

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A Day in the Life 2 - Blogger Event - Kay's day...same place...another year...

Welcome to the 2nd annual (hope it's annual!) 'A Day In The Life' event, hosted by the extremely lovely, busy, fabulous Trish at Love, Laughter, and a Touch of Insanity!  Do you read Trish's blog?  If you don't, you totally should.  Get on that, please!  This is just a simple, ordinary day for many of us and we're choosing to share it with all of you - with pictures.  I participated in this last year here (you can take a look if you like, but no worries if you don't like) and had a great time checking the other 'day in the life' posts.  When Trish announced it again this year, I was so excited!   So here we go!

I'm Kay and I am a blogger of a 'certain age' - between 55 and 60.  I live with my wonderful husband of 35 years in Central Texas, just north of Austin.  Our house sits in the country and so it's about 15-20 minutes to anywhere.  We have one lovely daughter and one great son-in-law.  They also live in Austin.  I used to work at the Austin Public Library, among other careers, but now I volunteer there and moderate a Mystery Book Group at the branch where I formerly worked.  This was my ordinary day on Friday, March 11th.

5:00 AM - Yes, we get up early here.  Sadly, no coffee when I got up this morning.  Hubby had to stop at Starbucks and I'm headed to get some blood work done for a doctor appointment next week (had to be fasting).  I can't tell you how sad I am to see my coffee pot empty.  Sigh.  Later.

7:20 AM - Blood work is finished and as you can see, I got to sport a vivid blue bandage thing - at least for a few minutes.  Where am I going now?  Coffee....I need coffee....home or coffee shop - that is the question.

8:00 AM - Yay for coffee!!  I know - I'm going on and on about it, but it's my favorite thing about the morning.  I decided to head home and not be tempted to grab a scone for breakfast.  Instead, I had some very healthy cereal.  And coffee.  Plus reading blogs.  That's my early morning routine.

10:00 AM - It's raining outside this morning in Central Texas.  In fact, it's been raining a bunch this week - which we need - but that doesn't work out well for my morning walk.  I'm heading to the rec center to walk on the indoor track.  What you see above are my wireless headphones.  I love them so much!  I listen to a lot of audio books.  Last year, almost 50% of my reading was in audio format.  A very good thing as that meant that I was up and about more.  I listen in my car and while I'm doing chores around the house and while I'm walking and exercising.  I use Audible and my phone and my really cool lime green wireless headphones.

10:30 AM - I really had to work at it to catch these photos without other people in them!  I didn't want to have to explain that they might appear on my 'day in the life' blog post.  Ha!  I did want to show a couple of shots of the indoor walking/running track that my local rec center has.  Isn't it great?  I live in Central Texas, which is very hot in the summer.  And that time for us runs from about April (or even March) through mid-November usually.  Me, I have to talk myself into exercise each and every time.  Truly.  This climate-controlled walking track is perfect.  I toodle along at a fairly fast pace for a couple of miles, listening to my audio book, and honestly not noticing that I'm actually doing something good for my body.  It's very popular at certain times of day.  It's on the second floor and down below is the room with the exercise machines/equipment (1st picture) and basketball court (2nd picture).  Cool huh?

1:30 PM - I've been home, doing some chores and eating lunch.  Now, I'm going to sit down for few minutes and read Scene of Climb on my Kindle.  I really enjoyed this first book in Kate Dyer-Seeley's mystery series that's set in the Pacific Northwest.  Can't wait to get back to it!  I usually read for a while in the afternoons - well, let's face it - I read whenever, but after lunch is a good time for me to take a break for a bit.

3:00 PM - Can you see what's on top of my front porch light?  Yes, it's a bird nest.  I love the birds singing and flying around my house.  Truly, I love them.  I do not love them building this nest on my front porch light.  This is the 3rd year in a row and we have tried to discourage them, but we haven't hit on the right plan yet.  And now it's built.  With eggs inside no doubt.  The issue is that my front porch is a mess with bird poop everywhere for months on end.  I've even been hit in the head with falling 'mess' .  Sigh.

3:20 PM - These are bluebonnets, the Texas state flower.  We have a few each year in our yard, not from planting them, but from seeds blowing in and taking root.  The highways are covered with these blooms in late March and April and I look forward to them every single year.  If we get a decent amount of rain, they are glorious.  If not, well, they are a little sparse.

6:00 PM - It's Friday night and for us that almost always means Mexican food.  I usually meet my husband for dinner on Friday's at one of several favorite restaurants.  Chips and salsa, what can be better?  We share chicken fajitas and maybe some queso.  A perfect end to the week.  

Well, that's all I've got for this 'Day in the Life'.  We came home after the Mexican food and watched a little TV and then it was time to head to bed.  Thanks for joining me on what was a fairly typical day for me.  I listened to 3 hours and 47 minutes of my audio book.  I read 25% of my e-book.  I walked 2.25 miles.

Oh and, as an update, since I'm writing this on Friday, March 18th, a week after these pictures were taken, I got a good report from my doctor about the blood work I had done and I'm so happy for that.  Eating better, losing almost 30 pounds (so far) and including almost daily walking has made my numbers so much better - my 'almost diabetes' is definitely 'no diabetes'!!!  Yay for me!!! 


  1. Coffee is always a good idea and the best part after waking up! Sounds like a great day!

    1. Certainly the best part of my waking up - I'm a big grump without it!

  2. Well done although on the blood results and weight loss, that's fantastic although I may have committed murder if I hadn't had my coffee! I love your photos and had a chuckle imagining you obtaining them on the sly!

    1. Thanks, Cleo! Yes, you should have seen me lurking at the edges of the track with my phone in hand. I look suspicious!

  3. I loved reading this post, Kay! May be it was just my generally inquisitive self, but I really enjoyed reading about your day :D That indoor walking track is SO COOL! It's a pity we don't have one where I live considering the fact that it's always, always,m always too hot here. Anyway, those headphones look really cool! I'm so happy that you're finally rid of diabetes- and it's awesome about the weightloss too! :))

    Check out my WoW post here

    1. Thanks so much! Yes, I do love that track. It's perfect for those of us who have to nudge ourselves into the exercise thing.

  4. Those are great blood results!

    1. Yes, they are and I'm so pleased about them. Could you tell? LOL

  5. I'm glad to hear the medical report is a good one, Kay!

    I love black coffee, but green tea will always remain my favourite. :-) It seems like you've a busy yet a productive day. Thanks so much for sharing with us!

    1. You know, I don't like green tea and I'm not sure why. Ah well, to each his or her own I guess.

  6. Yay! For the good test results! For being a blogger "of a certain age"! We don't get birds nesting on our porch but we do get wasps. We have to be vigilant and check for nests often. Great post!

    1. Oh, we have the wasps too - sadly. My husband manages those by just knocking them off periodically.

  7. What wonderful news! I'll be posting my day on Thursday. I didn't think to take any pictures, though.

    1. I'll watch for your day, Kathy. I so enjoyed this last year.

  8. This was fun to read, Kay! Congratulations on the blood test results, and on losing 30 pounds. Those are major accomplishments! I'd like to read some Kate Dyer-Seely, too. They sound like mysteries I'd really enjoy.

    1. Robin, I think you'd like Kate Dyer-Seeley's series. Just the setting alone....and thanks!

  9. That indoor track is nice enough that it could even get me running a bit! Looks like a pretty fabulous day, despite those birds :)

    1. Yes, well, the birds don't really bother me that much, but I worry about people standing on my porch and ringing the bell. LOL

  10. Great news on the blood results - yay! I love listening to my audiobooks while walking each day - makes the time fly and keeps me walking longer. I loved reading about your day.

    1. Thanks, Mary. I find that audio sure does make the time pass faster.

  11. I loved reading about your ordinary day in Austin :)

    I miss my morning walks - and hope to start up again April 1st. In the past I've always listened to an upbeat playlist, but I'm going to start audiobooks this year.

    1. Molly, you definitely might try listening to a book on your walks. I have gotten rather addicted to it.

  12. Yay! Great news on the health front! I love that indoor track. When I was in college the gym there had one like that and I absolutely loved it. I was almost sorry to graduate because that meant no more gym! I love your earbuds too. I've been wanting to try something like those out. Like you I listen when I'm doing chores and I'm periodically ripping them out. I'm wondering if the over ear design would help. The bird nesting in the porch made me laugh in sympathy. Growing up we had the same problem and there was one year some bird made it's nest in this flowerpot that was right at eye level so if you walked out the door the bird would panic and fly at your head. It was almost heart attack inducing! I love seeing your day! Sounds like a good one and ending with fajitas and queso is always a good thing!

    1. I love your bird story Katherine. Yes, the bird that is up there will startle if the front door is opened and once, it flew into the house. We had a dickens of a time getting it out again. And, yes, you might try wireless for listening. I did the same thing - ripping them out - and so went to this.

  13. Great news, Kay... definitely a reflection of all your hard work. Congratulations! I'm with you on the morning coffee. That's all I'd be writing about until I actually got some, lol! Your rec center indoor track is so nice... and I definitely need to investigate wireless headphones. Any advice or recommendations?

    1. The brand I have is Plantronics. Got them on Amazon I think. That little case holds the headphones and actually turns inside out with an armband for your phone, if it fits. I don't use it for that, but I do carry them in my purse. My husband has a set too - his are blue.

  14. You've got a nice routine for reading and exercising. So glad you've seen good results from your blood tests. Hooray!

    1. I am so relieved about the results too, Catherine. It has taken hard work, but it was worth it.

  15. I have to skip coffee tomorrow morning for bloodwork, and I am not looking forward to that either. I love the pictures of the bluebonnets (and the indoor walking track) that you included. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks and sorry about your 'fasting' bloodwork. It's tough to get out of our routines, isn't it? Yes, I love the bluebonnets. They are around for way too short a period.

  16. Sounds like an awesome day! Way to go on getting your numbers better!

    1. Thanks, Suey! I have worked hard but it has been so worth it.

  17. Yay No Diabetes!!!! And yes, I'm the same way with my coffee. It's always a nice treat when I can savor an entire cup in one sitting without having to drink it cold a few hours later. ;)

    Four hours of audio!! Do you listen on regular speed or faster? And thank you sweet Kay for not including the Central Texas critters in your post this year. LOL! Can't wait for the bluebonnets. Love that time of year.

    1. OK, first of all, what do you mean thanks for no critters? LOL

      Next year, note to self, pictures of feral pigs - yes, we have those too and did you know that they growl?? They are scary and tear up your yard. Have the bluebonnets not come out yet up your way. We are blooming left and right down here after the rain a couple of weeks ago. And I love it. No, I don't listen at a faster speed. I just listen a lot. Remember, 15-20 minutes to get anywhere. ;-)

    2. Ok, opened last year's post and it must be another post I was thinking of--you shared some of the bugs and such that lurk around your yard. LOL! I don't know...it was a while ago. Maybe you were still building?

      Honestly, I don't venture out very often now that I'm at home with the babe so I'm not sure. Seems early though--I think we usually get the bluebonnets closer to April/May?

    3. We probably get them earlier because we are further south. LOL

      And no, I didn't share the bugs and stuff in my day post last year, but I did share some things on another day. I'll try to avoid that this year, OK?

  18. Love this post, Kay. And a big yay for you on your great results-- you rock! Unfortunately, um.. I don't.. not using my treadmill most days, that's another story but you are a great example for me to "just do it". When we lived up north the Y had an indoor track such as yours. They're the best in my opinion for bad weather days, much better than doing a treadmill! Sadly no Y near us here.

    Love your photos. Pretty flowers and I do like your bird story. I encourage the birds to eat in my yard because we're near the desert region and it must be slim pickings for them, and I love to hear them singing when I sit outside. I really need to get my audio "life" in order. Don't know why I'm being stubborn here, would allow me to "read" so many more books I'm craving. Another goal for me... thanks for sharing, Kay.

    1. Thanks, Rita! You know, I was serious when I said that I have to talk myself into the walking/exercising every single day. Truly. Every single day. I am the world's 'best' excuse-maker in that regard. Some days I'm not able to make myself do it. However, getting my good results tells me that if I 'just do it', good things will happen. I agree about the treadmill, which is why I think I like this track so much. And as to the audio - well, I think it takes practice. One step at a time.

  19. I can't walk on an indoor track. I get so bored!

  20. Kay, enjoyed reading about your day. Congrats on the good report for your blood work. We share a lot things such as love of coffee, being a certain age and enjoying audio books. I just want to know how you lost the weight. I can't seem to manage that.

    1. Well, I did Weight Watchers and am still doing it. Although I have kind of hit a plateau and I'm considering what is best to get myself over a bit of hump here.

  21. Coffee absolutely!!! And I know what you mean about that scone. I find some scones or coffee cakes magically making their way to my hands. Don't know what that's about.

    I love that indoor walking track! How cool is that!

    We also have a bird nest under our deck and the bird keeps coming every year. We tried to discourage that the first time and then gave up on it.

    And woohoo!!! Congrats on the doctor report. That is wonderful.

    It was fun to read your post. I read a ton of them last year and loved this event so I am glad I was able to take part this year.

    1. I had such fun with this event last year that I knew I'd join in again this time around. And thanks about my good news healthwise. I'm very pleased.

  22. Your state flower is BEAUTIFUL. And I love the indoor track, we don't have that here but I guess it is gorgeous most days all year round to be outside.

    Today my daughter is participating in interschool sports, whooo yoooo. Her school is doing great.

    1. It is pretty isn't it? No, I suspect that your home would not have as much use for an indoor track. Great for your daughter's school. Hope they do well all day!

  23. Great post, Kay! I want to try this someday. I wasn't sure how it would work, but now I can plan for it...if we have it next year.

    Your day starts off like mine...coffee and blogs. Except, of course, for the bloodwork. Which reminds me...I'm due for some, too, and I keep putting it off...so much planning has to go into it.

    Love your bluebonnets...and the Mexican food. I'm glad your bloodwork came back with a good report...and you are so good and diligent about your exercise. *Eyes covered in shame here*

    I hope you find a plan for the bird nest...mixed feelings, I'm sure.

    Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog today.

    1. Laurel-Rain, honestly, I have to talk myself into the walking every single day. Each day, I have excuses because I am the queen of excuses. And most days I succeed with my 'talking to'. Some I don't. LOL

  24. I love that indoor track, Kay! If I walked for exercise, I probably would listen to more audiobooks too. I feel you with the bird next right on your front porch. Do you find the mother making rude comments--or rather chirps) to anyone who comes close when she's around?

    I'm so glad your health report came back positive. :-) Sounds like you are doing all the right things.

    Thank you for sharing about your day, Kay!

    1. The mother bird does indeed make comments and twitters and chirps and the porch area echoes. I'm really not sure what the solution is, but my porch looks so messy and splattery. LOL

  25. Thanks, Vicki! I wouldn't mind the bird so much if it didn't splatter stuff everywhere. Ah well. Not sure what the solution is. My husband's patience is about at an end though. LOL

  26. Loved reading this Day-in-the-Life. I have coffee in the evenings and tea in the mornings, but I am never fully awake without some caffeine in me. And I envy that track - pretty cool. I put off exercise, and I know I shouldn't. An audio-book is actually great motivation. Will be starting that soon. :)

    1. It's amazing how quickly you can forget you are actually working hard when you're involved with the story. At least for me. :-)

  27. I love all of the photos! It's so interesting to read about everyone's days.

    1. I agree. I've had a good time going around and learning about lots of people. :-)

  28. First off, I'm terribly envious of your indoor track area. I'm in San Antonio, and that March through November heat is killer!! I'm trying to get myself used to getting out the door for a walk earlier in the morning, but sometimes that means walking before coffee...and, well, coffee. I'm happy I'm still allowed to drink mine before fasting bloodwork, though, because I drink it black!

    Awesome post! I'm totally craving salsa and tortilla chips now. We have the very best Mexican food just up the street from us. Maybe we'll have it Saturday night before my husband leaves for Nashville for a week and I'm a single parent for seven days...

    1. I totally get you about the coffee. I don't think I used to be quite so needy in that regard, but maybe it's because I'm not quite as busy in the mornings any more. And I want what I want. LOL

  29. I love that this entry has so much Texas flavor. Austin is one of my favorite places on earth, and I love being out in the country even more. And you know what I really miss about living in a more populated area? INDOOR TRACKS! I'm especially fond of the bikes at the gym, and once I can't feel my legs anymore, I don't mind walking or running a little further on an indoor track. Ha!

    1. Well, yes, the Texas flavor - I'm a Texas girl so it would be there. There aren't very many indoor tracks here. When we lived in Austin city, we went to gym that had one, but now I have to drive into Georgetown for this one. I love it though.

  30. yay for not having diabetes. I love your pics. I need to get my ass in gear with losing some weight.

    1. I'm very pleased, but it has been hard work. :-)

  31. I live in Texas too - omg the climate-controlled track is amazing! And phew - great news on the health front!!!!

    1. Thanks and yes, we need a little help with the outdoor temperatures the way they are. This is good for me.

  32. I love Mexican food and now I'm hungry for it! Loved this post.

  33. Good for you on the lab and healthy changes. I hate exercise and eating healthy too but I try to do it. :( We have a baby bird already in our bird house. I checked my pics from last year and they are a little early. I have named him Harvey as in Hang on Harvey with all the wind we have right now. It is under a covered porch but still breezy. Fun post

    1. Harvey - how cute. I'm not sure if this nest has eggs yet, but I'm betting it does. The mother bird seems very protective.

  34. Bird poop!! I am so with you! I love birds, but not nests next to my house. I'm with you on bird poop AND coffee in the morning. One of my favorite things too. I wish we had an indoor track, because winters are cold here and I quit walking. You just might be my motivation as I need to take control and lose some weight myself. Fun Post! Great Day!

    1. The indoor track is just as nice when the cold wind sweeps down from the north. I like it all the time.

  35. I definitely would walk on that indoor track. Congrats on the positive results after your hard work! We also have a pair that builds a nest on our front porch light every year. As soon as they begin building, we remove it, but they get trickier and build during the night.

    1. My husband tried to discourage it this year and also removed some nest material, but they replaced it and then we were out of town. While we were gone, the whole thing was constructed. Sigh.

  36. Congrats on no diabetes!! A huge chunk of my reading last year was audio, luckily I am able to listen at work! Also, what kind of headphones are those, I am looking for some and the ones I have found are garbage.

    1. Cassie, the headphone are Plantronics. Think I got them at Amazon, but I really can't remember. I like them a lot.

  37. Congrats on the great news from the doctor! That rec center is great - I'd like walking inside a whole lot more if it weren't on a treadmill.

    1. Yes, it's a fun way to 'make' myself do my walk. Like I said, I have to talk myself into it every single day. I don't think it will ever be something that I 'love' all that much.

  38. My dad's family is from Texas. He was born in Austin and lived there until he came to Utah for school. He met my mom there and while they moved around a lot, most of their married life in Utah. Now, my brother and his family lives in San Antonio and my sister used to live in Houston. So I have Texas roots. :)

    That's exciting about your blood work and weight loss. Good job! :)

    Thanks for sharing your day and thanks for stopping by my blog.

    1. You definitely have Texas connections! Thanks for the encouragement!

  39. What a lovely day! Well, except for the blood work, but yay that your numbers were good! Audiobooks are what encourage me to get out and walk. I love them too. ♥

    1. Yes, I was really pleased with the results of my tests. Now I have to continue the good work.

  40. Thanks for sharing your day! I wish we had a place with an indoor track like yours. Most of them are so small. Good news about your blood tests! Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks! I do love that indoor track and there aren't very many of them around here. I'm lucky to live near one.

  41. What a lovely post! I so enjoyed reading about your day. So glad your blood results were good... no diabetes is good, my husband has it and, take it from me, you don't want it. And I love, love, love your local indoor walking track! So jealous. LOL

    1. I was so pleased with my health results. Went in expecting not so good and was happy. Now to keep up the work. Yes, I love that track.

  42. That walking track is awesome! And congrats on the bloodwork. My husband and I love grabbing Mexican for dinner too!

    1. We eat Mexican food at least once a week. It's a given I think in our area.

  43. I read last year's and this year's! I'm heading to the Y shortly to use the elliptical machine and listen to my current audiobook (Three Wishes by Liane Moriarty) You could link this Day in the Life post up to Joy's Readers Workouts! http://www.joyweesemoll.com/2016/03/22/normal-walk-kinda-readersworkouts/

    1. Thanks Laurie! I haven't read that Moriarty book yet, but I've loved others by her. Good for you at the Y!

  44. Congrats on the weight loss and good health report. It was fun reading about your day. I like the indoor track.

    1. It was so exciting to find one relatively near. They aren't all that common here, though they should be.

  45. Congrats on improving your health! Early on in our marriage my husband and I met at our favorite Mexican restaurant after work. But now we are lucky if we get there once a month with our kids' busy schedules. Thanks for sharing a glimpse of your life with me!

    1. And thank you, Stacie. Well, different time of life. You'll be there again in few years. :-)

  46. Love seeing the blue bonnets. I'm in North Texas and they've been looking pretty good this year so far. Your post also reminds me that I haven't had my coffee yet today... I need to go make some, it's one of the highlights of my mornings, too.

    1. North Texas huh? Well, if we get a little more rain I think this will be a great year. Last year was really, really beautiful.

  47. Oh that indoor track is so fantastic! And wow, good on you for improving your health. It was fun reading about your day!

    1. Thanks! I was excited about my results and just decided to share it with all. :-)

  48. Congrats on making healthier changes in your life and sticking to them! It's great to see that you are now seeing the results of those changes. My gym doesn't have one of those indoor tracks, even though it's a fairly new gym. I often think they really missed out by not putting one in.

    1. Yes, the gyms here don't have them all that much often either. We were members of one inside the city of Austin that had one and so when we moved I went looking for another.

  49. Mexican food sounds like a lovely way to start the weekend!

    I usually try to get in some reading or catch up on tv around lunchtime too. It's the perfect time for me when the little one is napping and the big one is still at school!

    1. Yes, quiet time for moms is important too. Glad you get a little of it. :-)

  50. Sounds like a great day (except for the bloodwork -- that's never fun).

    Your rec center sounds like it has the same set up as mine. I love the indoor track, especially when it's too hot and miserable outside to walk anywhere.

    We've got some determined birds at our house, too. Every year, they build a nest on the outside ledge above our front door. We had a security camera there that we could angle to watch the baby birds :) Eventually, the birds killed the camera, but they still nest there every single year. I love to hear them chirping, don't love the dead baby birds that end up falling right in front of our door :(

    1. I'm not surprised that you guys have a few of these track too, Susan. Temps over 100 in summer make it a nice plus. Interesting about the birds at your house. Someone told me that there's an instinct - a bird tries to go back to the place it was born to nest. And the cycle continues. We haven't had any baby birds die or not that I knew. We have had a couple of angry mother birds though.

  51. Marisa @ The Daily Dosage
    What a great day and congrats on your clean bill of health! Isn't bird poop on your head good luck? ;)

    1. Good luck, eh? That's it - it's good luck! That's how I'll think of it. LOL

  52. Coffe is my favorite part of mornings too :)

    1. I'm really not kidding about that - it truly is my favorite thing about morning. LOL

  53. Oh sad coffee-less morning ;-(
    I use wireless headphones when I row - they're the best. It's nice that you have an indoor track you can use. The weather is so extreme there.

    I have Scene of the Climb but haven't read it yet.

    I went to college in Texas - I loved seeing the bluebonnets every spring.

    1. And I love seeing all the Oregon beauty that you share in your pictures. It's a win-win, right?

  54. That seems like a lovely day. And, I hope the blood test results were kind to you.

    Birds are mischievous, aren't they? A group of birds, maybe a family, decide to have their family time on my bike every morning. Although it looks fun to see them sit together on my bike, the leave dirty traces.

    I am glad to know you live in Texas. I will be in Austin, and Dallas this June. I would love to meet you.

    1. Birds are wonderful and sometimes a trial. Hope you have a great time here in Texas!

  55. I loved reading this day in your life, Kay. In many ways, your day is my day, though I'm still working at my library. My husband and I spend almost every Friday night at a Mexican food restaurant...is that a Texas thing? Love the walking, and, of course, the reading.

    1. It probably is a Texas thing, Deb. We'll say it is, OK? LOL

  56. I did that whole fasting thing a few weeks ago and let me tell you, I was never so ready for my coffee as soon as I got into my car! I brewed a cup before I left home so that I could have it after my appointment. :)

    I would love to use wireless headphones/ear buds, but I can't keep those little guys in my ears. Instead, I splurged and bought some BEATS last winter and I love them. They work well to block out noise on airplanes, too, so I'm very happy.

    Love that indoor gym! It's beautiful! I miss the gym I used to belong to, but that was back in the day when I got off work at 1 instead of 4. Maybe we'll join one when we retire...

    We had problems with robins building nests on our porch for several years. Rod finally rigged a large chunk of wood on the ledge where they liked to nest and that kept them away for a few years. We haven't had to put it up for at least 2 or 3 years now, although I did see some nesting material on the porch the other day. Guess we'll have to do it again. It doesn't look nice, but it beats having all that mess from the nest and birds!

    Ah, Friday nights and Mexican food. No, it's not just for Texans! :) Love the bluebonnets, too. My girlfriend, who recently moved with her hubby to New Braunfels (sp?), posted a gorgeous photo of the bluebonnets. I remember seeing people park on the side of I-20 and drag their kids out into the flowers to get a picture. :)

    Thanks for sharing a peek into your day, Kay. And a big congrats on your blood work and weight loss. I'm very proud of you, dear friend!!

    1. Thanks, Les! By the way, my wireless headphones go over the ear and don't actually go too far into the ear canal. Much more comfortable and you don't feel like you'll lose them all the time.

  57. Kay - I hope all goes well with your upcoming appointment. I'm with you, I need coffee in the morning and it's such a nice way to start the day. I love that walking track you have at your wreck center. I go to Planet Fitness and get on a treadmill which can definitely get boring. Loved reading about your day and seeing your pictures. Aren't bluebonnets the best? I love seeing them everywhere.

    1. I'm trying to make a point of really enjoying the bluebonnets this year. They never stay around long enough for me. LOL

  58. First, congrats on no diabetes, that is great! Second, your walking track is gorgeous! The one I walk on is pretty utilitarian, nothing fancy, so I am pretty darn jealous of all the light and windows.

    1. I do love it. Takes away the parts that make me annoyed - the heat, the cold, etc.

  59. Glad to hear the doctors visit went well! I enjoyed this post. :)

    1. Thanks! It did go well and I was very happy for that.

  60. We have the very same bird issue. It's lovely they are around, but I get so irritable when I see their little butts poke over the side and destroy my porch (as I really do not love cleaning that up). I enjoyed reading about your day.

    1. Thanks for sharing about your bird 'fun'! LOL

  61. I have to push myself to get to the gym. It can be a nightmare some days. It's amazing though how my metabolism has changed in the last two years. I am getting closer to 40 and out of no where put on weight. Sigh... I love food too much though to be dieting so alas the gym it is.

    1. And there you have it - perfect reasoning why. LOL

  62. Yay! for the great test results! You are doing great :) Convincing myself to exercise is a struggle. I'm hoping the upcoming good weather will help. I do love to walk. I also love coffee but not as much as you, I think, lol. It's fun peeking into friend's days isn't it?


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