

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Tuesday - First Chapter - First Paragraph - The Summoning

Each Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile By the Sea shares the first part of a book that she is reading or thinking about reading.  This week I'm sharing the first few paragraphs of The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong.  This is the first book in the Darkest Powers trilogy and involves teens discovering that they are supernaturals and how they got that way.  It's also a trilogy that my nieces have enjoyed.  They often give me suggestions and beg me to read certain books so we can discuss them.  I promised that I would try this one.  See what you think:

Twelve years earlier...

   Mommy forgot to warn the new babysitter about the basement.
   Chloe teetered on the top step, chubby hands reaching up to clutch both railings, her arms shaking so much she could barely hang on.  Her legs shook, too, the Scooby Doo heads on her slippers bobbing.  Even her breath shook, puffing like she'd been running.
   "Chloe?" Emily's muffled voice drifted up from the dark basement.  "Your mom said the Coke's in the cold cellar, but I can't find it.  Can you come down and help me?"
   Mommy said she'd told Emily about the basement.  Chloe was sure of it.  She closed her eyes and thought hard.  Before Mommy and Daddy left for the party, she'd been playing the TV room.  Mommy had called, and Chloe had run into the front hall where Mommy had scooped her up in a hug, laughing when Chloe's doll poked her eye.
   "I see you're playing with Princess--I mean, Pirate Jasmine.  Has she rescued poor Aladdin from the evil genie yet?"
   Chloe shook her head, then whispered, "Did you tell Emily about the basement?"


My name is Chloe Saunders and my life will never be the same again.

All I wanted was to make friends, meet boys, and keep on being ordinary. I don't even know what that means anymore. It all started on the day that I saw my first ghost—and the ghost saw me.

Now there are ghosts everywhere and they won't leave me alone. To top it all off, I somehow got myself locked up in Lyle House, a "special home" for troubled teens. Yet the home isn't what it seems. Don't tell anyone, but I think there might be more to my housemates than meets the eye. The question is, whose side are they on? It's up to me to figure out the dangerous secrets behind Lyle House . . . before its skeletons come back to haunt me.

You may not be into Young Adult books, but I do like them on occasion.  What do you think?  Would you keep reading?


  1. Oh, this sounds good. I may have to hunt this down.

    1. It's been out a while so shouldn't be hard to find.

  2. Oh no, this is not my thing. Ghosts everywhere? Not in my head! Actually, I'm reading The Graveyard Book and loving it. But, its a kids book and doesn't frighten me at all. This first paragraph does. Sorry Kay.

    1. This is a YA book, Margot, but actually the ghosts are not that scary. I've read scarier. LOL

  3. Ghosts everywhere? No, thank you! ;-)

  4. It's Kelley Armstrong! But I'm not big into ghosts. So .... dilemma for me. LOL

    1. Yay, someone who likes Kelley Armstrong! I keep meaning to try her adult books. Perhaps after I finish these.

  5. I'd read more, I liked the intro --curious about the basement.

    1. Yes, there was a ghost in the basement. Well, more than one.

  6. How nice to share books you can discuss with your nieces. I don't read much YA, but this book does pique my interest.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I do enjoy talking books with them. They are college age now, but still come and tell me what they've been reading.

  7. This sounds good! Kelley Armstrong is an author I've been wanting to try and this definitely sounds interesting. I don't read much YA either but it's mostly because I don't like YA romance. Enjoy your reading!

    1. This is urban fantasy, Katherine, and that's what this author writes in adult books. Sorcerers, necromancers, witches, werewolves. That type of thing.

  8. I don't read much YA, and this looks really scary, so I'm not sure about this one. I might read a few more pages to be sure. I love the photo in your header!

    1. Thanks about the header love, Monica! And the book isn't all that scary.

  9. Ooh this sounds like a really interesting read! As an ex-baby-sitter this is terrifying me because I'm imagining all kinds of bad things happening in this basement! I haven't read anything by Kelley Armstrong yet, but I have to get on that! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great week!
    My Tuesday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Yes, I understand about babysitters and basements. This is urban fantasy - lite.

  10. The kind of YA book that I have enjoyed is usually one like this, scary and a little bit creepy. Sounds good! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. I'm enjoying this trilogy, Laurel. And will enjoy talking about it with my nieces.

  11. I have really enjoyed the Kelley Armstrong books I have read. I haven't tried her YA series yet, but I hope to one day. YA is hit and miss with me, but this definitely sounds up my alley.

    1. I haven't tried this author's adult books yet, but I'm glad to know that you like her.

  12. I would keep reading. I think it's great your nieces share their book recommendations with you and that you read them too. My step-daughter used to do that with me until college started for her.

    1. It's fun for all of us, Laura, and I bet you remember that too. My nieces are college age now, but they still talk to me about the books they've read.

  13. I don't read many YA books, but this one looks good. I'd have a look further into the book before deciding to read it, just to be sure I want to.

    1. It's urban fantasy, Margaret. Witches, sorcerers, necromancers, werewolves. That type of thing.

  14. I'm eager to read a Kelley Armstrong but I don't usually enjoy YA, so not sure. If you share positive thoughts about it maybe I would try. Thanks for highlighting it!

    1. I'm going to review the trilogy as a whole when I finish all 3 books. Think that will work better. So, maybe next week.

  15. I don't really enjoy ghost stories, but this one actually sounds pretty interesting. I might just check it out! Thanks for stopping by!

    1. Not really so much a ghost story as urban fantasy. Shapeshifters, magic, witches - that type of story.

  16. No ghost stories right now, Vicki? I can live with that. :-)

  17. This one isn't for me...not a big supernatural fan. But, hope you enjoy it!

    1. I've finished the first one and am on to the second. And having a good time with it.

  18. When my granddaughter gets older (she's four now), I hope she asks me to read books she enjoys. I'll bet you have some lively discussions! Although this doesn't sound like the kind of book I'd typically read, I'm curious about the basement and want to know more.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.
    Sandy @ TEXAS TWANG

    1. Yes, those girls and I have good discussions. We had lots of fun talking about The Hunger Games trilogy.

  19. Oh yeah. I would absolutely have read that as a teen.

  20. You should just ignore my thoughts....I can't read scary books, as they give me bad dreams. Oodles of kids love them, though!

    1. This trilogy isn't all that scary. Not really. But, yes, the urban fantasy is very popular with teens.

  21. Not sure if I knew that she wrote YA. I'd keep reading.

    1. Yes, she writes adult books and these are set in the same world as her adult books. Just with kids. I've been meaning to read her adult books for a long time.

  22. I'm not a big YA reader, but this does sound like a good read.

    1. I go through period where I read quite a few YA books and then no again for quite a while. I may read more of them this summer.

  23. I think I've this book... wait, I'm not sure so I've to rummage the shelf to confirm it. However, I do like her other series. :)

    1. Glad to hear that you like Kelley Armstrong's books. I need to try her adult series.

  24. I read this trilogy and really enjoyed it. This first book is particularly good!

    1. I agree, Belle. I'm closing in on the ending of the second book, with the third ready to go. Need to find out how it ends. :-)


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!