

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday - First Chapter - First Paragraph - Spider Woman's Daughter

Each Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile By the Sea shares the first part of a book that she is reading or thinking about reading.  This week I'm sharing the first few paragraphs of Spider Woman's Daughter by Anne Hillerman.  This book is my mystery book group selection for July.  I was a little worried when I learned that Anne Hillerman was going to loosely continue her father's mystery series featuring Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee.  Tony Hillerman had been a great favorite of mine for years and years.  However, I have heard such good things about Spider Woman's Daughter and recently, the second book in her series was published.  It is called Rock With Wings.  So, let's see what you think:

 "I get this call, out of the blue.  A woman.  First, she reminds me that I saved her life.  Then says she wants me to do her a favor..."
     Navajo Police lieutenant Joe Leaphorn, retired, paused for effect, pushing away the plate of toast crumbs and empty packets of grape jelly so he could rest his forearms on the table.  "Wouldn't you think she'd be offering to do me a favor?"
     A couple of the cops sharing the table chuckled.  "Musta been one of those rich white ladies you've been doing insurance work for," Officer Harold Bigman said.  "You better not tell your Louisa."
     Officer Bernadette Manuelito said, "What was the favor?"
     Leaphorn smiled, "I don't know, Bernie.  She set up a lunch date so she could ask me, and stood me up."
     More chuckles.  "Maybe she wanted to find out how good a PI you really are," someone tossed in.
     "It turned out all right," Leaphorn said.  "While I was waiting I ate an excellent BLT, enjoyed the quiet.  And she gave me a reason not to drive in to Santa Fe that day on another case.  I'm getting too old for all this stuff."


Navajo Nation Police Officer Bernadette Manualito witnesses the cold-blooded shooting of someone very close to her. With the victim fighting for his life, the entire squad and the local FBI office are hell-bent on catching the gunman. Bernie, too, wants in on the investigation, despite regulations forbidding eyewitness involvement. But that doesn't mean she's going to sit idly by, especially when her husband, Sergeant Jim Chee, is in charge of finding the shooter.

Bernie and Chee discover that a cold case involving his former boss and partner, retired Inspector Joe Leaphorn, may hold the key. Digging into the old investigation, husband and wife find themselves inching closer to the truth...and closer to a killer determined to prevent justice from taking its course.


I'm going to love renewing my acquaintance with Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee.  Just love it.  Makes me want to go back and reread all Tony Hillerman's books, set in that great area of the US, the Four Corners region.  If you don't know, the Four Corners are where four US states come together - New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Utah.  I love that area.


  1. This isn't an author I've read but I very much enjoyed the intro - I want to know more about the mystery woman as I don't think we've heard the last of her! Here is my Tuesday post https://cleopatralovesbooks.wordpress.com/2015/06/23/first-chapter-first-paragraph-june-23/

    1. Yay! I came up with an author you haven't read! LOL

  2. I wpuld give this one a try. I like the dialigue and heard good things about the author as well.

    1. Her father wrote for many, many years. Lots of Southwest info included.

  3. Oh I used to love this series! I stopped reading them -- for no reason, just got distracted. I've been very curious about Anne Hillerman's take on the characters.

    1. Candace, she has made these characters her own I think. I'm finished with the book now, but won't review until I share what my book group says about it.

  4. I like the intro and want to know more. The setting is a plus, too... I like the SW and especially Santa Fe.

  5. I haven't read the Tony HIllerman series, but these characters and situations sound fascinating. I am always up for a mystery series, especially those with detectives and in interesting settings. Thanks for sharing.

    Here's mine: “THE NEW NEIGHBOR”

    1. Laurel, the Southwest setting of both Anne and Tony Hillerman's books is just wonderful.

  6. I haven't read any Tony Hillerman books and did not know about Anne Hillerman. The intro makes me want to keep reading!

    1. I read Tony Hillerman's books way back and loved them. Her style is a little different, but still very good.

  7. I always worry about someone being stood up in a mystery. My mind always jumps to the conclusion that something bad has happened to the person who didn't show up.

    I would keep reading. I never did get into Tony Hillerman's books, but my dad was a big fan.

    1. Aren't you the smart one, Wendy? I won't tell if you are right or not. Anne Hillerman has a little different style than her father.

    2. Haha! I read too many mysteries, is what it is. I'm always suspicious and assume the worst. :-) Hopefully I'm wrong and the person is fine.

  8. I read books by her father, but I haven't read any yet with her as the author. Didn't know she was writing on her own. Thanks for sharing it! Will have to let my Mom know too. She really enjoyed Leaphorn and Chee mysteries by her father.

    1. Oh good, Laura. Yes, tell your mother. If you've enjoyed Tony's books, I'd be interested what you think about Anne's. Her style is a bit different. You can tell that she has been a non-fic travel writer.

  9. Well, good, Vicki! If one doesn't hook you, the other one will. LOL

  10. That's what I love about visiting your blog Kay. I get lots of good suggestions for mysteries! I'd keep reading.

    1. Yes, lots of mysteries here, Darlene. Not all, but most. :-)

  11. I'm guessing Anne Hillerman is related to Tony somehow. Is this a passing of the torch?

    1. Yes, Anne is Tony's daughter. He gone now, of course, but she was already an established travel writer. And she has put her own stamp on these characters.

  12. I've never read anything by this author but it sounds good.

  13. I read this book a few months ago, and I had never read Tony Hillerman but was intrigued by the premise of his daughter carrying on his legacy. I enjoyed it, though I was unfamiliar with the scenario and MCs, so for you who has read the previous ones, it should be really good-- enjoy!

    1. Glad you to hear that you enjoyed it, Rita. I've finished it now and it was good, although she has her own style. More description of setting I think.

  14. My mom loves this series. I haven't read any of the books.

    1. Tony Hillerman wrote for a long time. I'm glad his daughter decided to carry on with the characters. She does put her own spin on things, which is OK too.

  15. I'd definitely keep reading. I quite enjoyed the dialogues, LOL.

  16. Tom was pleased when I told him about the AH books. Thanks.

    1. Hope he enjoys them. I haven't read the second book yet, but I will at some point.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!