

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

First Chapter First Paragraph - Women Rowing North

I am linking up with Vicki @ I’d Rather Be At The Beach who hosts a meme every Tuesday to share the First Chapter First Paragraph or two of the book you are currently reading or plan to read soon.

I first read about this book on my friend Lesa's blog here.  Lesa did a great job sharing what she thought and felt as she read this new book by Mary Pipher - yes, the same Mary Pipher who wrote Reviving Ophelia many years ago.  I read that one too.  Here's a bit about...

First Paragraph(s):

'I have everything I need to be happy right between my ears.' -- Jane Jarvis

Women Rowing North is about the specific issues women face as we transition from middle age to old age.  The core concern of this life stage, with all of its perils and pleasures, is how to cultivate resilient responses to the challenges we face.  Resilience is built by attention and intention.  We can take responsibility for our attitudes and focus on our strengths and our joys.  We can go deep and face truth squarely.  We can learn the skills that allow us to adapt to anything.  Yes, anything.
     With each new stage of life, we outgrow the strategies that worked for us at an earlier stage.  We find ourselves in an environment that pelts us with more challenges than our current self can manage.  If we don't grow bigger, we can become bitter.  When our problems become too big for us, our healthiest response is to expand our capacities.  That growth is qualitative.  We become deeper, kinder to ourselves and others, and more capable of bliss.
     Attitude is not everything, but it is almost everything.  In fact, in many situations, it is all we have.  Especially as we age, we can see clearly that we do not always have control, but we do have choices.  That is our power.  These choices determine whether we stagnate or grow into fully realized people.


Women growing older contend with ageism, misogyny, and loss. Yet as Mary Pipher shows, most older women are deeply happy and filled with gratitude for the gifts of life. Their struggles help them grow into the authentic, empathetic, and wise people they have always wanted to be.

In Women Rowing North, Pipher offers a timely examination of the cultural and developmental issues women face as they age. Drawing on her own experience as daughter, sister, mother, grandmother, caregiver, clinical psychologist, and cultural anthropologist, she explores ways women can cultivate resilient responses to the challenges they face. "If we can keep our wits about us, think clearly, and manage our emotions skillfully," Pipher writes, "we will experience a joyous time of our lives. If we have planned carefully and packed properly, if we have good maps and guides, the journey can be transcendent."


I know that not everyone who stops by here is of a 'certain' age, but many are.  I think this book sounds quite interesting and hopeful.  Have you read anything by Mary Pipher?  Would you keep reading?


  1. I'm intrigued and would read more. I hope this is one you'll enjoy Kay.

  2. Oh this is new to me, but looks really interesting. I'll have to see if my library has it.

    1. Yes, it just came out so the libraries are likely acquiring it now.

  3. I have this one and am looking forward to it. This stage of life does require resilience. I find I have a harder time adapting to change than earlier in my life, but in many ways I am happier and more content.

    1. I'm glad to know that you have it too. I'll watch for what you think about it.

  4. Great minds--I read recently read a blurb about the author and placed a hold in the library last week! I look forward to your thoughts on this book.

    1. Yes, I'm not much for non-fiction, but occasionally something 'speaks' to me.

  5. Ha, I'm now 60 so yes, I should look for this one. I'll check my library for it. Thanks for sharing this-- I've heard of her previous title but didn't read that one either.

    1. Since this just came out, I suspect libraries will be acquiring it soon or maybe have ordered it. Mine has.

  6. I love the sound of this one! And as it turns out, I am dealing with some issues, too. Thanks for sharing, and for visiting my blog.

    1. I think many of us remember this author's earlier book and this one seems like it's appearing at a good time.

  7. You gave me something to think about when you said, "Resilience is built by attention and intention." Resilience is an important word since my son co-wrote a book a couple of years ago on Resilient Investing. This has made resilience important in our family. WOMEN ROWING NORTH also sounds good.

    1. Interesting, Margot. I'm looking forward to reading this one. And I think we all to be somewhat resilient, don't you?

  8. Oh, I heard her on the radio! You may listen here: https://the1a.org/shows/2019-01-07/how-women-can-cultivate-resilience-as-they-age

    1. Thanks for the link, Nan! I'll check it out.

  9. sounds good! Mine is here: https://francebooktours.com/2019/02/05/first-chapter-first-paragraph-the-first-noel-at-the-villa-des-violettes/

  10. This does sound very interesting--and insightful! I'd certainly keep reading.

  11. This does sound interesting and although it is, as you so aptly say, aimed at women of a certain age, I think the earlier some of us who are a little bit younger embrace those sort of messages the healthier the transition might be.

    1. Yes, the older years come eventually. Better to be a little prepared.

  12. This sounds a lot of fun, I would love to read this!

    Here's my Tuesday post!

  13. This book sounds interesting and not a topic you often see in books. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for visiting Girl Who Reads.

  14. This sounds like a good read. I find it interesting that there seems to be such a message from media everywhere about anti-aging, 50s are the new 30s and stuff like that and it's all really geared to women. So it's good to see a book that deals with women & aging head on!

    1. Yes, I love that quote that started the book - all I need is between my ears. :-)

  15. I think this will be acquired by many libraries, Vicki.

  16. I like "we do not always have control, but we do have choices." I would keep reading!

    1. Yes, I'm definitely interested in starting this one.

  17. I definitely am in the season of life this book targets. Will check it out at the library.

    1. I bet they have it or will get it soon, Nise'.

  18. I bought the book for my Kindle the other day! I’d been hearing bits and pieces about it and thought it sounded very interesting. Your review confirms that for me and I’m looking forward to reading it soon!

    1. Well, I just shared a teaser and haven't read it yet, but I also have it on my Kindle. Hope we both enjoy it, Robin!

  19. I read Reviving Ophelia many, many years ago and recently tried to read another book by her called Another Country, but found it too dry. This one sounds interesting to me, though, and I'm going to start by listening to the interview that Nan so kindly shared. Did you know Piper lives in Lincoln? She used to visit the bookstore quite a lot when I was working there.

    1. I think I did know that at one time. Interesting that she came into your B&N.


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!