

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Tuesday - First Chapter - First Paragraph - Booked For Trouble

Each Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile By the Sea shares the first part of a book that she is reading or thinking about reading.  This week I'm sharing the first few paragraphs of Booked For Trouble by Eva Gates.  This is the second book in the Lighthouse Library series and Eva Gates also writes under the name Vicki Delany (one of my favorite authors).  She began writing some cozies a couple of years ago and I've had this series on my radar since that time.  Doesn't a library in a lighthouse sound fun, if maybe a little cramped?  See what you think:

     I love my mother.  Truly, I do.  She's never shown me anything but love, although she's tempered it by criticism perhaps once too often.  She believe in me, I think, although she's not exactly averse to pointing out that I'd be better off if I did things her way.  She's a kind, generous person.  At least, that is, to those she doesn't consider to be in competition with her for some vaguely defined goal, or else watch out--she'll carry a grudge to the grave.  She may be stiff and formal and sometimes overly concerned with the observance of proper behavior, but she's also adventurous and well traveled.  And above all, her love of her children knows no bounds.
     I do love my mother.
     I just wish she weren't bearing down on me at this moment, face beaming, arms outstretched.
     'Surprise, darling!' she cried.


Lucy has finally found her bliss as a librarian and resident of the Bodie Island Lighthouse.  She loves walking on the beach, passing her evenings with the local book club, bonding with the library cat, Charles, and enjoying the attention of not one, but TWO eligible men.  But then her socialite mother, Suzanne, unexpectedly drops in, determined to move Lucy back to Boston—and reunite her with her ex-fiancé.

To make matters worse, Suzanne picks a very public fight at the local hotel with her former classmate Karen Kivas.  So, when Karen turns up dead outside the library the next morning, Suzanne is immediately at the top of the suspect list.  Now Lucy must hunt down a dangerous killer—before the authorities throw the book at her poor mother…


I won this book at a panel that Eva Gates/Vicki Delany appeared on at Left Coast Crime.  I told her that I was going to pass it along to a member of my mystery group - which I will do.  Just as soon as I finish it.  If lighthouses or cozies aren't your preference, try Vicki Delany's Constable Molly Smith series, set in British Columbia.  It's great!  The first book is In the Shadow of the Glacier.


  1. Loving that opening which describes so many mothers I think - clever that the author took away the sharpness by interspersing it with 'I love my mother'

  2. This sounds like a fun cozy, Kay! Lucy's life sounds pretty much perfect. :)

    1. It does - well, maybe except for her mother. LOL

  3. This intro cracked me up. I'd read more. Hope you enjoy it.

  4. I've been wanting to read this series for awhile (there's a library in a lighthouse. How can I resist that?) and I love the intro! I can't wait to try this series.

    1. I know. I'd like to have a tour even if I couldn't live or work there. LOL

  5. You had me at "lighthouse library," and then there were the interesting mother/daughter dynamics. Sounds like a fun read! Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Yes, as I read the first few lines I knew that I'd be continuing on.

  6. I am a huge fan of cozy mysteries. This one really piques my interest. I am kind of drawn to lighthouses though I have only seen one, on a hill on St Martins. I am adding this one to my list of cozies.

  7. Love the idea of a lighthouse library!

  8. I will look for this series next time we head to the coast. Boy, do they have a cozy mystery series for everything?!

    1. Deb, I do believe that there is a cozy for each and every interest a person might have or 'dream' profession!

  9. I do like the idea of a lighthouse library - I love the idea of living in one more - so this appeals to me though not a big fan of cosy mysteries.

    1. I think I'd like to work in a lighthouse library. I miss working in a library. Well, miss most things about it. ;-)

  10. It does sound like a perfect series for you, Vicki!

  11. This sounds like a fun cozy. I can identify with the mofhsr/daughter sentiments, although at this point I'm in the mother's spot.

    I'll be back in the next few days to catch up on what you've been doing. I especially want to find out about your experience at Left Coast Crime convention.

    1. Feel free to go back and read that whole week of posts I did about Left Coast Crime. Lots of info there. Hope you enjoy it.

  12. A library in a lighthouse! Both my favourite settings so you've my attention there! :-)

  13. A library and an idyllic setting what's not to love! Sounds like a fun cozy - hope you enjoy it!

    1. I'm excited about beginning this series - happily only 1 book before this one.

  14. Well, I must confess I have yet to read a cozy mystery. In fact, I don't usually go for mysteries at all. But hey, this one is sure hard to resist! it has to do with books, and a lighthouse, no less! Oh, yes, please!! I am definitely interested!! I'm adding this novel to my TBR list!! Thanks for sharing!!

    Also, thanks for commenting on my own First Chapter, First Paragraph post!! :)

    1. Cozies are usually more gentle mysteries. There are still crimes to solve, but they are 'off camera', so to speak. Hope you try one.

  15. She doesn't seem like a fun person. Holding a grudge all the way to the grave, how must that feel? I like the well traveled part. Any cozy is a good one.

  16. LOL, the intro made me giggle. I think a lot of moms fit that description!

    1. Yes, I agree. I'm hopefully not one of them. LOL

  17. I like books, and I like lighthouses, and I love islands. And recently cozy mysteries have gotten me. This is the perfect mix! I would definitely keep reading!

    1. Yes, that whole library in a lighthouse concept is very appealing, right?


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!