

Monday, May 14, 2018

Malice Domestic 30 - Intro, Malice Go Round, New Authors' Breakfast...

Welcome to my first post about the recent Malice Domestic Mystery Convention.  This was #30 for them and all have been held in Bethesda, Maryland.  I had a wonderful time.  I went all by myself this time.  And I was simply immersed in 'traditional' mysteries.  I'm not going to 'talk' quite as much about the way things work.  You can look back through my archive and see my posts from last year's convention.

At 2017's Malice convention, I met and chatted with several authors that had been important to me in past years.  I was able to tell them how much I had enjoyed and appreciated their work.  This year, I set a goal for myself to be 'brave' and seek out, meet, and encourage 'New' authors especially.  And that's what I did.  So, I'm going to be sharing more pictures and maybe less commentary, but....no promises.  Ha!  Some of these are authors that I read about on your blogs when you shared new books with us.  Some I learned about in planning what events I'd attend.  Some I ran across in the restaurant or the Starbucks or seated next to me at a breakfast or panel.  I'm so very happy to tell you about them.  And the explanations I do include will be below the pictures - FYI.  Saddle up and let's go!

I loved the fact that blooms were everywhere in the greater Washington DC area.  It was a little cool, but beautiful with spring blossoms.

The next pictures are from 'Malice Go Round' - 42 authors go from table to table talking about their books.  We get to sit and listen.  As I've learned, writing down the names is mandatory for me because the pace will make your head spin.  Here are Dorothy St. James (L) and Ginger Bolton (R).  Dorothy writes the 'Southern Chocolate Shop' series and Ginger's series is the 'Deputy Donut' books.

Nancy Cole Silverman (L) - more about Nancy on Thursday and Kelly Oliver (R).  Nancy writes the 'Carol Childs' radio reporter books.  Kelly writes about Jessica James, 'Cowgirl Philosopher'.

Loretta Ross (L) and Karen Olson (R) - more about Karen on Thursday.  Loretta's series is the 'Auction Block' mysteries - 3 now.  Karen has written several series, but the latest are the 'Black Hat' mysteries featuring Nicole Jones.  Many of you have enjoyed those books.

J. R. Ripley (L) and Misty Simon (R) - talked a lot with Misty and that report will also be on Thursday.  J.R. has written more than one series, the latest of which are the 'Maggie Miller' books.  Misty was talking about her new series featuring 'Tallie Graver'.  And you've got to see that dress she's wearing.  I'll have photos later.

Bethany Blake (L) and Ellen Byerrum (R).  Bethany writes the 'Lucky Paws Petsitting' series.  Cute, cute covers.  Ellen's 'Crime of Fashion' series has over 10 books and has been around for quite a while.

Victoria Thompson - the 'Gaslight' series now has 21 books!  Well done, Victoria!  She also has new series featuring the 'Counterfeit Lady'.  Again, more about this author on another day.

Nancy Herriman - the 1st 'Bess Ellyott' mystery has just been published featuring an herbalist in Old England and there is also her 'Old San Francisco' series starring a nurse, Celia Davies.

Sybil Johnson - writes the 'Aurora Anderson' mysteries that are set in California and feature a computer programmer who also loves tole painting - very much like the author.  Sybil brought an example for us of her tole painting.  Very nice, right?

C. M. Gleason - author of the 'Lincoln White House' series - historical, of course.  I was very intrigued by the first book - which I happily was able to acquire.  LOL

Susan M. Boyer - this author may have had the best handout ever - a fan that showed all the books in her 'Lowcountry' series starring Liz Talbot, private investigator, South Carolina.  Best handout for women of a 'certain' age - if you know what I mean!  I know several have enjoyed her books.

We are now switching over to the 'New Authors Breakfast'.  There were 21 authors - we sat at a table hosted by someone and munched on lovely things.  The authors talked with Cindy Silberblatt as we listened.  This is L.A. Chandlar (L).  Her first book is The Silver Gun, set in 1930's New York and stars Lane Sanders, personal aide to Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia.  And, yes, I snagged a copy.

The author here is Becky Clark.  Her book, the 1st in a 'Mystery Writer's' series, is Fiction Can Be Murder.  The protagonist is Charlemagne 'Charlee' Russo, mystery writer, who has to solve who killed her agent.  Amazingly, that book found it's way home with me as well.  Do you see a trend?

Aimee Hix was telling us about her new book, What Doesn't Kill You, starring Willa Pennington, PI.  Willa, the protagonist, is a former cop.  Aimee related a story about loving the cover of her book - I agree - and, yes, it came home with me.

This is Kathleen Valenti, who was a nominee for 'Best First Mystery'.  Had to add her here because she's from Bend, Oregon, and was impressed that I knew where that was.  Yes, I do and I've vacationed there.  Her first Maggie O'Malley book is Protocol and the second is 39 Winks - will be published in a couple of weeks.  These are set in the pharmaceutical industry. 


That's all for today.  Come back tomorrow to hear all about the panels I attended.  And, please, take advantage of the links to check out the authors and their websites.       


  1. What fun! I love the photos of all these authors and recognize many from my days of shelving their books at B&N. I'm glad you had such a good time, Kay!

    1. I bet you do recognize some of them. And I did have a very nice time.

  2. I've never been to a convention of any sort, but what an awesome way to get to meet so many authors!

    1. Angela, it's a lot of fun, a little overwhelming, and a good way to make a lot of memories.

  3. I enjoyed your 1st post on Malice Domestic. It was interesting and I was looking up the authors unfamiliar to me. Thought it was brave that you went to the event by yourself. I think you are from Texas so it is not in your neighborhood. Are you familiar with the Bethesda area? Thanks for sharing.

    1. No, Lynn, I'm not really familiar with Bethesda. I went to this convention last year, but my husband and I didn't venture far from the hotel. This year, I barely went out at all. We have visited the Washington DC metro area more than once and seen a lot of sights.

  4. What a great event! I won't be going to any book conventions this year, but I will get extra time with my family and trip to Europe, so it's hard to complain. :)

    1. Candace, I think extra time with family and your Europe trip sound wonderful. Hope you have a great time!

  5. So interesting to actually see and hear authors of books you've read...or want to read!

    1. Yes, I love that part. And hearing about their research and thought processes. Makes me want to read 'all the books'. LOL

  6. It was indeed a lot of fun, Vicki. Tiring and a bit overwhelming, but fun.

  7. OMG you got to meet Karen Olson & Victoria Thompson?! How exciting. One of these days I totally want to go to Malice Domestic. You'll have to show me the ropes :)

    1. Iliana, you should think about going. It's always in Bethesda, MD. Some of the other conferences go to various cities. And, yes, I did get to meet those two authors. Keep reading this week for more info on them. ;-)

  8. This convention sounds like a mystery lovers dream!

    1. That's exactly what it is, JoAnn. Lots and lots of fun.

  9. Wonderful to meet so many crime authors in one place. You clearly had a wonderful time.

    1. I did, Cath. I'm so pleased that I was able to attend.

  10. I would love to hear writers talk about their writing and how they do it. I can tell you enjoyed this and look forward to hearing more.

    1. It was great, Tracy. Stay tuned this week. I have a lot more to share.

  11. What a great event that you were able to attend. Looking forward to more!

  12. What a delightful event! I appreciate the posts you've shared about the authors and panels, and hope to make it to one of these conferences. I'm going to put next year's event on my calendar.

    1. It's a lot of fun, Catherine. A bit overwhelming, but fun.

  13. Looks like a wonderful event and how great it is that you got to meet so many authors! Looking forward to your other posts.

    1. It was a lot of fun to meet so many. I tried not to be intimidated. LOL

  14. What a great report!! I haven't heard of a single one of those authors! What a wide world of reading there is. All women, I notice, except for Ripley.

    1. Yes, there were definitely men at the conference, but not a huge amount. Think some of the others have more men authors. Not so many write 'traditional' or 'cozy' mysteries. There were quite a few that attended as fans though.

  15. I'm fan-girling a bit over here! I know almost all the authors and several are absolute favorites! I got to meet Nancy Cole Silverman a few years ago and she was so interesting. I loved hearing about the thought process behind her character.

    1. I got to have dinner with Nancy right after I arrived at the hotel. See my post for today (Thurs). She was great!

  16. How totally fun! I'm glad we get to enjoy a little bit of the experience vicariously.

    1. Glad you are enjoying it. That was my aim - to share a bit of what it was like.

  17. I would love to go to an event like this. Mystery authors and fans are the best!


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