

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

First Chapter First Paragraph - The Lost Man

I am linking up with Vicki @ I’d Rather Be At The Beach who hosts a meme every Tuesday to share the First Chapter First Paragraph or two of the book you are currently reading or plan to read soon.

I have really enjoyed the books that Jane Harper has written so far.  Both were set in Australia and both featured Aaron Falk, an Australian with the Federal Police.  The book I'm talking about today is a standalone, but I understand that a few characters might be familiar.  Here's a bit about...


First Paragraph(s):

From above, from a distance, the marks in the dust formed a tight circle.  The circle was far from perfect, with a distorted edge that grew thick, then thin, and broke completely in places.  It also wasn't empty.
     In the center was a headstone, blasted smooth by a hundred-year assault from sand, wind, and sun.  The headstone stood a meter tall and was still perfectly straight.  It faced west, toward the desert, which was unusual out there.  West was rarely anyone's first choice.
     The name of the man buried beneath had long since vanished, and the landmark was known to locals--all sixty-five of them, plus one hundred thousand head of cattle--simple as the stockman's grave.  That piece of land had never been a cemetery; the stockman had been put into the ground where he had died, and in more than a century, no one had joined him.
     If a visitor were to run their hands over the worn stone, a partial date could be detected in the indentations.  A 'one' and an 'eight' and a 'nine', maybe--1890-something.  Only three words were still visible.  They had been carved lower down, where they had better shelter from the elements.
     Or perhaps they had been chiseled more deeply to start with, the message deemed more important than the man.  They read:
     who went astray


Brothers Nathan and Bub Bright meet for the first time in months at the remote fence line separating their cattle ranches in the lonely outback.

Their third brother, Cameron, lies dead at their feet.

In an isolated belt of Australia, their homes a three-hour drive apart, the brothers were one another’s nearest neighbors. Cameron was the middle child, the one who ran the family homestead. But something made him head out alone under the unrelenting sun.

Nathan, Bub and Nathan’s son return to Cameron’s ranch and to those left behind by his passing: his wife, his daughters, and his mother, as well as their long-time employee and two recently hired seasonal workers.

While they grieve Cameron’s loss, suspicion starts to take hold, and Nathan is forced to examine secrets the family would rather leave in the past. Because if someone forced Cameron to his death, the isolation of the outback leaves few suspects.


I'm beginning to hear some very positive things about this book, most notably this review by my friend Cathy at Kittling: Books.  I have this one on audio and will listen to it at 'just the right time'.


  1. I've been wanting to try this author. I actually got first book on audio from library but had difficulty with the narrator. May try the series again in print. Hope you enjoy this one Kay.

    1. Oh, I'm sorry the audio didn't work well for you. I liked it, but those accents are sometimes hard to deal with. You might try it in print. I really like her writing.

  2. Hi Kay, Oh I have enjoyed her books - I'd read this!

    Here's my Tuesday post!

  3. I've enjoyed all of her books so far and this one is on my to-read list. Hope you'll enjoy the book when you get to it, Kay.

    1. I think I probably will, Melody. I'm hearing good things from others.

  4. I'm SO excited for this one! I'm waiting on a copy from the publisher -- hopefully it will come soon. I can't wait to see how THE LOST MAN compares with Harper's other novels.

    1. Yes, I think I'm a little worried because of the other standalones that I've read recently, but I probably shouldn't worry.

  5. Great choice...all the Jane Harper books you mention are on my must read list.

    1. Oh, do read her other books, Catherine. So good!

  6. I enjoyed The Dry, by this author, and Force of Nature is waiting patiently on Paige, my Kindle. I hope to add this one. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. Laurel, Force of Nature is very good. Completely different setting, but still Australia and Aaron Falk.

  7. I Can.Not.Wait to read this one. In fact, maybe I'll start it tonight!!

    1. I'll be watching for what you think, Candace!

  8. This is on my list, and I'm ready for it! I've enjoyed the previous books and love the setting!

    1. Yes, she changes up the setting a bit with each book. We've had the drier regions in the first book, but I think this one is even more remote, etc.

  9. I really like Jane Harper's books too. I think you may be the one who first told me about her. I have this one on my to-read list also. The quote above has me eager to get to it.

    1. Always glad to add to your list, Margot. I think many of us want to read this one soon.

  10. I do hope you enjoy this one - it is one of those books that haunt me and so that opening gives me goosebumps!

    1. Cleo, the fact that it 'haunts' you says that I'll like it. ;-)

  11. I was lucky to pick up the first book this author wrote at the last book sale and I look forward to reading it. Someday.

    1. Oh, I hope you like THE DRY when you get around to it Tracy. I found it very good.

  12. Oh, I loved this book! I hope you will too.

    My post about it will be on my blog tomorrow.

    1. I'll look forward to reading it tomorrow, Margaret! Glad you liked it!

  13. I'm #3 on the wait list at my library. Can't wait to read this one, as I have loved her other two!!!

    1. Great, #3 isn't bad. Hope you get it soon.

  14. This sounds interesting to me, unless "astray" has some religious connotation - but maybe just means he went "walkabout" and didn't return??

    1. I have no idea what 'astray' will mean Nan. Will have to see when I get to the book. :-)

  15. I've only read the first Aaron Falk book, I need to catch up on Harper's books!

    1. Well, this is only her 3rd, so you're not far behind, Angela. :-)

  16. It sounds interesting. Thanks for stopping by Girl Who Reads.

  17. I've seen this on around. I have it on my TBR. It looks really good.

  18. It is a yes from me. I'd like to read this one.

  19. I'm definitely planning to read this one! Now if I can just find time :)

    1. I understand that. We're all there, right?


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!