

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Make It Sweet - A class in cookies....

A few weeks back, I shared a few cupcake pictures here, while talking about a delightful cupcake bakery mystery series.  This week, I'm not going to talk about mysteries.  I'm going to talk about attending a cookie class with my daughter.  I told everyone that she is a really talented baker - my daughter, I mean.  She is quite creative and skilled and cupcakes are her preferred baked item to create.  However, she does bake and decorate cakes and cookies.  A while back, she and I took a class in cookie decorating at a shop in the Austin area, Make It Sweet.  It was quite a fun event, and I thought I would share a few pictures.

Make It Sweet is a great little shop.  I suspect that they are the largest baking supply outlet in our area.  They have a wide selection of goods for baking all kinds of things and their supply of cookie cutters is amazing - every shape imaginable.  And they have classes of all kinds.  For cake decorating, cookie decorating, working with fondant, and baking breads - classes for adults and for kids.  They aren't cheap, but they are fun.  The night we went, the class was full, as they often are far in advance, and everyone was with a friend, relative, or group.  Lots of laughter and giggling.

We all arrived and got our instructions, our aprons, and we were told to go wash our hands.  Other than the fact that my girl held up the hand washing line (think I told that she's a nurse and she has a 'process' for this task), we settled in quickly.  The cookies were already baked for us and the instructor told us we'd be working with flow icing (which is runny, so it flows easily) and also with piping.  And here are the cookies that I created:

Here are the ones that my daughter made:

This class is held year-round and is themed to the season.  The cupcake decorating classes are the same.  My girl has taken a few of the more advanced cake and cupcake classes and here's a picture of the results of one she took, around Valentine's I suspect.  She said that these were her favorites from the cupcake class.

And the biggest bonus was that all of us got to take our cookies home.  They were very tasty and almost too pretty to eat.  So, have I made cookies like this since the class?  No, I haven't.  We did receive recipes and tips.  But, for me, though fun in a class - a lot of work in real life.  One day, I'd like to go back for another class.  It was a fun mother/daughter time.

I'm linking this post to Weekend Cooking at Beth Fish Reads.  


  1. Those cookies are amazing! How gorgeous. What a super fun class to take, made better because you shared with your daughter.

    1. It was fun and I was amazed that I could make something looking like that. It involved toothpicks, by the way.

  2. What a fun thing to share with your daughter, and your cookies are so beautiful.

  3. They are almost too pretty to eat! I'd love to take a class like that with my daughter.

    1. I bet you guys would have a blast, JoAnn. Like I said, lots of laughing.

  4. This sounds like so much fun, especially with a good group of people!!

  5. Beautiful cookies and cupcakes! This kind of class would appeal to me so much more than a painting class, which seems to be all the rage right now!

    1. I know! Me too! I've thought that very thing. And it's funny, there is one of those painting places just around the corner from this shop. Both are in a strip mall.

  6. Yum! I'd like to attend a class - as a taster! ;)

    1. Yes, I tried to volunteer for that, but sadly.....

  7. I've taken a few classes and they're always so much fun. This looks like an awesome class and what fun to be able to do this with your daughter!

    1. It was a fun activity and I was able to do it without having any skills in decorating, at all. LOL

  8. awesomely creative! I love all of the colors and non-traditional designs.

    1. Yes, the teacher had lots of suggestions and then, as you can see, there were many colors to work from.

  9. I'm with you, would like to take the class, and spend time with my daughter, but probably that would be the end of it. I don't spend much time with desserts.

    1. I just really couldn't see myself taking that much time at home, but I'd be glad to sign up for another class.

  10. Wonderful bonding time, and also eating time :) Seriously, good job with those, very professional looking. I like your round green designed one, Kay. And your daughter's cupcakes. Glad you had fun.

    1. Thanks, Rita. The designwork involved toothpicks. It was really easier than you could imagine.

  11. Thanks, Vicki! It was a fun time.

  12. More art works than food! Cheers from Carole's Chatter

    1. They were certainly colorful! And thanks!

  13. Yum and they look too pretty to eat!! :)

  14. Those all looked great! Good job Kay!

  15. What beautiful cookies! I'm going to check out Make It Sweet next time I'm in Austin.

  16. Replies
    1. I know. I would never be able to manage the detail.

  17. They look so pretty and the mother/daughter time would have been the best! The cupcakes your daughter made are gorgeous, nice to have a baker in the family :)

    1. It is nice to be able to have lovely baked goods that also taste wonderful. :-)

  18. I am not a big cookie maker. I make them at Christmas, mainly these giant Ginger cookies but that's pretty much it. I think The Girl would probably like me to make them more often!

    Those cookies are so colorful. I love icing on cookies. I can't find good GF cookies though besides the Martha Stewart PB ones I sometimes crave.

    1. Yes, I'm not eating GF, but I am eating pretty much sugar free with my WW meals. Not entirely, but I'd have to plan for a cookie. The icing is wonderful, but I'd prefer someone else make it and I'd just have fun playing with it. LOL

  19. Those cookies look like they're glazed ceramic pieces! So pretty!

    1. Thanks, Lisa! It's that flow icing. You just squirt it on there and then it just kind of 'flows' into shape. LOL


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