

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Asheville, NC Vacation - Part 3 - Grove Park Inn and Local Crafts

Today, I'm going to share a bit about the second place we stayed in Asheville, NC.  As you can see above, the Omni Grove Park Inn has a unique exterior.  It's been around for over 100 years, built in 1913 I believe.  It is in a beautiful part of the town of Asheville and the natural vistas are really stunning.  There is a golf course and several restaurants and a shopping area where local crafters sell their beautiful creations and also have workshops.  Lots of fun to walk around and explore.

Here are several pictures that I took as I meandered the trails and stairs and hillsides.  The hotel is built on a slope and one can see the golf course below.  There is also a spa with a pool and other amenties that was built mostly below ground so that the views would not be spoiled.


As I said, there was a local shopping area, the Grovewood Village, that was just across from the hotel.  You can take a look through the link if you like.  The area is where 'once-upon-a-time', the weaving and woodworking operation of the Biltmore Industries was housed.  Local artists have studios and there is also a classic car museum.  Lots to see.  I'll just share pictures of some of the things for sale outside the shops.  Interesting, right?  You can make them bigger to see better.  My husband really liked the raccoon.  We didn't bring it home though.  Ha!


Tomorrow, I'll have one more post about the Grove Park Inn and show some of the historical features and also talk about a special 'contest' that occurs at this location every year.  Enjoy!


  1. Looks fantastic! I note it has golf course but I assume the hotel is not actually just for golfing people?

    1. Yes, it does have a golf course, but there are many, many activities. My husband loves the golf and I like other stuff. It seems to be a popular place for companies to use for conferences. There were several going on while we were there.

  2. What a lovely place Kay - the grounds and hotel look magnificent.

    1. There had been a lot of rain in the last few weeks or months and it was indeed beautiful. Cool temperatures too. Just lovely!

  3. Very cool pictures, what an amazing view! Thank you for sharing!

    1. You are very welcome, Angela. I had such a good time wandering around and seeing the beauty.

  4. Wow! Asheville is gorgeous. I've never been to either of the Carolinas. Looks like I'm missing out.

    1. I had not visited North Carolina either and I've also not seen South Carolina. I hope we're able to visit again before long, maybe closer to the ocean.

  5. It was indeed very relaxing and we loved the temperatures.

  6. Replies
    1. I know - aren't they great? So creative.

  7. Lovely! Very cool sculptures too. I need that raccoon!

    1. That raccoon was such a delight. It almost came home with us. LOL

  8. The grounds at the hotel look gorgeous. I hope to go there someday -- maybe I'll even play the golf course!

    1. It is a beautiful place indeed. Hope you get to visit one day.


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