

Saturday, February 24, 2024

The bluebonnets are coming...not quite yet, but...


Hello book friends!  I know I wrote a few weeks ago how ready I was for spring and wildflowers to come in our area.  And, yes, I still am so ready!  The shot above is from a section of our front yard and the greenery around the rock is mostly bluebonnet plants.  One of the things that drew us to this house when we were house-hunting was a shot of the front and a 'sea of bluebonnets'.  I'm really, really hoping that they will appear again this year.  We shall see.  When (and if) they do, I'll share another shot.  It probably won't be for a few more weeks.

This week was busy, but had some fun things.  I was able to attend what I used to call the 'Afternoon Book Group' at the library where I worked years ago.  It was a group that I attended off and on in past years and the very nice lady that took it over as a volunteer is still leading that group.  They had read Kate Quinn's book, The Alice Network, and I had read that one and discussed it with the 'Mystery Group' a few years ago.  I had also talked about it with the 'Historical Fiction' Book Group I attended in Kerrville.  Anyway, it was nice to see old friends in the group and talk about Kate Quinn's writing with them.  I also recommended Quinn's book, The Rose Code, to the group and others recommended additional books by her.  Have you read any of this author's works?  She has a new one coming out in the summer that I will highlight soon on a 'Waiting on..' post.  

I also went to the eye doctor for a check-up and got a thumbs-up report there.  My prescription has changed very little, so I think I'll wait a bit before thinking about replacing my glasses.  I like all the 'bells and whistles' on them (progressive lens, anti-glare, etc.) and so they tend to be a little pricey.  I have some other annual checks coming in upcoming weeks and I'm finally going to get to visit my new primary care doctor.  Changing doctors is just a major pain in my book.  Sigh.  

Reading is going well, but I've been doing some re-reading and so don't really have a lot to share at this point.  Hope all have a good weekend and a nice end to February next week.  Talk soon.    


  1. Can't wait to see the Bluebonnets! And changing doctors is a pain. I have to do that this year, too because my doctor is retiring. :P

    1. Yes, I do understand. My primary here in this area retired while I was in Kerrville and that prompted a new primary. Why do doctors have to retire? LOL

  2. I'll bet you're excited to see some bluebonnets! We have daffodils blooming in our neighborhood. Spring is coming!

    I haven't read anything by Quinn, but I have The Rose Code in my stacks.

    I have an eye appointment next week and I'm going to see about getting a new prescription for my bifocals. I've been using cheap readers for the past year since I broke my bifocals, but there's a reason they're so cheap. I've gone through three pairs... the lenses keep cracking. :( Plus, I'd rather have bifocals since I have to perch the readers on the top of my head when I'm not using them to read. Big nuisance!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Kay! Good to hear from you. :)

    1. Oh, daffodils - pretty! I think you'd like The Rose Code, Les. Yes, glasses are complicated these days, but they do have things that make them more usable (if that's the word). I am glad that the progressives exists and I don't have to 'look around' that line that used to be there for bifocals. It drove me nuts. Thanks for the good wishes, Les! Tell your family hello for me.

  3. I haven't read Quinn (yet) but I know her books are well-received. I hope the blue bonnets make a beautiful appearance soon!

    1. Mary, I think you'd like Kate Quinn's books if you decide to try them. And I think the spring wildflowers will be here soon. We've had more rain than usual (finally!) and those years are usually beautiful for the flowers.

  4. It's great that you got to catch up with some book friends. Our library has a few book groups that sound tempting, but I haven't taken the plunge yet. I'm looking forward to some beautiful spring flowers too, but not the pollen!

    1. I did have a good time seeing book friends that I hadn't talked with for a long time. I agree on the flowers and, yes, the pollen is tiresome. Maybe one day on the book groups in your area. They are not for everyone, but worth a shot.

  5. I'm behind on Quinn's books, but I've enjoyed them in the past! I can't wait for the flowers to start blooming, too - on my walk yesterday, I saw the beginnings of some daffodils!

    1. Daffodils are so pretty! We'll just keep telling ourselves that spring is coming.

  6. I am looking forward to seeing photos of bluebonnets.

    I was just checking my book (buying) list for the next book sale and I see that Kate Quinn is already on there and I added The Rose Code as a specific book to look for.

    I think my eyes are at the stage that I will be having cataract surgery this year. Not looking forward to all of that, but I hope it will help my vision.

    1. I'll be sure and share the pictures of the bluebonnets when they arrive. Hope you can find The Rose Code at your book sale. It a good one. Yes, I understand about the cataracts. I have the beginnings (according to the doctor) but don't need to do anything as yet.

  7. Fingers crossed for the bluebells! How fun that the book club is still going and hopefully you will be able to attend regularly. I've only read The Alice Network which I loved and really plan on reading more from this author. That's good about your prescription. I feel that I'm not far off from readers but I'm looking forward to getting a cute pair of glasses to wear with my contacts.

    1. There is actually one bluebonnet outside right now. Just one has bloomed, but that means there will be more. Yay! Oh my! It's been so many years since I had to get bifocals - can't even remember when. However, since you wear contacts (I don't), hope you can find cute ones. LOL

    2. Oh dear. I started to write my comment and it disappeared. I was just going to say that I’m looking forward to seeing photos of your bluebonnets. I’m so ready for Spring!

    3. Robin, so good to see you! OK, I wrote yesterday that there was one bluebonnet bloom outside - today there are two! Yay, again! Hope all is going well with you. You've been missed. :-)

  8. I hope to see a photo of your bluebonnets! I've read both of those Kate Quinn novels but not anything else. I'm curious about what new novel she's putting out next ....

    1. Well, if you're curious, I'll be talking about her new book in a couple of days or at least featuring it as an upcoming read. Stay tuned! LOL

  9. I feel like I am always seeing one doctor or another these days. I am glad your eye prescription hasn't changed much. Glasses really can be expensive, can't they?

    I am so glad you were able to attend your old book group and catch up with friends. I have only read The Rose Code by Kate Quinn, but I seem to have collected quite a few of her books on my TBR.

    I hope you are having a great week!

    1. Yes, these doctor visits do come around. I try to stay up with annual check-ins. Kate Quinn does have a bunch of books now and I'm interested in most of them. I guess I've read two or three at this point. Want to read more.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!