

Monday, November 20, 2023

Here's how I encourage myself to 'push' my walking goals...rereading a favorite mystery series...hello, Cormoran Strike!

Now that we are a bit settled in our new location, I've been working on my 'health' journey again.  You know, I think I've finally realized that I'll never get to stop working on those goals and pursuits.  Yes, I should know that, but sometimes I feel like I think 'one day I'll reach all my goals and get to stop' - ha!  Probably not.  Anyway, the last few years have seen me mostly stabilize in the weight department.  Not a bad thing, but I had put back on some pounds and really, really want to get back to where I left off at my lowest point with Weight Watchers.  I was only about 12 pounds from the goal that my doctor and I  set.  So, back to in-person meetings (which were not available in Kerrville) and being a little more strict with my food choices.  Not crazy restrictive, but more thoughtful.  

Another thing I've continue to do, but not as regularly or for the longer distances is my daily walk.  I had really 'fallen off the wagon' in the last few months in that regard.  Yes, we've been busy and I was not sitting and doing nothing.  However, the heat this summer, the fact that Kerrville did not have an indoor walking track of any kind, and just making too many excuses meant that I am having to 'push' myself to build up my walks to the level they were before we moved.  I used to do about 3 miles most days (my goal was actually 3.1 miles or a 5K).  And that became my usual walk.  I attended yoga class twice a week and enjoyed that very much.  No yoga (or hardly any) for the last few years and walking only about a mile or so.  I am done with that.  Back to an indoor walking track and finding out that my previous yoga class and teacher are available again - yea!  Planning on starting back with the yoga in the new year.

I'm almost up to 2 miles walking and I have given myself the 'treat' of listening to a favorite mystery series for the second time - the Cormoran Strike series by Robert Galbraith (aka JK Rowling).  There are 7 books in the series now and they are mostly very long.  I love the narrator's voice - perfect for this series - Robert Glennister.  I've now finished the first book, The Cuckoo's Calling, and am heading right into #2 - The Silkworm.  I used this incentive one time before and listened to all the J.D. Robb books.  Loved it.  I know - I'm a little weird, but whatever works, right?  Especially since the holiday season is upon us.  I'm not going to be too strict with my eating, I am going to be mindful.  So, below you will see my 'happy place'.  Take care and have a good week!



  1. I think that's a great plan! I use my walks to catch up on podcasts. I've been trying to lose the "baby weight" for 2 years now, and I totally relate to getting in and out of a fitness routine. I agree, it's hard to do stuff outside during the summer.

    1. I listen to podcasts too, mostly the author events that The Poisoned Pen bookstore in Scottsdale shares. The whole fitness/health thing is just something that one has to try to stay committed to. I'm trying - ha!

  2. Good for you, Kay! It's hard to get back on track once things slide a little, but it's worth the effort. I had a knee injury about a year ago and that knocked me off my walks for over 6 months, but am back on track again. Thought of you when I discovered our town in CT has an indoor walking track... but I hope we're back in FL before I really need to use it! I love my walking time with an audiobook and have listened to a few old favorites recently - unusual for me but so enjoyable. Good luck!

    1. JoAnn, I think you're the one that introduced me to the concept of the read/listen thing. That has worked so well for me and I'm almost exclusively doing that.

  3. I would love a beautiful indoor walking track like that! When the rain arrives, I'm stuck inside on a treadmill or on my Peloton (which seems to hurt one of my knees...). I'm trying to get back in shape, and this post has motivated me to start working on lifting weights again. I usually walk every day (2 1/2 miles or so), and my weight is steady, but I'd love to drop the 10 lbs that crept up a decade ago. Ah, menopause. ;) Quick question, what brand shoe do you wear for walking? I'm beginning to feel some aches and pains in my right foot and know that I need new shoes. I'm going to try New Balance and Brooks and see which feel best. I've always worn Assics, but those are more for running.

    Enjoy your Thanksgiving, Kay!

    1. Yes, Les, I think you would like a nice indoor walking track. One with nice big windows that you could see the views, but not be in the rain. Ha! Shoe brand - I bought my first pair of Hoka's a while back and I really, really like the support they provide. You should try them. I had heard from others that they were good and I'm a big fan now. They are not cheap at all, but very comfortable. Maybe try them at an athletic store.

  4. This all sounds so good, Kay. It is good that there are more options available where you are now. And your motivator seems like it will work for you. I have still not read any books via audio.

    1. Yes, I'm happy with the options too. I think that audiobooks work very well for some and not so much for others. We all have our ways to read. Your way works for you. :-)

  5. I'm looking forward to having our YMCA reopen fully in 2024 under the auspices of our city parks and rec. I hope to get back to a more regular exercise regime.

    1. Oh, I bet you are excited about your YMCA opening back up fully. Good luck with your exercise goals.

  6. Good for you! I rejoined WW for the millionth time in May and am down 30 lbs so far. In-person meetings are key from me. Online ones just don't have the same appeal and impact for me. Walking has also been really essential. Thankfully, I live right by a mall that opens early for mall walking. That was a lifesaver during the ridiculously hot summer months here. My husband usually walks with me, but if he can't for some reason, I listen to my audiobook instead. Listening to a compelling mystery novel definitely motivates me to walk more!

    1. Susan, I am very happy for you with your health journey! Great job! I agree about in-person vs. online WW meetings. So glad to be back with people hearing about their struggles and victories and getting to give a bit of encouragement all around. Several from my old group here are still attending and it was nice to see them again. Glad you have a walking venue close to you that can help during the hot, wet, etc.

  7. So glad to hear you are settling in and another bright side to the move is being close to an indoor track! I love walking and think having that incentive, listening to a book, music, etc., is the key! I watch youtube videos on crafting when I'm walking on our treadmill and that really helps to keep me entertained and makes the minutes go by faster :)

    1. Watching those videos sounds like a fun thing for you to do, Iliana. I think we all need a little incentive to keep us going with our movement goals, right?

  8. The indoor walking track looks amazing! I used to love one when I had access to it and really need to prioritize that now and it's especially good with a good audio book. With dog training I've gotten away from yoga and while I'm physically stronger now my flexibility has definitely decreased. I need to add yoga back. in.

    1. Yes, I've said that having an indoor walking track really makes it to where I can't make an excuse for rain, cold, heat, whatever...I am prone to doing that. Ha! I agree that flexibility and also strength is lost with not having regular yoga or something like that. My big goal for the next 2 or 3 months is to get back into that and also up my walking distance.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!