

Monday, November 13, 2023

Finally, an update...just before the holidays!


Hello my book friends!  How are you all and how has your fall been so far?  Have those that hadn't had much rain gotten some moisture and visa versa?  And how is your reading life progressing?  Holiday time is right around the corner.  Are you ready?  

I guess I should answer my own questions.  Well, I know I've been away for a bunch of this year and haven't posted much.  Sorry about that.  The last few months have been extremely busy for us.  I didn't share this before, but we have been moving back to the Austin area and are finally in our new home and mostly settled.  This is a decision that we had been considering and struggling with for a good part of this year.  It has mostly been due to some family issues and needs.  My husband's mother and stepdad are getting much older and we felt like we were just a little too far away to be helpful when the time comes that they will need more assistance.  So, we finished our renovation of our house in Kerrville, sold it, and bought a new-to-us house not far from the area that we moved from 2-1/2 years ago.  And we are settling in and are happy with our new place.  I share a picture above showing that some things never change when we relocate - there are always deer around.  Ha!  I took that picture this morning from our back porch.  We've laughed about new neighbors here telling us about deer and had we ever seen deer, etc., etc.  Yes, we've seen deer.  They have been frequent visitors to our last three houses and this makes #4.  We are always welcomed by these creatures.  

OK, next question - my reading life.  Well, it has been a bit or more than a bit slow in the last few months.  However, I have been very busy.  I suspect I will get more relaxed and able to concentrate on reading or listening to audiobooks in days to come.  I am back walking at an indoor track and hope to be back to yoga before long.  I'm also planning to return to the mystery book group that I loved so much when we lived here before.  And then there will be new activities I'm sure.  We'll see what the new year will bring.  

I'll also have a post about a recent trip we took to Tucson.  Yes, we moved into our new house and left just a few days later for a road trip to Arizona.  My husband had a work conference there and it had been scheduled long before we decided to relocate.  I tagged along and basically did nothing but walk around the hotel/resort area and read 3-1/2 books while there.  I've got some pictures to share of what I saw on my walks.  Otherwise, the holidays are coming and we will be hosting family again for Thanksgiving and Christmas.  We look forward to that.  I'll try to share some upcoming books I'm looking forward to or something like that later in the week.  And try to get around to your blogs and do some commenting.  Know that you've been missed and not forgotten.  I look forward to talking books and life again with all of you!  Take care!


  1. Hi Kay, you've been busy! Sounds like you're very happy to be where you are - which is wonderful. Enjoy the holidays and your reading.
    Mary @Bookfan

    1. Thanks, Mary. Yes, we've been busy, but life will settle down before long I hope. Hope your holidays are good too.

  2. Good gravy, you have been busy! It's good to see you back, and I look forward to some posts when you have the time.

    1. Yes, definitely busy and distracted. I'll be working on reading so I can have some things to write about - ha!

  3. Hi Kay, I'm so happy to hear from you and am glad that you've settled down in a new place not far away from your old house. Looking forward to hearing more book talks from you. :)

    1. Thanks, Melody. I'm looking forward to catching up on some series that I enjoy and also checking out some new books that appeal to me. :-)

  4. Wow! A lot has happened to you, Kay, and you have been very busy, I see. It's too bad I didn't know you'd moved back to Austin before last weekend. It would be fun to get together at the Texas Book Festival some time. We spent a lot of time at BookPeople this weekend, too, and that's a lovely spot to meet up.

    1. Deb, yes, I hadn't shared about the whole relocation thing because we really weren't sure how that would occur or sort itself out. Anyway, I wouldn't have been able to attend the book festival this year anyway. Maybe next year. It's been a long time since I've been to BookPeople, but it's a great bookstore.

  5. Kay! So wonderful to know you are well and with enough energy to move house and go on trips! Going to Kroger wears me out, LOL!! I just read a book that my son gave me- "Son of The Wilderness: The Life of John Muir". I loved it, my son knows me well. Take care and keep up with that youthful energy...and send me some! x

    1. Kay (the other Kay) - ha! - good to hear from you. It's been a tiring time for us in the last few months, but I'm feeling less worn out and have been enjoying getting back to my walking and health journey with WW. Now if I could just my reading life to 'mind me' - ha!

  6. Hope you survived your move back to Austen. It's such a big job! And I am nowhere near ready for the holidays. I can't believe Thanksgiving is next week. Where did the rest of November go? ;D

    1. Lark, I totally agree about the days creeping up to all the holidays. Before we know it, 2023 will be over and we'll be into 2024. Wow!

  7. Life's too short to be unhappy where you're living so well done on taking the massive step to move back to near where you were before. I hope it all works out and you enjoy going back to your mystery book group and find some new interesting activities.

    1. Cath, there were definitely things that we liked about Kerrville, but there were some challenges too. In the end, we made the decision to relocate and I think it will be a good one - for now anyway. Yes, I'll be looking for new activities, but I may wait until next year. Thanks for coming by!

  8. Kay, so good to hear from you and get all your news. I am surprised that you moved back to Austin but you seem happy with that decision so I am happy for you. I love the picture of the deer. I look forward to your post about the trip to Tucson.

    Lately I have been reading more books outside my normal mystery reading. I am enjoying my reading, but I can't keep up with reviewing as much as I would like.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Tracy. The decision to come back to this area took us a while to make, but it was the best for our extended family. I think it's OK not to review as much as we once did. Mostly it's still so nice to talk books a bit with friends far and wide.

  9. It's good to hear from you, Kay! You have been busy... lots of changes! Glad it's all sorted out now and you're getting settled in your new, yet familiar area. We are still in CT - one daughter was married a few weeks ago, another coming up in September. Planning to get back to FL after the holidays... where we still have hurricane repairs awaiting. Hope you have a very happy holiday season and I look forward to hearing more about your reading and other adventures!

    1. JoAnn, nice to hear from you. You guys have had a lot of things going on. Congrats to both your daughters. And also lots of luck with your repairs. Yes, I'll be sharing more than I have for a while and am glad to be able to do it. :-)

  10. I'm so glad to see you Kay! I'm glad the move was relatively uneventful and how nice of the deer to follow you! I know they are tough on gardens but I do love them. This year has flown by and I am not ready in the slightest for the holidays but will start the scramble soon.

    1. Katherine, thanks for stopping by. Yes, you have had an eventful year. Hope your holiday time goes well. Always thinking about your son and happy he is doing well.

  11. Nice to see you posting again, Kay. You've been missed! Glad you're getting settled and are looking forward to hosting family for the holidays.

    1. Thanks, Les! Yes, getting settled and, yes, getting ready for holiday gatherings. I think the family is glad we are back and ready to host holiday times again - ha!

  12. Funny you should ask about rain. We've had hardly any here - until this morning! My husband and I started out on our morning walk and made it only a few houses away before it started downpouring. I love it and we definitely need the moisture here in the dry, dry desert.

    It's sounds like you've been extremely busy. Wow! I'm glad you're all settled into your new home. Moving is such a huge, stressful thing to do. Hopefully, you can relax a little now that that's over with. Of course, now the holidays are coming up...phew, it just never stops, does it?

    You should have told me you were in Tucson! I would have loved to drive down there and meet up. I'm glad you enjoyed the trip, even without meeting me :) Ha ha.

    1. Susan, that Tucson trip was fun, but I was so tired that I honestly just needed some down time. And I got that. As I said, I did nothing...which is just what was needed. Maybe next time if we get out to Arizona - it will likely happen at some point.

  13. Wow, you have been busy! I'm glad you're settling in - the choice to make a big move to be near family is an important one!

    1. Thanks, Angela. Yes, the decision to move back was a big one, but we're settling in nicely. Thanks for coming by.

  14. You have been busy! I hope you are settling into your new home well. I understand wanting to be closer to aging parents. Although it was my mom who moved closer to us, it's been nice to have her close. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

    1. Thanks, Wendy! I hope that you guys have a nice Thanksgiving weekend too.

  15. Kay it's so good to see you are back and boy you aren't kidding, you've been busy. Moving is such a pain but I'm sure your family will no doubt be very appreciative of having you closer. Too funny that the deer were there to welcome you back :) I hope that at least as you are familiar with the area it will feel like you never left and will be easy to get used to being back. And, yay for connecting back with your book group. I'm sure they will love having you back too!

    1. Not sure who posted this, but I'm sure it was someone I know. The commenting thing is complicated these days, right? Thanks and we're settling in nicely now.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!