

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Mystery Book Conferences cancelled....sad but necessary...

In the past few years I've been lucky enough to attend two different mystery book conferences - one of them twice.  Such a fun time.  I went to Left Coast Crime in 2016 when it was held in Phoenix.  Had a wonderful experience and my blog posts about it can be found in my archive to the right - March 2016.  After that, I attended the Malice Domestic mystery conference twice, 2017 and 2018.  Again, my experiences can be found in my archives, May 2017 and May 2018.  I met authors and attended award dinners, bid on wonderful charity auctions and won books, was given books, got to hear authors talk on panels.  Just was a major fangirl all around.

I debated whether I wanted to go this year and went back and forth regarding my decision.  After going to Malice two times, I wanted to go back to Left Coast Crime, which was being held in San Diego from March 12-15.  However, I waited too late to try to sign up and the conference hotel was full.  Deciding I didn't want to have to stay in a hotel several blocks away, I unhappily stayed home.  Turned out it was a good thing as it was cancelled soon after it began by the city of San Diego.  

Left Coast Crime 2020
These mystery conferences are sponsored and put on by all-volunteer non-profit organizations.  Each group also raises funds for literacy charities.  Malice Domestic is held each year in Bethesda, Maryland and they have a very faithful set of individuals who work hard to see that mystery authors and fans have a great time.  Left Coast Crime is also arranged and run by an all-volunteer crew, but the city changes each year.  The only requirement is that the host city be in the 'Left' part of the US - Mountain time or west of that.  

The Left Coast 'Lefty' Awards were voted on and announced virtually and you can check them out here.  I do feel so sorry for the hardworking committee that spent so much time planning and making sure this conference would be wonderful.  I remember being told about it and invited to attend by author Kathy Krevat, who served as the 'registrar'.

Next year, Left Coast Crime will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 8-11, 2021.  I'm definitely planning on attending.  All are invited!

Left Coast Crime 2021

As the situation changed, the Malice Domestic organizers at first thought to postpone the 2020 conference, which was to be held from May 1-3, 2020.  However, eventually they decided to also cancel the conference for this year.  The Agatha Awards will still be given and the nominated books will be voted on and the award winners announced in a special live streamed event.  Next year, the 33rd annual Malice Domestic will be held April 29-May 2, 2021.  I may consider attending that one as well.  If you're going to be around, you should think about attending.  It's a great conference and a lot of fun!

Malice Domestic
Other mystery awards, such as the Edgars, will still be presented in some manner, but decisions regarding that are up in the air.  The summer and fall mystery conferences are also in the 'to be decided' category.  Bouchercon 2020, the largest mystery conference, is scheduled to be held in Sacramento on October 15-18.  Only time will tell what will happen.


Otherwise, hope everyone reading here will be safe, sensible, and remain healthy.  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh, that's too bad! But probably better to cancel then to try to reschedule - who knows what the rest of this year is going to be like.

    1. Exactly. And the awards are still being voted on and presented, though not with as much publicity as usual I guess.

  2. I know it is disappointing, but given the circumstances, it isn't surprising that these conferences have been cancelled. I had wanted to go to the Lantern Festival in Fort Worth this year, but decided early in March not to get tickets. As Angela mentioned, who knows what the rest of the year will be like.

    1. I agree and I was actually surprised that Left Coast actually began, even though it had to be cancelled ultimately. I think at that time there were contractual obligations that made it really difficult. The city order to close took those away I think.

  3. It's all really sad. So many disappointed people. It's for the best of course, but I feel so sorry for everyone concerned.

    1. Oh, yes. I just know that a lot of hard work goes into them and then to find that they wouldn't take place - really sad, but necessary to cancel.

  4. Definitely necessary but definitely sad as well. Given all the stuff that's going to be trying to reschedule last minute I think cancelling is probably smart. I hope next year will be amazing for all involved!

    1. I imagine that next year will be full of fun, assuming we're not still struggling with this whole situation. Please, no!

  5. They cancelled our library conference in Houston this year, but I understand the cancellation completely. I love to go to it every year. I'm sorry you also missed out on going to a book conference that you love.

    1. Yes, well, I had already decided not to go, but I do feel sorry for all the planners and committee who had put so much effort into this event and then had it not happen. I'm sure next year will be a banner year and also for your library conference.

  6. I've mentioned LCC in Albuquerque a couple of times to Denis, and he's not shown the slightest bit of interest, which is a shame. I'd like to go to the conference and go to Santa Fe (which I love) either before or after. Maybe with all this enforced no-go time, he'll look at LCC-NM differently!

    1. Oh, yes! That would be lovely. Perhaps he will decide that going would be fun after this year's stay-at-home time. I'm betting they will pull out all the stops next year if they can. Do it up really big.

  7. Yes, I think that many people had already cancelled their trips. And I also know that this is not a unique situation at all - just the one I was most familiar with. Yes, I'm hoping for next year.

  8. It is a sad all the events that are being cancelled. I was really sad when they announced they were cancelling the Scripps National Spelling Bee this year...it's one of my favorite things to watch every May. :(

    1. Yes, all the annual events - my husband may never recover from the loss of sports. I know they will come back and it was necessary, but the changes in the world are so varied and vast. Thank goodness for technology in order to stay in contact virtually.

  9. I've read your posts about these and it sounds like so much fun to attend one of these conferences. I hope I get to go to one, one day. I'll happily imagine being there next year and maybe all those good thoughts will come true!

    1. The one in NM wouldn't be so very far. Plus close to Santa Fe or Taos for further vacationing. You might think about it.


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