

Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year! It's 2024!!


Hello my book friends!  And a very Happy New Year - 2024 - to you.  My wish is that all will find joy (I love that word), peace, and contentment in this new year.  And books, right?  I don't think any of us will struggle with that - ha!  The books - they will insist on leaping into your hands or cart or onto your e-reader.  Do you agree that books are one of our most special 'happy' places?  They are certainly mine.  However, I have definitely struggled with my reading 'numbers' for the last few years.  Lots has happened, many changes, and who knows?  I might have not read as much even if changes had not happened.  Distraction can occur for lots of reasons.  

So, what will 2024 look like?  Hmmm...well, I'm not going to have 'official' goals with numbers, etc.  That being said, I would like to settle in a little more to reading 'normally' and make my way through a few more books and series.  I love series - mystery series especially.  And I am behind on several that I would like to play 'catch-up'.  

There were lots of changes in our lives this last year.  We didn't plan on all of them, but we are settled in our new home and I'm hoping that 2024 will see me reaching out to new opportunities for volunteering.  Likely at my new library.  I've already been talking to some of the staff there about that.  I know - you're surprised - ha!  I also want to do more on my ongoing health journey.  Movement, eating healthy, sleeping well, trying to keep from getting too 'creaky' (and that takes work!) and also doing a little better with my distracted, anxious mind.  Thinking of peaceful things (yes, like a 'nice' murder mystery) and not worrying so much about 'stuff'.  

Again, wishing you all 'joy', 'peace', and 'contentment' for 2024!  Off to find my first book of 2024!


  1. You're right, I don't think any of us struggle to find books to read...it's finding the time to read them all! ;D One of my reading goals this year is to try and catch up on those mystery series I'm behind in. I wish you a joyful year in your new home this year. Happy New Year!

    1. Lark, I'll watch for the series updates you share with us. So many mystery series, but I love them all! Ha!

  2. Yes I want to focus more in things I enjoy i.e. get to my TBR list! Let's hope for an uneventful year.

    1. I like that idea, Gayle. Uneventful 2024!

  3. I'm trying not to set too many goals this year, but I'd love to read more nonfiction and reread some favorites, too! 2023 was a rough year in many ways, so I'm definitely hoping for peace in 2024. Happy New Year, Kay!

    1. I agree about the 'peace', Angela. And I'm always up for rereading some favorites!

  4. Happy New Year, Kay! Here's to a lot of great reads in the year. I'm sure your library will be very happy to welcome you as part of their volunteer team. I look forward to hearing how that goes. And, yes, joy is such a lovely word and wishing you much joy!

    1. Thanks for the 'joy' wishes, Iliana! We'll see what needs the new library has and if I can help them out.

  5. I have read Nun in the Closet by Gilman but like you it was awhile ago and I remember nothing about it! I like your thoughts for 2024 and hope you find a new volunteer home this year. I want to read more nonfiction and tackle more books and authors that I've been meaning to read but somehow just never get around to reading. I'm looking forward to seeing what adventures you get up to and what books you read!

    1. Thanks for the good wishes, Katherine! We'll see what 2024 holds for all of us.

  6. This year I want to stop aimlessly scrolling on my phone, and redirect that time to reading. I may need to delete some of those distracting apps from my phone! I'm also wanting to eat better and move more. Wishing you a very happy and blessed 2024!

    1. I love the challenge to quite looking at the phone. Ha! Good luck to both of us, Diana! :-)

  7. My first book is ready to start but it's Jan. 2 and I haven't pushed play on the audio. I expect my reading pace to slow a bit because real life is at the forefront at the moment - all good, just busy. I wish you a year of wonderful books, Kay.

    1. Thanks for the good wishes! And I understand busy. We'll all get started on the reading soon.

  8. Those are some good reading goals, Kay. Happy New Year!

  9. I hope your 2024 is everything you hope it to be and more, Kay. There's so much I wish I could fit in at any given time and so rarely does it happen. My health, both physical and mental are priorities this year--and being kinder to myself. Take care, Kay!

    1. Wendy, I like the 'kinder to myself' goal. We do tend to be very hard on ourselves at times, don't we? We should treat ourselves like we would treat a dear friend. Thanks!

  10. You have lots of good goals there, especially taking care of your health and not worrying so much. Hard to do but important. I would like to continue more series also; I come back to series and it has been so long I have forgotten what happened in the previous book. Usually that doesn't cause a problem though. I know I will have goals for my reading that I will aim at but also plan to be flexible. Stressing about goals defeats the purpose.

    1. Tracy, I am finding it important and also a little difficult I must say to not worry. Think it gets to be a habit. Well, habits can be broken over time and maybe with some good books, right? Flexible goals - good thought.

  11. Happy New Year, Kay! Books will always be our happy moments! I plan to take it easy reading-wise and just go with the flow. However, I do want to read more of the other genres aside from suspense and thrillers and we shall see if I'm able to do so this year, lol.

    1. Good luck with your plans, Melody. And, yes, books are our happy moments or I hope they are. Take care!

  12. Happy New Year, Kay! So nice to have you around again. Books keep me sane I have to say, the world is such an awful place at the moment that it's good to have somewhere to retreat to. I wish you 'joy' 'peace' and 'contentment' for 2024 too.

    1. Cath, I agree that books keep me sane as well. And my retreat. Trying to focus on the three wishes at the end of your comment. ;-)

  13. I set some tiny goals this year: Every day, dancing to one song, writing for five minutes, doing one short language lesson...I think I can do these!

    1. I love your 'tiny' goals, Deb! Smart and fun!

  14. Happy New Year to you too, Kay! Yes, books are most definitely my happy place.

    I don't have any serious goals for 2024, but I am enjoying my monthly "visit" to Susan Hill's mysteries and will continue reading at least one of those each month until I'm caught up. Who knows what I start once I'm finished. Definitely another series.

    I'm also working on moving my body every day, adding strength training to the mix at least 5-6 days a week. A return to yoga is in the works, as well. I like Deb's idea of dancing to one song a day. I can do that! I'm also cutting back on my wine consumption. There's really no need to have a glass (or two) every night. I'm saving it for the radom social event rather than daily use. So far, so good!

  15. Ha ha. I love that you're finding comfort and joy by reading "nice" murder mysteries :) You sound like me!

    I hope you find lots of great books to read this year as well as volunteer opportunities that bring you happiness and fulfillment.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!