

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Waiting on Wednesday - The Death of Mrs. Westaway

I'm posting a 'soon to be released' book on Wednesdays.  These will always be books that I am particularly looking forward to.  I'll be linking up to 'Can't-Wait Wednesday' hosted by Tressa at Wishful Endings and plan to take part in this each week.

I'm definitely excited about the book I'm featuring this week and the publication date is almost here.  I've read all of this author's other books - In a Dark, Dark Wood, The Woman in Cabin 10, and The Lying Game.  Though I didn't like The Lying Game as much as the previous books, I'm ready to try the new one - more than ready.  I like the info that the author shared about it on her website and have included it below as a blurb.  This week, I'm waiting on:

Publication Date:  May 29th

Dear Miss Westaway,

Your grandmother, Hester Mary Westaway of Trepassen House, St Piran, passed away on 22nd November, at her home. I appreciate that this news may well come as a shock to you; please accept my sincere condolences on your loss.

In accordance with the wishes of your late grandmother, I am instructed to inform beneficiaries of the details of her funeral. As local accommodation is very limited, family members are invited to stay at Trepassen House where a wake will also be held.

Yours truly,

Robert Treswick
Treswick, Nantes and Dean, Penzance

When Harriet Westaway – better known as Hal – receives a letter from the blue informing her of a substantial inheritance, it seems like the answer to her prayers. The loan shark she borrowed from is becoming increasingly aggressive, and there is no way that her job as a seaside fortune-teller can clear her debts.

There is just one problem: Hester Westaway is not Hal’s grandmother. The letter has been sent to the wrong person.

But Hal is a cold reader, practised in mining her clients for secrets about their lives. If anyone has the skills to turn up at a strange woman’s funeral and claim a bequest they’re not entitled to, it’s her.

With only one way out of her problems, Hal boards a train for Cornwall, and prepares for the con of her life. But something is very, very wrong at Trepassen House.  Hal is not the only person with a secret, and it seems that someone may be prepared to do almost anything to keep theirs hidden…


  1. Yes! I'm waiting for this one, too. I'm hoping it'd be a better read than The Lying Game. Like you, I didn't like it as much as her previous two books.

    1. I had definite issues with The Lying Game. This one sounds better.

  2. Oh, this is great news for me!! Sounds good. Will definitely have to check it out. Thank you!

    Here is mine for this week: http://www.bit.ly/arCWW1

    Hope you're having a good week!

    1. Think it might coming in June in your part of the world.

  3. I am pretty excited to read this one too. Great pick.

  4. I've read her other books too, and like them for the most part, so this one has me really curious! I think the Woman in Cabin 10 ws my favorite so far, but I'm intrigued by this one.

    1. I actually liked the first best, but the Cabin 10 book had such an interesting setting.

  5. Hope you get this book soon. I'm waiting for it too and have a hold at the library. I've read the first two and a friend gave me a copy of The Lying Game, and I hope to read that and the new one soon.

    1. Will be curious to see what you think about The Lying Game. I liked it, but not quite as much as the first two.

  6. I've seen this cover around a lot lately but I had no idea what it was about til now. The cover is so atmospheric!
    My Waiting on Wednesday for this week.

  7. I've only read The Woman in Cabin 10, but this sounds really good! I love the assumed identity aspect.

  8. I've been seeing this book everywhere, but this is actually the first time I've taken the time to read the synopsis and WOW, now I totally want to read it! I'm dying to know if Hal gets away with it all. Hope you enjoy it! :)

  9. On my list! I've only read In a Dark, Dark Wood, but need to catch up on this series.

    1. Not a series, Jenclair. All standalones. But, yes, you might try the other two as well.

  10. Vicki, this is the 4th book by this author. I really like how she writes - definitely thriller-type books.

  11. I need to make time for this one. I adore the Gothic look of that cover.

    1. If you like Gothic, I bet you'd like this.

  12. I only read In a Dark Dark Wood-- how creepy! I heard The Lying Game wasn't as good as the others, unfortunately it happens. The cover and title didn't pull me in for whatever reason, but now that I'm learning more about it, sure! I want to pick it up soon.

    1. Some really liked The Lying Game, but I got annoyed with one character a bit. I did like the boarding school angle in it. This one is definitely Gothic.

  13. I wasn't a fan of The Lying Game either but I'm really excited about this one! Have you tried the audio on any of them? Imogen Church has been the narrator so far and she is amazing!

    1. I have tried the audio. Our mystery group read the first one and I listened to it, though I had already read it in print. Imogen Church is really good!

  14. I'm excited about this one, too. E-ARCs are available on NetGalley, but my request got denied. Boo hoo. Maybe it's only available for UK readers??

    1. Well, it's out next week here. Bet your library has ordered it.

  15. I'll be reading this one shortly. It'll be my first Ruth Ware, but I've seen so many people rave about her earlier books, I couldn't resist. Hope we both enjoy it!

    1. Yes, hope you like it. It's very Gothic. I would also recommend Ware's first book - In a Dark Dark Wood.

  16. I haven't read this author yet but I have a couple of her books on my TBR.

  17. I enjoyed In A Dark, Dark Wood, but was disappointed with The Woman in Cabin 10. I didn't bother reading The Lying Game, so I'll be interested to hear what you think of this new release.

    1. This one is very Gothic - which I like. Think it will work better than The Lying Game - though that one did have a boarding school - I like those.

  18. I've got my eye on this one, too.

  19. I didn't like in a Dark dark wood, but I keep promising myself to give her other work a go so fingers crossed!

    1. If you didn't like the first, you might not like this one. Not sure.

  20. This sounds like an exciting thriller. I've enjoyed In A Dark, Dark Wood and the Woman in Cabin 10 so I can't wait to see what this author comes up with in this book.

    1. It is very Gothic. I finished it the other day.

  21. Great pick, I have In a Dark, Dark Wood by Ruth Ware but I have not read it yet, I heard great things about Ruth Ware books. I hope you enjoy this book when you get the chance to read it, thank you so much for stopping by my CWW post last week.

    1. I really liked In a Dark, Dark Wood. Hope you do too!


Thanks for stopping by! I am so happy to hear your thoughts and will respond as soon as I can. Happy Reading!