

Sunday, April 5, 2020

A Sunday afternoon walk...with more flowers blooming...

Hello book friends!  Just a quick note this Sunday afternoon.  I've been out for a lovely walk.  It rained all day long yesterday and it was hard not to grab an umbrella and walk regardless.  However, we were having thunderstorms now and then and I decided that walking with big partly metal implement in my hands was probably not smart.  Today it's cloudy and cool, but not raining.  Yay!!

I took a few pictures as I walked, talked to a couple of neighbors that were out, saw a little girl and her Dad riding bikes and the little girl told me that she isn't liking how school is now.  She misses her friends.  I told her that I missed my friends too.  Another neighbor was pulling weeds and another was walking just like I was.  A good day overall.  Here are some lovely blooms.  Enjoy and my hope is that you stay safe, sensible, and healthy!


  1. Glad you had a good day, Kay. Hints of color and even short personal interactions make a word of difference!

    1. They do indeed. Just exchanging a few words with a neighbor really brightens my spirits.

  2. Thanks for the lovely pictures! It does seem that people are more likely to at least wave or say hi than they used to.

    1. I agree about the waving and smiling. I will say that many of the neighbors that I have spoken with are ones that I don't know at all. And I wave at all the cars that go by.

  3. Your walk sounds delightful, Kay. And such beautiful flowers.

    1. Yes, as the days have passed, more and more are showing up.

  4. I quite like the idea of a walk in the rain. That might be all we get the next few days, as it is. Such beautiful photos along your walk. Kay. We didn't see many people out on our last walk. Just one man mowing his lawn while he still could. I hope you have a good week!

    1. Thanks, Wendy. Our neighborhood has seen a lot of walking, bike riding, and scooter riding. At appropriate distances. LOL

  5. I've just returned from my second walk of the day. The sun is shining and it's a beautiful day! Lots of whales and seals in the water right now and lots of people (spread out safely) walking the bluff trails. I should probably do some yardwork tomorrow, if it continues to be nice. I love this time of year on the coast! Thanks for sharing all the pretty photos.

    1. Oh, the whales and seals! How wonderful to get to see them. I love those bluff trails near your house. So, so gorgeous.

  6. Lovely flowers - I'm glad we have the flowers to brighten these dark days.

    1. Yes, it's amazing how much my mood improves when I'm walking, breathing deeply, and looking around at all the colors.

  7. I'm am so grateful not to live in a big city now; the outdoors is saving my sanity! Love getting to see everything starting to bloom. It's a good reminder that things will go on.

    1. Things will indeed go on and we've gotten enough rain that the blossoms are just beautiful. It will be getting hot before long, but I'm really enjoying the cool mornings.

  8. Pretty flowers. We have been walking most days too between the rain. I feel like the little girl you mentioned. I don't like not seeing my friends too. lol Settling in a bit more and trying to stay away from the news. Hope to see you next month.

    1. I hope to see you too, Gayle. I feel much better when I get out and walk in the mornings and the cool air is very nice. Not a bad time of year here for us to have to stay home. Think what it would be like in the summer and so humid.

  9. It's funny how much more active my neighborhood is since the quarantine started. More people are out walking, bike riding, doing yard work, playing catch, sitting on their porches, etc. than usual. It helps that the weather's been really nice lately.

    1. Yes, that's how it is here too. I'm really trying to take advantage of the cool mornings while we still have them. The humidity is not awful yet, but it will be in few weeks and temps will be way, way up.

  10. Pretty flowers! I'm glad to hear you'd a wonderful day, Kay. Lately my walks are all about trips to supermarkets and essential stores. It'd be nice to walk in the park or along the beach but I suppose I've become a worrywart since this virus situation. :(

    1. Yes, I'm lucky that we live in an area that I can walk and enjoy the cool air and colors. Summer will come though and it will be much less fun to be outside.

  11. Yesterday we had rain all day, and we were happy to have it. Later today or tomorrow I may try more yard cleanup.

    1. We've been pulling a few weeks all along. Our nice rains have made them easy to pull. Lots of our neighbors have been doing yard projects.

  12. What beautiful flowers. We haven't been walking regularly though I think I need to add it in or at least get some exercise in even if I'm not going outside. I didn't think it was going to make that big of a difference to my son as he's homeschooled but he's definitely missing the other kids in his co-op classes and even the interactions with the librarians and family members we see regularly.

    1. Yes, that little girl I saw was pretty sad about having to do school at home. Guess this is a new normal for a while. My allergies are fall and winter and so now I don't have to worry about being outside. Thank goodness!

  13. Vicki, I should know but I don't. That picture is from my front yard and we have several of those plants.

  14. The weather has been something. Cold, rainy. I don't mind it as it keeps people inside pretty much. I do like when the hillsides bloom after the rains though. A shot of color does the soul good.

    How are you doing? We are okay. Trying to stay home this week because everyone is saying this is the week that everyone must stay indoors. It's a little intimidating.

    1. We're doing OK, though a little stir-crazy. That's why I keep going out in the neighborhood for walks when I can. This too shall pass, but I'm trying to enjoy this time when our weather isn't super hot.

  15. Beautiful! We've been enjoying my favorite parks because I've heard there's overcrowding. but we've been spening quite a bit of time in our backyard. Our daffodils have arrived and help lighten the mood.

    1. Yes, the colors of the flowers are so cheerful. We can all use a little cheerful right now. :-)


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