

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Waiting on Wednesday - The Chalk Pit

This is a weekly event that highlights a book we can't wait to be published.  It is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine.  I'm not sure that Jill is still blogging, but we'll link to her blog anyway.

As most of you know, Elly Griffiths is a big, big favorite of mine.  Her Ruth Galloway mystery series is wonderful.  I love it, love it!  A new book is always something to celebrate and we're up to #9.  This week I'm waiting for:

Publication Date: May 30th

Norwich is riddled with old chalk-mining tunnels, but no one’s sure exactly how many. When Ruth is called in to investigate a set of human remains found in one of them, she notices the bones are almost translucent, a sign they were boiled soon after death. Once more, she finds herself at the helm of a murder investigation.
Meanwhile, DCI Nelson is hunting for a missing homeless woman, Barbara, who he hears has gone “underground.” Could she have disappeared into the labyrinth? And if so, is she connected to the body Ruth found? As Ruth, Nelson, and the rest of their team investigate the tunnels, they hear rumors of secret societies, cannibalism, and ritual killings. When a dead body is found with a map that appears to be of The Underground, they realize their quest to find the killer has only just begun—and that there may be more bodies underfoot.


  1. This sounds wonderful. I still have the previous book to read so must get on with it before this one comes out.

    1. I think it comes out earlier in your area - maybe February?

  2. I've only read the first three in this series, but I do enjoy them! Glad to know she's continuing on, but not too quickly. I have a chance of actually catching up. :)

    1. Yes, once you've moved you can catch up with these. Bet your Mom would like them too.

  3. I'm SO behind on this series! I love it, too, but I've only finished the first four. Gah. So many books, so little time ...

    1. Oh, it's OK. You'll get caught up at some point. These read fast.

  4. Sounds great! The idea of cannibalism always adds a little spooky extra to any novel, especially a murder mystery. Enjoy the story!

    1. I had to go back and reread the blurb - didn't remember about the cannibalism reference. LOL

  5. Ooh, love the sound of this one. I've only read the first book in the series, Crossing Places, but I loved the Ruth Galloway character. I have such a long ways to go, though...sigh. Can they be read out of order? Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

    1. Series can always be read out of order I guess, but there are overarching storylines. These read fast though.

  6. Love this series and it is an absolute auto-buy. One of my favorite authors :) Yes, I'm looking forward to it.

    I know she has another series starting with Zig Zag Girl, but it isn't a fave time period of me, so I'm not sure I want to read that one. Still deciding...

    1. I have not read the other series as yet, but I've heard good things about it. The whole magic angle is interesting.

  7. Have you been enjoying her other series too? The Stephens and Mephisto books? I love the post-war Brighton setting in them.

    1. I have not read the other series yet, but intend to this year. Don't want to get too far behind and I've heard such good things.

  8. I love her books, Vicki! The first one is CROSSING PLACES. Very interesting protagonist - down-to-earth and 'normal'. LOL

  9. This is one of my favourite series and so I'm really looking forward to this one too - love Ruth Galloway although I'm more cautious about cannibalism ;-)

    1. Yes, I'm not sure about the cannibalism thing, but Ruth and Nelson have dealt with a lot of strange lore and customs. Now I really must read this ASAP.

  10. Arghh. I loved the one I read of hers too. I would love to read the others in the series. How do you read so many books Kay? I have so many books I want to read...

    1. Well, Gayle, when reading is pretty much your only hobby, lots of books can get read. Plus, I listen to almost half my books. I do understand about having 'so many' still on the my list to read. LOL

  11. I read the first book of this series and really enjoyed it. I'm hoping to go back and read more. I'm a sucker for anything with an archaeology aspect so these are pretty perfect for me!

    1. This is a great series. It's getting pretty long now, but I've been a fan since the beginning. I just read the new one each year. :-)

  12. I enjoy a good suspense novel here and there and this sounds great!

    Here's my WOW

  13. I love this series too and can't wait for this new book! I'm so curious about Ruth and Nelson and if they'll ever end up together.

    1. I hear you and I wonder the same myself. I'm actually reading an advance copy of it right now and enjoying it very much.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!