

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tuesday - First Chapter - First Paragraph - Buttercream Bump Off

Each Tuesday, Diane at Bibliophile By the Sea shares the first part of a book that she is reading or thinking about reading.  This week I'm sharing the first few paragraphs of Buttercream Bump Off by Jenn McKinlay.  In honor of Valentine's Day, please note the lovely cover of this book, the 2nd in McKinlay's Cupcake Bakery mystery series.  I defy you not to wish for a luscious cupcake after looking at the covers on the books in this series.  Yum!  Oh, and don't forget to scroll down.  I've included a few 'real' pictures of cupcakes made by my daughter, who is a master cupcake baker, though she's never had to deal with murder.  See what you think about this one:

     'You need to get to the corner of Fifth Avenue and Scottsdale Road.  Now.'
     'Angie?' Melanie Cooper barely recognized her business partner's voice through her sleep-induced haze.  'What's going on?'
     'Fifth and Scottsdale,' Angie DeLaura repeated.  The phone went dead.
     Mel glanced at the cell phone in her hand then at her alarm clock, which read 6:57.  A phone call this early in the morning had better mean Angie's car had been stolen or was on fire.
     She heaved off her comforter and rolled out of bed.  Mel didn't like mornings on the best of days, but in January, even in Scottsdale, Arizona, it surely was a crime to be dragged out of bed before the sun, especially without a cup of coffee to chase away the morning chill.  Still, Angie had been her best friend for more than twenty years.  She wouldn't have called if it wasn't important.
     That thought got Mel moving.  She grabbed a thick-hooded sweatshirt and tugged it on over her flannel pajamas.  She could feel the static raise her short blonde hair up, and she imagined she looked like a troll doll on a bad-hair day, without the cute belly button.  She jammed her feet into her slip-on sneakers and grabbed her keys.


Melanie Cooper and Angie DeLaura's Fairy Tale Cupcakes bakery is gearing up for Valentine's Day with a couples cooking class.

Meanwhile Mel's mother has her first date in forever. Unfortunately someone ices Baxter Malloy on their first date.

Now Mom's a suspect, and Mel and Angie need to find time around frosting to dig into the man's shady past and discover who served him his just desserts.


Happy Valentine's Day!  I read this book several years ago and enjoyed it thoroughly.  It includes humor, murder, family drama, cupcakes and recipes.  What recipes you might ask?  Well, how about 'Kiss Me Cupcakes' (mint chocolate chip), 'Orange Dreamsicle Cupcakes', 'Cupid's Bliss Cupcakes' (white chocolate and raspberries), plus frostings to match each.  And to tempt you, here's some of my daughter's creations.  Sorry I can't send them to everyone!  I bet there's a cupcake bakery in your area.  What are you waiting for?

Chocolate Cupcake with Vanilla Buttercream
 Frosting and Fondant Flower

Strawberry Cheesecake Cupcakes

Peppermint Hot Cocoa Cupcake

Butter Pecan Praline Cupcakes


  1. A culinary cozy sounds like a great read for Valentine's Day. I love those cupcake pictures too. I don't have a cupcake store near me, but my granddaughter and I hit a couple of cupcake stores when I visited her in Portland. We had great fun. I'm going to blog about that soon.

    1. Oh, do write a blog post about your adventures with your granddaughter. I bet Portland does have great cupcake stores.

  2. Not a post I should be reading whilst on a diet but a great themed read. Happy Valentine's Day.

    1. Sorry about that! No calories involved in reading about cupcakes, but that's not really as satisfying is it? LOL

  3. Replies
    1. Yep. I remember writing a post last year or before about this series for your Weekend Cooking event. Showed the same cupcake pictures. LOL

  4. I rarely ever read cozies, but this one sounds good. Reminds me a little bit of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, for some reason. And, boy, do those cupcakes look yummy!!!!

    1. It's a funny series, but there are bodies and murder as well. The author writes several mystery series and lives in the Phoenix area. She appears at the Poisoned Pen often.

  5. What a brilliant choice for today - this sounds absolutely lovely Kay!

    1. And tasty right? Although, I will say that I have no cupcakes in my house. The daughter has cut back on her baking - for us at least - much to her father's chagrin. LOL

  6. Great visual images come along with that excerpt...and those cupcakes look divine. Thanks, I'll have one now...LOL.

    And in your sidebar, I am green with envy that you are reading You'll Never Know, Dear. I can't wait for that one.

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Yes, I wish I had one, but I don't. Ha! I'm enjoying YOU'LL NEVER KNOW, DEAR so far. Those dolls. I've meant to read Hallie Ephron's books for a long time. I think I own all her other ones. Not sure why I haven't read them yet. It was the dolls with this one - I couldn't wait. LOL

    2. My first book by Hallie, which I loved: There Was an Old Woman. I was hooked after that one.

    3. I know I own that one. I'm liking this doll book very much. Hoping to finish it today or tomorrow.

  7. Homemade cupcakes delivered to your door once a week would be a great treat! Sorry she has 'cut back.' Maybe if you paid her hahah.

    1. Hmmm...perhaps...though we don't need cupcakes that often. No, she's been working extra long hours because they have been shorthanded or rather more shifts, not actually longer than her usual 12-hour shift. We did enjoy dinner with them on Saturday night.

    2. Ah, the power of suggestion - I made chocolate cupcakes with confectioners sugar frosting today!!!!!!

  8. If I hadn't just eaten a bagel, I might be in the mood for a cupcake after your post today, Kay. LOL The intro certainly got my attention. It'd have to be pretty serious for her friend to call her so early, I imagine!

    1. You could always save the cupcake for later. ;-)

  9. I rarely read cozies, but I do wish I had a white chocolate and rasberry cupcake!

  10. She is very talented in that regard. Takes after my husband's mother. And not me. LOL

  11. Yum! This story would probably have me rushing out to the bakery to get some cupcakes. Haha.. Love your daughter's creations. They look beautiful and delicious. Happy Valentine's Day, Kay!

    1. I know. One thinks that reading this book would require the actual deal - cupcakes. Did you hear about that new shop in the Domain that has a cupcake ATM? Ha!

  12. OMG those real cupcakes look soooo good. You are so lucky to have a baker in the family. lol The books sound good too.

    1. Yes, wish I could bring them to the book group meetings again, but I hate to ask her to make them. She's really been busy with work.

  13. Cupcakes are my favorite dessert, so your post had me drooling!

    1. Cupcakes are easy. They can be very decadent, but only a few bites. Perfect!

  14. Love the photos! Your daughter is quite talented! Except for my one slice of chocolate cake for Valentines Day, I've only had one cupcake since Christmas, sigh... I miss sweets... but candy, cookies, cupcakes are some of what I've cut out to lose weight. Not sure if I can read about them and know I can't have one, lol!

    But seriously, there are so many food-based cozies out there...I'm going to assume that this series is a step above the rest based on the author. Thanks for the recommendation. I need to check her out, in any of her series.

    1. Rita, I'm sorry that I didn't congratulate you on your weight loss! Good for you! It's tough isn't it, but I think it helps us to feel better. Glad you had a treat for Valentine's Day.

      This author has several series. You should look her up and see what you think.

  15. This is such a fun series! Have you read her library series? I really like that one too. Your daughter's cupcakes are gorgeous! I have decorating envy. My cupcakes always look like they were decorated by a hyped up 5 year old.

    1. I have not read her library series, but think I have the first one. One day. And as to the daughter's decorating skills - well, let's just say she didn't get them from me. LOL


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!