

Saturday, March 21, 2020

A few more cheerful flower pictures I've taken all over the place...

I decided that I'll share a few more flower pictures I've got lurking on my saved picture folder here.  I'm sure I've shared all of these on this blog in the past, but I'm going to share them again.  I may do a few posts in upcoming days that have themes or lists - just for fun.  Can you tell I'm a little antsy?  Ha!

Oh, one more thing...I don't seem to be able to comment on several of your blogs, but I'm not going to worry about it right now.  It seems to apply to all the Wordpress blogs and maybe a few others.  No issues with Blogger blogs.  I know that some have solved problems with commenting between Wordpress and Blogger in the past.  I also know that a few people have trouble commenting here.  Again, not going to worry about it right now.  If your blog is listed on my sidebar (a new thing for me), I read it. 

OK, here's some lovely flowers I've seen and their location:

Fredericksburg, Texas 

Fredericksburg, Texas

Bluebonnet in my front yard

Crepe myrtle in my front yard

Kerrville, Texas

Boston, Massachusetts

Boston, Massachusetts

Portland, Oregon


Take care and have a safe, healthy weekend.  I'll be back next week with some other 'kooky' post.  Ha!


  1. The flowers a beautiful! I'm not good at growing plants or flowers other than ferns. My mom had 10 green fingers though. I would love to have a Crepe myrtle in my front yard!

    Stay safe and healthy!

    1. Vicki, I have no green thumb either. However, some things see to thrive on their own, without my help or interference. Ha! Hope you and your family stay well too!

  2. That rose is absolutely stunning. I love the color change in the petals. We have a lot of tulips in our yard but the weather has been so weird I'm not sure how well they'll do this year. Our daffodils came out just in time to get frozen which made me very sad. I love the different flower pictures! A nice mental break.

    1. That rose is beautiful isn't it? I took that shot at the Portland Rose Garden. I have more of them and may put a few more up in days to come. We don't have so many tulips, daffodils or iris in our area. Lots of wildflowers though. Hope your blooms recover and continue to bring joy to your eyes.

  3. Beautiful flower pics, Kay!

    I often have trouble commenting on Wordpress blogs. It seems they periodically shove my comments in the blog owner's spambox. The owner releases it and it's fine for 3 or 4 months, then it starts all over again. I've heard say that they like to make things difficult for people who're not commenting via a Wordpress blog. Of course the reverse could be true as well, Blogspot make equally not like WP blogging people...

    1. Thanks, Cath! I've decided to not worry about the comment issue. Probably amazing that I haven't had it already because I know that many have. I'm going to enjoy your 'Friday' posts and anything else you share.

  4. You can't go wrong with pictures of pretty flowers! These are so lovely and colorful - they remind me of all the beauty in the world, even amidst the chaos and confusion we're all experiencing right now. Thanks for the pick-me-up :)

    1. Thanks, Susan. Yes, I'm just trying to think of things to occupy my mind and also encourage others, however that might look. No telling what I'll come up with here. I might repost or rework some of my older lists of books I enjoyed or want to read - who knows? Just a little something more to do.

  5. Beautiful flowers! Thanks for sharing, Kay!

    1. My pleasure, Melody. I'm enjoying your reviews and filing away the book titles for the time when my reading is more 'normal' for me. :-)

  6. I love seeing flower pictures! I've been seeing daffodils around but not much else yet. There is a place we've visited called Longwood Gardens that is closed right now, but every day they post pictures of the flowers and gardens, which is nice.

    1. Oh, that's a nice thing to do. Post a picture of the flowers each day. Hope your flowers will soon be 'flowering', Angela!

  7. I love all these beautiful flower pictures. I saw the most amazing flower ever when I was in France in early February: https://readerbuzz.blogspot.com/2020/02/paris-perfect-flower-in-random-alleyway.html. Flower pictures are inspiring. I think I like seeing the Texas flowers a lot, since that's where I live and I probably won't see them this spring, but it's also nice to see that there are beautiful flowers other places, too. Life goes on.

    1. Life does indeed go on. And, yes, we may not get to see all the wildflowers, but I've got a few more from previous years myself. May end up posting those at some point. I was thinking about the trip to France that you returned from earlier this year. Such a nice thing that you were able to go and also got home before all this became a 'thing'.

  8. Thanks for sharing these. I love seeing spring flowers, but most of ours aren't out yet. And since we're expecting more rain and snow next week, the flowers probably won't be blooming until April.

    1. Yes, spring certainly comes to us much earlier than you guys. Well, your spring flowers will come when we are wilting in the heat I suspect. You can post yours than and I'll complain about the hot weather. And our wildflowers will be gone....

  9. Thanks for the beautiful pictures!

    Looks like occasionally different blogs keep going through commenting troubles. Not sure what the deal is. I can never comment on blogger blogs on my phone, which bums me because sometimes the phone is the best way for me to get caught up. I used to have trouble with commenting from my laptop but managed to solve that by disabling some of the plugins and blockers that I had installed.

    1. I don't know why my commenting became an issue all of sudden, but I seriously don't have the patience to figure it out right now. I'll just keep reminding people that even if you don't hear from me on your blog, I'm still reading it.

  10. Lovely flower photos, Kay. I want to take some photos of my tiny strip of garden in the front but I want to weed first and that is taking time. But it is the first time in years I have actually had some plants so want to share.

    I had problems commenting on Wordpress sites and had to create a separate user name for those blogs. That was years ago and I am still using it. I don't like it because I am not sure people know it is me, and a bit more of a pain to comment.

    But then Blogger blogs just seem to have whims to start causing problems for some users, so you are right, probably just better not to worry about it.

    1. Tracy, I know that often others have problems commenting here and also on the Wordpress blogs. I'm just too annoyed with it right now and can't mess with trying fixes. I'll get to it after I'm not so anxious about nasty viruses. Ha!

      I'll be glad to see your plants if you want to share them. I'm not very good at raising plants, but I do like to look at flowers that others have tended.

  11. Lovely pictures, Kay! I love that crepe myrtle and remember how it grew everywhere in Texas when we were living down there. Our spring flowers are really beginning to pop here and the days are still pretty cool (low 50s). I'm thankful for the dry weather so I can get outside and enjoy our neighborhood. Helps clear the mind!

    1. Yes, I'm liking our weather right now. I've even considered that if we get more rain I might just grab one of our golf umbrellas and walk anyway. Why not, right? And I know that the flowers up in your area are so lovely. Sigh.


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