

Friday, December 8, 2023

A new library to explore, some Christmas shopping and planning, and connecting again with a much-missed Mystery Book Group...


Here's a small update on what I've been up to in the last week or two.  First of all, I've been exploring and enjoying visiting the 'new-to-me' library in my area.  I took a quick picture yesterday after I ran in and picked up a couple of holds that were available.  This is a nice library that includes a small cafe (the baked goods look yummy - haven't tried them yet!), a spacious teen area and a separate children's area - all these on the first floor as well as the new book section and a bunch of computers for the public.  The second floor has the adult books and several areas to sit.  It also includes a 'Friends of the Library' bookstore that is open all the hours that the library is open.  I haven't joined the 'Friends' group as yet, nor have I made a decision about volunteering at this library.  I'm leaving that until next year.  However, I give a nice thumbs-up to the Georgetown Public Library.  

We've been doing some shopping and planning for Christmas as well.  We will be hosting our local family members on Christmas Day and we'll enjoy a nice meal together and then do some gift exchanging.  What's a bit different is how we will do the gifts.  Everyone is now 'grown' and so we've decided not to draw names and instead try a 'White Elephant' kind of thing - with whoever decides to participate getting the chance to 'steal' gifts.  We'll see how it goes.  My husband and I are providing a few extra selections and we've said that gift cards qualify, there will be a limit on how much to spend, and you don't have to join in if you don't wish to.  I had fun shopping for some 'random' gifts.  Again, we'll see how it plays out.  Ha!

Lastly, I was very pleased to be able to attend the December meeting of the Mystery Book Group that I was part of here in the Austin area for so many years.  This meeting did not have a specific book to read, but everyone brought their 'best of' lists, a snack to share if they wished, and there was also a table of books that people we ready to let go of.  I was so happy to see several that had been long-time members and I also got to meet new people.  The group is going well and Gayle, who is now the leader/moderator, is doing a wonderful job of keeping things rolling along.  The group will be reading Simone St. James' book, The Book of Cold Cases, for January.  I read it a while back, but I am going to read it again to refresh my memory.  Have you read that one?  

I'll be back next week with a few more 'I'm anticipating' books to be published in the December-March period.  Have a good weekend!  


  1. Everyone is glad you have returned to the mystery group! Have a Merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks, Gayle! You've done a great job with the group. Merry Christmas to you as well.

  2. Your new library looks very nice! And your Christmas White Elephant gifting game sounds like fun. :D

    1. Thanks, Lark. I'm liking it. We'll see how White Elephant thing goes - ha!

  3. Sounds like a fabulous library! You'll have to let us know how the Christmas gift-giving goes. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with family and friends.
    Mary @Bookfan

    1. Thanks, Mary! Happy holidays to you and your family as well.

  4. It's always fun to explore a new-to-me library or bookstore. I hope you've a wonderful Christmas holidays with your family, Kay! And no, I've not read The Book of Cold Cases yet and I hope I'll read that next year.

    1. Melody, I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. And I hope that you'll tell us if you try The Book of Cold Cases. :-)

  5. I feel inspired to go on a libraries-near-me tour soon. I probably should take photos and report back, as you have done.

    I like the idea, too, of meeting as a book club and simply sharing titles of books each person enjoyed during the year.

    1. Deb, I love visiting libraries. I usually try to do that on a lot of our trips to other places. Just to see what they do and how they serve their communities. The December meeting of the mystery group has always been like I reported. In the beginning, I thought that it would be nice to not have an 'assigned' book for December because everyone is so busy. It's been a lot of fun sharing 'best of' lists and eating snacks. And one gets lots of new ideas for books to try. Happy holidays to you and yours!

  6. I may try to join a mystery book group in my area next year. I miss discussing those books. Have a fun holiday season.

    1. Harvee, thanks for coming by. I hope you can find a mystery group in your area. I really like book groups in general, but I will admit that my heart belongs to the mystery genre - give me a 'nice' murder any day. LOL

  7. Vicki, you'll have to go visit them and then tell us how they got improved. It's always nice to have things to make it easier and better to serve the community. Happy holidays to you and yours!

  8. Enjoy the "new" library and the "old" mystery group. Hope you're having a good weekend, Kay!

  9. Kay, it sounds like a very nice library! Ours has a cozy fireplace, but no cafe or baked goods of any sort.

    We used to always play "The Game" (white elephant exchange) when we lived in San Diego and got together with a lot of family for Christmas. This year, we're hosting a party with friends and neighbors (45+ or so), and plan to play "The Game," which is always fun, especially if there are a lot of silly gifts.

    Have a good week, my friend!

    1. Les, a fireplace would be nice, but probably wouldn't be necessary here very much, right? You have a good week too - and especially on 'Wednesday' - ha! Big hugs!

  10. The mystery group meeting sounds fantastic - just talking great books and sharing snacks! I've always found the idea of book clubs to be appealing, but I also like the freedom to read what you really want to!

    1. This group has always done things this way in December. It's a busy time and not everyone has time to read a book for the meeting. Sharing our 'best of...' always worked well.

  11. The Book of Cold Cases was the first book by Simone St. James that I read and I really enjoyed it! It would be a fun book for a book club. I really need to find one here. I've been in a few but they've always been connected to mom's groups and most of the other people weren't big readers. I am so not ready for Christmas! We've got the decorations up but I've got so much shopping to do!

    1. Some libraries are still having book groups, but I'm afraid that they may become a thing of the past. The ones in this area are discontinuing them or tweaking them in different ways. Good luck with finding one if you can, Katherine! And good luck with your shopping - ha!

  12. I am all for libraries having cafes too! :) How wonderful that you are getting back into the swing of things and back to your book group. I really like the idea of everyone bringing their lists of favorites to share and I need to remember that for my book group. I think your Christmas gift exchange sounds like a lot of fun!

    1. Thanks, Iliana! I'll let you guys know how the Christmas stuff goes tomorrow. Ha!


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!