales of Harriet Truman and her quilting group.  There are 8 books in the series at this point, and I've recently read and thoroughly enjoyed the first 3.

In this series, Harriet Truman returns to her hometown of Foggy Point, Washington to take over her aunt's long-arm quilting business.  At first Harriet thinks that she's just filling in while her Aunt Beth takes a European cruise.  However, she soon finds that Beth has decided to give her the business and her house as well.  Harriet, a young widow who still hasn't recovered well from her husband's death, is shocked and not really sure she wants to stay in small town Foggy Point.  The Loose Threads help change her mind.

Quilt As Desired is the first book and soon after Harriet arrives, her house and studio are trashed during a break-in.  The thief was looking for something and apparently didn't find whatever it was.  Then Aunt Beth's best friend and fellow quilter is murdered.  Harriet begins to investigate with the help of her aunt's quilting friends, the Loose Threads.    

The second book is Quilter's Knot and the Loose Threads are off to a quilting retreat at Angel Harbor Folk Art School to learn new techniques.  One of their group, Lauren, has been attending a two-year program at the school and has a special exhibition.  However, among accusations of design copying and fraud, Harriet and the Threads have to try to salvage Lauren's reputation.  It doesn't help that the school's founder collapses during a class and is found to have been poisoned.

In the third book, Quilt As You Go, Harriet has helped organize a Civil War re-enactment and festival as part of the local merchant's group.  During the event, a man is found dead and it's discovered that he is closely connected with Loose Threads member, Mavis.  Secrets are revealed that have been hidden for over 20 years and Harriet and the Threads are right in the middle of things.

These are fun cozy type mysteries that I've had a good time reading.  The author is an experienced quilter and she shares a lot of quilting lore, explanations of patterns and techniques.  All of that is interesting to me, even though I'm not a quilter or a seamstress at all.  The mysteries are not terribly complex, but I like the characters and enjoy the quilting group, The Loose Threads.  I'm looking forward to reading the next book in the series, Quilt By Association.  


  1. I recognized that bookstore the minute I saw the photo! I haven't shopped there, but we did take a lot of my dad's books in to sell after he passed away.

    This sounds like a good series. I wonder if my mom's heard of it and/or the author.

    1. It's a lovely little bookstore and it seems to have a lot of books by local talent. I had not ever heard of this series until I found the first book there. The books are available in e-book form as well. The author lives in both Portland and Tillamook (which makes me think of cheese and ice cream! LOL). Her biography says she worked in high tech - not surprising.

  2. I love the photo of the bookstore sign with the mermaid reading behind the beach ball. I love to look for local books when we travel (although it's been quite a while since we've been anywhere that isn't local). This sounds like a fun series.

    1. I'm having a good time with it. Just up the coast a ways (well, kind of a long ways) from you guys. :-)

  3. Sounds like a fun series - and the bookstore looks cute.

    1. It's a sweet little bookstore. And I'm enjoying the series.

  4. I'm glad you are enjoying this series. The novels sound like well thought-out and crafted cozies.

  5. This sounds like a series I'd really enjoy! I've never heard of this author but I love a cozy mystery and I love the quilting element. I love the used bookstore sign! We have a great one here that I haven't been to in a few months. It's calling my name!

    1. Yes, I hear that call myself a lot form Half-Price Books. Of which there are about 6 or more locations in my area. LOL

  6. It's a great little bookstore. And yes, this might be a good challenge book or books.

  7. I love finding new mystery series so of course I am adding this one to the TBR list. I am glad to hear that you are enjoying these so much. They sound great!

  8. Bob's looks like a charming bookshop! I don't travel much, but when I do, I *have* to track down an independent bookstore (or two), and I *have* to buy something (or two or three).

    Cozies are great, because they usually have a character with a nifty job or hobby I'd love to have/try. This series sounds fun!

    1. Yes, I love those little independent bookstores. Always some treasures to be found.

  9. How fun that you sought out a local series! I actually read a few IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SERIES this past year and even though the books were good I have a hard time wanting to continue feeling like I missed too much. Oh well, I'm adding the first one to my wish list!

    1. Ah, yes, I keep thinking I can get over my 'compulsion' to read a series in order, but it hasn't happened yet.

  10. Aren't these locally owned small bookstores the best? They are always bound to have some treasures!

    1. Absolutely! I love them and have such a good time scanning the shelves or talking to the people behind the counter about books.

  11. I love to visit interesting bookstores and I will make an effort to visit this one. Fun! And what a fun series!

    1. It's a great little store. Just the right size with both new and used books. I loved it.

  12. These quilting series books looks fun - nice to discover new authors and enchanting reads.

    1. Yes, it was a good find. And then fun to find that the books are also available in e-book form for continued reading in the series.

  13. Thank you for reading my stories! Bob's Beach Books IS a great bookstore.
    It is readers like you who keep us writers writing!
    Again - Thank you!

    1. And thank you, Arlene, for stopping by. One day, I hope to get to Bob's again and I'll look for your books there again too!


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