

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

I'm ready for spring - are you?


Hey book friends!  Thought I would stop by and greet everyone - also saying that I am ready for spring.  I know that some really like the winter weather and I appreciate that.  However, our area of Central Texas does not have 'great' winter weather.  If there is significant weather, it's usually windy, extra cold, or even challenging us with snow or worse, ice!  Hate that.  We're just not suited for those things.  And I have winter allergies (cedar) and the wind will insist on stirring up the pollen and even making it look like trees are 'smoking'.  We've had some high winds in the last week and, as I said, ready for spring.

Sharing a bluebonnet picture above from a few years back.  No, the bluebonnets are not here yet, nor are the other wildflowers that we enjoy in the spring months.  I'm ready for them though and will be excited to share pictures of them when they arrive.  Watch for that in coming weeks or months.  

Life is going well.  We've had a couple of things updated at our 'new-to-us' house and have gotten delivery of some chairs and window shades that we ordered.  Still a few things on back order, but that seems to be the way these days.  They will eventually arrive and we're not desperate for them.  I've turned in my paperwork to become a volunteer at my new library and hope to hear from them before long.  We'll see what they possibly need help with.  

Reading is going OK enough.  I wasn't able to attend our recent mystery book group meeting, but I had not been a big fan of the book selected.  That's how it goes though and I decided to put it aside and read something else.  Right now, as opposed to my usual 'read cold books in summer', I'm in the middle of Amy McCulloch's new book, Midnight.  I enjoyed her first book, Breathless, a while back and was eager to try this one.  Where is this new one set?  Antarctica.  Yep, cold indeed.  I'll share my thoughts when I finish with it.  Some really good books on my upcoming list to read as well.  Guess I can keep myself busy while I'm waiting on those spring wildflowers.  Hope you have a good week!  And what have you been reading or looking forward to?      


  1. I'm so glad everything is going well for you, Kay! Love the Antarctica setting for winter! I am looking forward to spring, too, though. I always love seeing the flowers bloom and it makes walks outside much more palatable.

    1. Thanks, Angela. Yes, we'll see what my new neighborhood will be like in spring. :-)

  2. Yes, I'm ready for spring! Actually, I'm ready for an early summer. :) We've had so much rain, but the sun is out today, so I'm happy.

    I'm reading another mystery by Susan Hill (The Comforts of Home), which is very good. I'm not sure what I'll read after that. Maybe something from my stacks that's been languishing for years. I could always shut my eyes and just grab the first book my fingers land on. :)

    Hope you hear back from you library. They're lucky to have you!

    1. Les, I bet you guys are ready for spring. I love the 'shut my eyes and grab' way of picking books. LOL

  3. It's been a fairly mild winter here in Utah...even though it's snowing outside right now...but I'm still very ready for spring to come. :D

    1. Lark, I think that a bunch of us are ready for winter's passing by February or early March. Hope yours comes at least on time. ;-)

  4. So glad all is well. I can sympathize with the weather struggles. I think we probably live in similar climates (North Alabama) and winter is mostly just dreary. The past few days have been glorious but apparently the dreariness is coming back this weekend. Hopefully the volunteer work at the library gets started soon and is lots of fun. I'm in the middle of Laurie R. King's newest Sherlock Holmes/Mary Russell and really enjoying it. Hopefully the cedars will stop doing allergy things soon so you'll get a break! Though there is always something else waiting to distribute pollen or whatnot.

    1. Katherine, I agree that we probably live in similar climates. And I agree - I'm tired of the dreary gray skies. Yes, pollen is on the way here for the spring blooming, but I'm not as sensitive to those - for some reason - ha!

  5. Yes, I've started to look for signs of spring too, Kay. And I don't mind winter, but it seems to have gone on and on this year. We have a camelia out in flower and snowdrops out too, so spring is just around the corner I think. Intrigued by the book set in Antarctica I must say.

    1. Cath, hope your spring comes before long. How nice to have those flowers already blooming. Love that. I'm still enjoying the Antarctica book. Hope to finish today or tomorrow.

  6. I'm in the north so I don't even think about Spring in February. We've had mild weather so far this month but I'm sure we'll get slammed with snow soon enough. I look forward to you telling us the wildflowers have arrived. Enjoy your reading this week.
    Mary @Bookfan

    1. Thanks, Mary. Yes, I'll share when there are flowers in bloom. Happily, we have had more rain this year and so we're hoping for stellar season with the wildflowers.

  7. I think I'm ready for spring and warmer weather. My daughter seems to have caught a virus and now my throat is a bit scratchy. We're too busy to be sick right now--so I'm not happy. :-(

    I think it's great that you want to volunteer at your library! That's something I wouldn't mind doing when I retire, if it's a possibility.

    I hope you are enjoying Midnight and have a great weekend, Kay.

    1. Wendy, so sorry that you and Miss Mouse are not feeling well. Hope it's quickly gone. Thanks for stopping by and get better quick - hope so anyway.

  8. Yeah mysteries/thrillers set in cold climes like Alaska or Antarctica are usually great page-turners. I hope they tide you over.

    1. Oh, yes, I do like mysteries set in places that I am very likely not going to visit. One can learn a lot, plus solve a crime. LOL

  9. I think I am ready for spring because I want to clean up the yard and plant some plants, but we can use all the rain we can get.

    Volunteering at the library sounds good. I am always interested in a book set in Antarctica even if it is outside of my comfort zone, so I will have to put Midnight on my list.

    1. Tracy, I know you guys can use rain as well and hope you got enough recently, but not too much. I do like books set in parts of the world that I'm not likely to visit, but would like to learn more about. Plus a crime - great, right?

  10. I'm eagerly looking forward to those spring wildflowers, too! One of these days I want to visit the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center that's up your way.

    I think it would be fantastic to read a book set in Antarctica.

    1. Yes, the Wildflower Center is in the southwest part of the Austin area. It's very nice indeed. As to Antarctica, certainly an isolated location and when there is crime involved that usually comes into play. Plus the info about Antarctica itself. It's really cold there, did you know? LOL

  11. I broke my commandment about reading cold weather books in summer, too, and this one wound up being my first "Best Read" of the year. Now, if I'd only thaw out...

    --Cathy @Kittling Books

    1. Cathy, I know you understand about the when to 'read the cold' idea. Good luck with 'thawing out' - ha!


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!