

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Some pictures from our trip to Tucson in late October....taken on my walks

I think I mentioned in an earlier post that we had gone to Tucson, Arizona in late October.  My husband had a work conference that he was attending and then we also decided to stay a couple of extra days after that for a short vacation - golf included, of course.  Ha! 

I didn't do much on this trip except walk around the resort property, stop by the Starbucks in the lobby for a drink and maybe a piece of pumpkin bread, watch people from the little corner of the huge lobby area that I found, and read 3-1/2 books.  After all the house selling, buying, moving, etc., it was exactly the time I needed to relax.  I'll leave you with a few pictures I took on my walks.  As you can see, some hills, lots of cactus, and some pretty blooms.  Deep breaths and relax!!



  1. Great you finally got to go somewhere and relax! Pretty pictures.

    1. Yes, it was a nice, relaxing trip. Thanks for always coming by, Gayle.

  2. This sounds like the perfect getaway after all you've had on your plate with your move. It looks like the weather was perfect! Pretty photos, Kay.

    1. It was very nice weather - a little cool in the mornings and that was OK.

  3. It was indeed a nice place to relax. Thanks for stopping by, Vicki!

  4. That sounds like a really wonderful way to wind down and relax after all that's been going on with you and your husband. I would happily settle for walks and books anytime.

    1. Yes, Cath, I think there are a bunch of us here that would enjoy some 'downtime' with just books and walks. :-)

  5. How beautiful! Sounds like a great way to treat yourselves after some busy times!

    1. It was, Angela. Not a busy vacation, but a relaxing one.

  6. I certainly understand the need to relax and unwind after all that... this looks like the perfect place!

    1. It was very nice, JoAnn. I think I had driven through Tucson before, but I don't think I had ever been there on a trip. My husband had been - golf trips - ha!

  7. Beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing. :D

  8. So glad you were able to get away from it all! You definitely deserved some down time after all the house stuff! I've never been to Arizona but would love to visit one day.

    1. Arizona is a nice place to visit in the cooler times of year. Maybe not so much in the summer. Ha!

  9. Honestly, that sounds like a pretty perfect vacation! Love the pictures. It looks like some gorgeous walks.

    1. It was very nice, Katherine. Had a good time for sure.

  10. Wow, the pics look awesome! Thanks for sharing, Kay!


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